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1、模块综合检测错误 !。阅读理解 ( 共 15小题;每小题2 分,满分 3分)阅读下列短文 , 从每题所给的A、B、C和四个选项中 , 选出最佳选项。AHst icalfict nllows e young to eperienc his ory inan e terta ning ay, o ee p op or olearnabutoherimes andl s.The f win someboks w ich are ure tobing ourhild en ifferet e perence。Cas le Di ry: TheJourna of To ias BurgessAutho:

2、Riha tIllustat r: Chr Rid ell eview( 概要 ) : W th ano ize or at( 开本 ) and won e ully detailed illustrations, y un drs ge a fisthand iewof daii e n acatl 12 5asToias urgess, w oi 1 ye r ol , ecnts his experics s anew pag (男侍 ) ards:arent Coice ard ,Notabe SoalStuies ade Boks oYoung Peopleul sher:andle

3、wckres Pulic tion Da e: 19 9Johnny TremaiA hr: Esther orbevervi w :St nthe 1770s, e stor of Johnny Tremain, 1 - year.old orph n(孤儿) ,isa drama ic e,focu g is involveet nth elu onar Waan the ffect hanhis lifeAw r : 1944 John Newbe yMedalPblis e: oughon if lin HarourtPublicat on Date : 1 3Th Evutono C

4、alpuna TateAuto:Jaqueine Kell?Oveview:S in Texas in 899, his s t e t ryof Calp r ia Ta e whis more it re tedn ience and nature ha nern to be a la y an er fe wi hra ly , which ncludesix brt es.Awa d: N wbery r kPubi her :Heny H tublication Date: 2 9Acrs FiveAp i sAuthor :Irene HuntOvervew: This noeco

5、vers ive ears nthe lifeof yo et roreigh on andf cuses n t e Civi Waraff cts lifef r Jetho, fromthe ge of 9 o 14, ahis amily n the r so t eIllinosfarm。Awards: Five, icl ing recognitionas a 1 5N wber Horoublisher: Follett Corporationu ation Da e: 64语篇解读 :本文是应用文 , 介绍了四本适合孩子们的读物.1Which two persons hre a

6、 similalife xperi nce?A.Tbi s urgess & ohnny Tea。B.apur iaTte&Je ro Crei ht n。C.Tobas Bur ess & Ca urnia Tat。D.Jhnny Trema & ehro Cr ighton 。解析: 选 D 细节理解题 . 根据JohnyTeai 中的 “the sty of ohnny Tr ma n .focusig on h s i volve en i theRevolut onay War and te e fe tt o s li以及Across Fi eAprls中的“thelifeof y

7、o nJethro re ghton 。. ow th Cvi War affeclifefor Jethr”可知,这两本书的主人公的生活都受到了战争的影响2.Watcan ar about e Evolui nofCalpura Tat?I s scece f t n。B.I s tor hapns in acasle.Its f ueson a g rls ci dood.?D.I he las book to comeou og th ur解析:选 D 细节理解题根据每本书的出版日期可知D项正确。3.Whic of the ll ing pu ses abookthate n the o

8、sawards?AHe ry。B.Fll tt Co prtion 。C.Cndlewck Press.Hough on ifflin Harcou。解析:选B 细节理解题。根据cos Fi Aril 中的 “wrd:Fve,i cluding e ognt on as a 965 Newbery oo Boo ”和“Publ sher : olle t Corporat on可知 ,Folle t C rpoatio 出版的这本书是四本书中获奖最多的。Bl n Nvs i kn n th “o td o cap al ” f Sco la d。 B tain ighe mountin , B

9、en evs, rie bove the ea, hile the wters o he Ri r Nevislowt r ugh t e cky va leybelow. The wnderful sceneyatt acts w l ers and climbers l t ugh t asons,tho g its old in nt .Du in th sue nt s,oo th s citi activities theyearlyGlenNe iver Race , n whch competitos ra e f r threek lometr s long t e riv r

10、 , unt ina b t 。 Inst ,eaccompetit r uses i o, plas c il e wit air nomally u ed fo c mping orf ting n t e sea, to race aong hri e。 Th reareroc s, water l s nd ecos th sca na sike De d Dg Pol and th Leg eaker for thm to gettrogh。Cmp itor eoff sconntervals (间隔 )by jum g wih er i os frm a t n she a roc

11、k ino he f st 。flow ng wat2 met es b lo . t ca takeaythin r m 2 minutes to owo hurs to cm ete the coue,dependi g the level f he r vr and abi i ie t e c petitor。The only ulesar t atcometitor must be a le st 16 years od, an shold prov e their ocrash helmet(防撞头盔 ),aru ber we s tand a life jacet 。 Glo e

12、s and old tr nes e gesed protect aa knocks Teost impo t ntqualifict on ( 资格 ), howeve , sa s ne of un.?The ra e is f l ofexciting moments, andth gr at t of heseis at the Lower F l e , here te r fied comp ti oshave ump vr aen- metrewatef l not fa fro t e fiish. Morhan3,0 0 athl h e tak part nth race

13、du ng i s 30 - eari tory 。Thi 30 entr fee h lps to raise money forhe moutai rescue te, whose members pro i eane nti l se vic in th re ionfo free 。The riz s mayn be fa tas ic, ut v yone r ceive a certificat( 证书 ) of cmpleti n a d the wine get t e t eRiv r ace hamp on and allwh akepart gre thati isoth

14、 if r th sf ng fee i g of reacing te end sa ely.语篇解读 :本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了苏格兰的格伦尼维斯河比赛。4W a do eknow bout t e G Nevs RerR e?A.Itisually held inwinter.B.Its winnrs receivegran priz。It is intrestin t ugh te ifficult.D.Its participans ha et sw for k 。解析: 选 C 推理判断题由第二段中的“ eof the mst excitincti ities和“Thre re

15、roc , wate alls .。 。theLegBraker othem to getthroug 。”可知,格伦尼维斯河比赛难度很大, 但也有趣。Accrdi to e t t, o co plet th race,_ _.Ath co petitos ab li ie matte . he qu li yofthe ilos playsa eyroleC hlev lfhe i er oes mtter muchD hrac rs perfrmnc count orehan speed解析: 选 A 细节理解题。由第三段中的“I c n ake anyt ing。 d pendng n

16、 h evof the rie and th abiliies of theop to 。”可知,在比赛中 , 参赛者的能力起决定作用6Wha s Par graph 4 main y a out ??A.The ru es o th omp tition.BTherequiremen for copetitos.M thod wi ing e cometition.Waysto protect yuaganst injies.解析: 选 B 段落大意题 . 由该段中的 “ e onl ru es”和“hud oid ”以及“he mot imp tantqualificaion ( 资格)”可知 ,本段主要介绍了对参赛者的要求.7 hat can e ean fro th last w aragraphs?A. st ompe it rsgi up halfway.B.he t letes hav to p y f r the rscue.C arti ipan s fe l a ish ng herac is wortwhil D. ot 3,00 peoleprt cipa e



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