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1、湖南省湘潭市县继述桥中学2020-2021学年高三英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. _ with two overpacked suitcases,I arrived at the airport just in time for my flight()AArmingBArmedCTo armDArm参考答案:B提着两个超负荷的行李箱,我到机场时刚刚好赶上我的航班前后两句用逗号隔开,前面做伴随状语表主语的状态,应用非谓语形式,行李箱是被手臂拉的,是被动的关系,应用armed,故选B考查过去分词做状语,主要是根据语境与句意来选择合适的答案2. It is by no means clear t

2、he president can do to end the strike.A. how B. which G that D. what参考答案:D略3. It was not long before their decision not to lend him anything ever again was _the test.A. put forward B. put to C. put up D. put off参考答案:B4. It is really _useful dictionary, _dictionary every one of us needs. A. an; a B.

3、a; the C. the; a D. a; a参考答案:D5. _ youre aware of the trick used in advertisements, I dont think you are eager to buy. A. Once B . Although C. While D. Unless 参考答案:A6. Everyone has periods in their lives _ everything seems very hard. A. where B. when C. which D. that 参考答案:B略7. The parents cant expla

4、in _ makes their children so fascinated with their teachers lessons. A. that what it is B. what it is that C. what is it that D. that what is it参考答案:考点:考查强调句的特殊问句和宾语从句8. I dont think the experiment is _ failure. At least we have gained _ experience for future success. A.不填;the B. a; the C. a ; 不填 D.

5、不填; 不填 参考答案:C9. Frankly speaking, I am not sure whether I _ this in the old days with that kind of equipment, which looks quite odd and ridiculous.A. should have doneB. need have doneC. would have doneD. must have done参考答案:C【详解】考查情态动词+have done。句意:坦率地说,我不确定在过去我是否会用这种设备做这件事,这看起来很奇怪和可笑。A. should have

6、done表示本应该做某事,而实际上没有做某事;B. need have done表示本来需要做某事而没有做;C. would have done虚拟语气,表示对过去事情的假设,意思是“本来会做”;D. must have done表示对过去事情的肯定推测,译成“一定做过某事”,故选C。10. A better plan was _at yesterdays meeting.Aput forward Bput away Cput down Dput on参考答案:A略11. Many standardized tests in our life turned out to be simple,

7、beyond expectations. Awhich was Bthey are Cwhich were Dit is参考答案:A12. I bought this shirt at a(n)_of 20%, so I saved ten dollars. A.benefit B.income C.discount D.bargain参考答案:C13. The beauty of the West Lake is _ description.A. beside B. by C. below D. beyond参考答案:D14. -Is everything settled? -Not yet

8、. _ I approached the problem, I couldnt find a solution. A. Whatever B. HoweverC. WheneverD. Wherever 参考答案:D15. The official website of theLondon2012 Olympic Games is _ volunteers to help make this historic event a success.A. calling for B. caring for C. standing for D. sending for参考答案:A16. No one c

9、an understand she managed to survive for 30 years thereits just unbelievable. A.whenB.howC.whatD.where参考答案:B二、 书面表达17. 书写是中学生日常学习中很重要的一项技能, 而如今, 老师、家长、学生对书写的重视程度降低了请结合你的感受写一篇100词左右的英文短文, 分析造成该现象的原因, 并发表自己的看法要点如下:1简要介绍该现象;2分析原因;3你的看法_参考答案:Handwriting is one of the most important skills in students da

10、ily study.Nowadays,however,teachers,students and their parents are paying less attention to handwriting.There are many reasons explaining the phenomenon,and the main one of which is the growing popularity of computers.Many students may think that they can just use a computer,so there is no need to w

11、aste time improving it.Whats more,the students are so occupied with their lessons and homework every day that they have no adequate time to practice it.In my opinion,just as the saying goes,writing style shows the man.Beautiful and neat handwriting is beneficial, especially for middle school student

12、s.Therefore,more emphasis should be placed on this aspect in future.本题考查提纲类作文。首先要认真审题,书写是中学生日常学习中很重要的一项技能,而如今,老师、家长、学生对书写的重视程度降低了。请结合你的感受写一篇100词左右的英文短文,分析造成该现象的原因,并发表自己的看法。要点如下:1.简要介绍该现象;2.分析原因;3.你的看法。其次要确定时态,表示客观事实,所以这篇文章要使用一般现在时。然后要确定文章的结构,按照题目所给内容逐条翻译即可。在写作过程中,上下文意思要连贯,符合逻辑关系,一定要契合题目所给出的信息,不要出现偏题

13、问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有文采。词数控制在100左右。【亮点说明】这篇短文使用了一些高级句型。Many students may think that they can just use a computer,so there is no need to waste time improving it. 这里含有一个宾语从句。18. 短文写作(共1题;满分25分)请根据以下内容提示,写一篇英文日记。(题头已写好)活动项目与同学去西山(West Mountain)野餐时间安排昨天(11月13日,星期天)早上在校门口集合,7点出发活动过程骑车到达山脚,一小时后爬上山顶,领略美景(beautiful scenery)活动内容照相、唱歌、跳跃、做游戏、下棋 play chess、午餐,玩得开心,3点后下山回家,筋疲力尽。写作要点:1. 适当运用连接词使文章连贯;2. 大约100词左右Nov. 13th, Sunday Cloudy参考答案:三、 阅读理解19. 阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的(


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