外研版四年级下册英语 期末真题汇编卷(二)

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1、期末真题汇编卷(二) 时间: 40分钟满分: 100分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一总分得分听力部分 (40分)一、山东省德州市 听录音,选出你所听句子中包含的单词或短语。(10 分)( )1. A. lesson B. learn C. clean( )2. A. happen B. headache C. homework( )3. A. by bus B. by plane C. by train( )4. A. him B. he C. his( )5. A. chair B. have C. hair二、海南省儋洲市 听录音, 根据听到的句子,选出相符的图片,将其标号填在相应的横线上。

2、(10 分)A. B. C. D. E. 1._ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _三、 河南省平顶山市 听录音,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(10 分)( )1. A. B. ( )2. A. B. ( )3. A. B. ( )4. A. B. ( )5. A. B.四、 福建省漳州市 听一听,排一排,填一填。根据你听到的对话顺序及图示, 将下列图片重新排列成一个完整的故事,并将其标号填在相应括号内。(10 分) A B C D E依次为1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )笔试部分 (60分)五、 河南省周口市 根据提示,将下列单词分类,将序号填入相应的框

3、内。(5 分)A. shy B. warmC. Friday D. wentE. saw F. SundayG. clever H. windyI. Wednesday J. naughtyK. took L. hot六、 山西省临汾市 看图,根据句意和首字母提示,完成所缺的单词,把句子补充完整。(注意单词形式)(5 分)1. Mary clothes last Sunday. 2. They took me to the . 3. Did you travel by ?4. They are playing . 5. It is today. 七、 山东省聊城市 单项选择。(10 分)( )

4、1. Tell about your birthday party. A. me B. my C. I( )2. It be sunny in Beijing. A. is going B. will C. is( )3. We and danced in the park last Sunday. A. sang B. singed C. sing( )4. She short then. She tall now. A. was;is B. were;is C. is;was( )5. Did you the Great Wall ?Yes,I did. A. visiting B. vi

5、sited C. visit八、 河南省平顶山市 根据对话内容,选择正确的图片。(10 分)( )1. A: Whats this ?B: Its a computer. ( )2. A: What are they doing now ?B: Theyre calling now. ( )3. A: Did you live in Beijing ?B: Yes,I did. ( )4. A: Is the little boy cute ?B: Yes,he is. ( )5. A: What happened to her leg ?B: She fell off her bike. 九

6、、 陕西省咸阳市 完形填空。(10 分)Sam and Daming 1. _a bike 2. _yesterday. And then they3. _hungry and thirsty. But they didnt buy 4. _ water. They5. a watermelon. Sam 6. _the watermelon on the bike. Sam couldnt hold the watermelon and he 7. _his bike. And Daming 8. _his head. Then Sam 9. _Daming and the watermel

7、on 10. _the hospital. ( )1. A. go to B. went for C. go for( )2. A. ride B. rode C. rides( )3. A. were B. was C. are( )4. A. some B. many C. any( )5. A. buy B. bought C. buying( )6. A. carried B. carry C. carrying( )7. A. fall off B. fell off C. fell of( )8. A. bump B. bumps C. bumped( )9. A. takes B

8、. took C. take( )10. A. to B. on C. in十、 四川省广安市 选择合适的选项补全对话,将序号写在横线上。(10 分)(G =Grandma,A =Amy)G: Hello,Amy. This is Grandma. A: Hello,Grandma. G: 1. _A: It rained yesterday,so I did my homework at home. G: Will it rain tomorrow ?A: 2. _ It will be cloudy. G: Well. You can come here with your parents

9、. 3. _A: Great! I like dumplings. 4. _G: 5. _A: Yes,I will. And I will take her ball. G: OK. See you tomorrow. A: See you. A. They are delicious.B. Will you take your little cat?C. No, it won t.D. What did you do yesterday ?E. I will cook fish and dumplings for you.十一、 辽宁省朝阳市 阅读理解,判断句子正(T) 误(F)。(10

10、分)Dear Daming,I m on holiday in Beijing now. I came here by plane with my mum. Yesterday we went to the Beijing Zoo. We saw pandas. They were so cute. We also ate some noodles. They were very delicious. My mum and I like noodles very much. It will be sunny tomorrow,so we will visit the Great Wall. I

11、 will take some pictures there. I am so happy. I love Beijing. I will see you next week. Yours,Sam( )1. Sam is on holiday in Beijing now. ( )2. Sam went to Beijing by train. ( )3. Sam and his mum like noodles very much. ( )4. It will be windy tomorrow. ( )5. Daming will visit the Great Wall tomorrow

12、. 期末真题汇编卷(二)听力材料:一、1. They will help children learn. 2. Lingling had a headache yesterday. 3. Did he travel by plane ?4. Tom is a good boy. I love him. 5. Now my hair is long. 二、1. My little brother played on the computer. 2. My dad cooked noodles. 3. They rowed a boat on the lake. 4. Its Buckingham

13、 Palace. Its big and beautiful. 5. This is my friend. He is very naughty. 三、1. They were young then. 2. Will you take your ball tomorrow ?3. It will be sunny in London. 4. Mary has got a cold. 5. She went to school by bike. 四、 1. Girl:Dad,we had a picnic last Sunday. Father:Was it fun ?2. Boy:Yes,it

14、 was. We went there by bus. 3. Girl:And we saw some birds. They sang beautifully. 4. Boy:We ate some food and drank some drinks. Girl:We played games. Father:Oh,you had a good time!5. Boy: And we walked in the park. We listened tomusic. We sang and danced. Girl:We helped teachers too. Father:Oh,you had a busy day!答案:一、1. B 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C二、1. E 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C三、1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. B四、1



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