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1、2013 届高考英语一轮复习课时知能训练:选修 Sharing7 Unit 4I?阅读理解(2012 ?惠州调研 ) Someday a stranger will read your e-mail without your permissionor scan the Website youve visited , or perhaps someone will casually glance throughyour credit card purchases or cell phone bills to find out your shopping preferences or calli

2、ng habits.矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖。矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖賃。In fact , its likely that some of these things have already happened to you.Who would watch youwithout your permission? It might be a spousemarketing company , a boss, a cop or a criminal.Whoever it is you never intended toseen the_21st_century_replacement_of_being_c

3、aught_naked.鐺險爱氇谴净祸。Psychologists tell us boundaries are healthy,yourself to friends , family and lovers in stages, a girl friend , a, they will see you in a waybe聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净。聞創沟燴that its important to revealat appropriate times.But fewboundaries remain.The digital bread crumbs to reconstruct who you

4、are(碎屑 ) you leave everywhere make it easy for strangers , where you are and what you like.In somecases, a simple Google search can reveal what you think.Like it or not where you simply cannot keep a secret.锩瀨濟溆塹籟婭。, increasingly we live in a world残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟。残骛楼諍The key question is: Does that matter

5、?For many Americans , the answer apparently isWhenopinion polls ask Americans about privacy survey found a strong bad feeling about privacy respondents saying they feel their privacy is slipping“no ”, most say they are concerned about losing it.A , with 60 percent ofaway , and that bothers me. 酽锕极額閉

6、镇桧猪訣锥。酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥顧。But people say one thing and do another.Only a tiny part of Americans change any behaviors in aneffort to preserve their privacy.Few people turn down a discount at tollbooths ( 收费站 ) to avoidusing the EZ- Pass system that can track automobilemovements.And few turn down supermarket

7、loyalty cards.Privacy economist Alessandro Acquisti has run a series of tests that reveal people will give away personal information like SocialSecurity numbers just to get their hands on a pitiful 50- cent- off coupon ( 优惠券 ) . 彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖卤庑。彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖卤庑诒。But privacy does matter at least sometimes.Its l

8、ike health: Whenyou have ityou dont notice it.Only when its gone do you wish youd done more to protect it.荞抟箧飆鐸怼类蒋薔點。,謀荞抟箧飆鐸怼类蒋薔。謀【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了信息时代的隐私保护问题。1. What does the author mean by saying “the 21st century replacement of beingcaught naked ? 厦礴恳蹒骈時盡继價骚。厦礴恳蹒骈時盡继價骚卺。A. Peoples personal informati

9、on is easily accessed without their knowledge.茕桢广鳓鯡选块网羈泪镀。B. In the 21st century people try every means to look into others secrets.尽損鹌惨歷茏鴛賴縈。C. People tend to be more frank with each other in the information age. 羥为贍偾蛏练淨。籟丛妈羥为贍偾蛏练淨槠。D. Criminals are easily caught on the spot with advanced technolog

10、y.歲龈讶骅籴。預頌圣鉉儐歲龈讶骅籴買。茕桢广鳓鯡选块网羈泪。鹅娅尽損鹌惨歷茏鴛賴。鹅娅籟丛妈預頌圣鉉儐【解析】 句意理解题。 “the 21st century replacement of being caught naked 1 / 5这句话的字面意思是 “相当于 21 世纪被人看到裸体 ”。结合上下文可知,这句话意为信息时代,个人信息很容易被人看到,隐私被人窥视,和过去被人看到裸体一样。“在 21 世纪 ”A项的说法与此一致。 B 项的说法与 A 项有一定的相似之处,但是 B 项强调有人窥探别人隐私的行为,而原文是强调隐私被”人看到,突出后果,故 B 项并不准确。 C 项和文意相距甚远

11、,是对 “be caught naked ”词组的错误理解。 渗釤呛俨匀谔鱉调硯錦。渗釤呛俨匀谔鱉调硯錦鋇。【答案】 A2 What would psychologists advise on the relationships between friends?卧泻噦圣骋贶頂廡。铙誅卧泻噦圣骋贶頂廡缝。A Friends should open their hearts to each other.B Friends should always be faithful to each other.C There should be a distance even between friends

12、.而 D 项铙誅D There should be fewer arguments between friends. 【解析】 推理判断题。 根据第三段的第一、 二句可知,to reveal yourself to friends , family and lovers in stages ,朋友、家人、爱人展现自我的重要性,等同于C 项正确。 “ .its importantat appropriate times. ” 这句话表达了向 A 项所说的向彼此敞开心怀,但要注意句尾的两个状语对 “敞开心怀 ”的方式进行了限制。整体分析第二个宾语从句, important 实际上强调的是两个状语,

13、也就是在 in stages 和 at appropriatetimes 的前 提下向朋友敞开心扉是重要的,而不是敞开心扉本身。由此可知 C 项的说法更为准确,而 A项并不是作者的意图。 B、 D 两项在两个宾语从句中都没有提到,可以排除。 擁締凤袜备訊顎轮烂蔷。擁締凤袜备訊顎轮烂蔷報。【答案】 C3 Why does the author say “we live in a world where you simply cannot keepa secret ”? 贓熱俣阃歲匱阊邺镓騷。贓熱俣阃歲匱阊邺镓騷鯛。A Modern society has finally developed into an open society.忏蒌鍥铃氈淚跻。B People leave traces around when using modern technology.伥铉锚鈰赘籜。C There are always people who are curious about o



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