冀教版七年级英语上册 Lesson 19 Time for Breakfast导学案(无答案)

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1、Lesson 19 Time for Breakfast【学习目标】 掌握本课单词restaurant ,fifteen, would, delicious 和短语 a glass of. .和句型Time for. What would you like for.? 提升语言表达能力。 【重点难点】 1. 通过自主学习,合作探究,灵活运用所学句式编制对话。 2. 了解中西方饮食文化的差异,积极参与,大胆展示,享受学习的快乐 。【学习流程】自主学习 判断正误,正确的用T,错误的用F。( 1 ).It is time for breakfast . ( )( 2 ) . Lynn would l

2、ike some bread and a cup of tea. ( ) ( 3 ) . Jenny wants to have some cereal. ( ) 2. 短语 (1)a glass/ cup of (2)put . on (3) have .for lunch (3)想喝些汤 (5 ) 吃早饭 (6)一些饺子 合作探究 1) Id like some dumplings . 2) I want some apples 3) I want to put sugar on my cereal. 4) You can put your book on the desk. 思考; 例句

3、1)的句意是 . 2) 的意思是 从例句1) ,2)中可知would like 与动词want 都意为 ,它们常用于提出 或 的句型。常见结构;想要某物 想要做某事 3)句意为 思考:根据例句3)可知on为 词,意思为 。根据例句4)可知on为 词,意思为 。put on 意为 5、). Time for breakfast !是吃早饭的时间了。6.) It is time to have breakfast. 是吃早饭的时间了。思考;1)结合例句5)和6), 总结表达“是.的时间了/该.的时间了”的两种表达式。第一种 ; 第二种; 达标测评I.单项选择( )1.Could you pleas

4、e get me some ? Im hungry . A apple B.water C.bread D.egg ( ) 2.I want to eat fish . ? I want to eat some chicken.A.How about chicken Bwhat would you like chicken C.How about you D.Whats for breakfast ? ( )3. I would like _bread and juice for lunch . A a, a. B some , a C.some , a glass of D. a, a glass of II.根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. Mother wants to put (糖) on the porridge(粥)The soup is very (美味的) . My friends all love it. We often go to the (餐馆) to have lunch near our office. I need (一玻璃杯 ) 5.We (想要) some apples 6. You cant walk with your two (脚)。



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