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1、八年级上期英语寒假作业八年级上期英语寒假作业千里之行,始于足下.成功从点滴的积累开始Exercise 1Exercise 1一.这里有一些有用的短语你记住了吗?互译下列短语来检测一下你的记忆力吧!1.Of course _ 2.healthy lifestyle _ 3.look after _ 4.stay healthy_ 5.see the doctor_ 6.it doesnt matter_ 7.多久一次_ 8.至于,关于 _ 9.一星期一次_ 10.吃药, _ 11. 咳嗽_ 12.垃圾食品厂_二.睁开慧眼,精挑细选1.-How often do you do morning ex

2、ercise?-_. A. Many times B. For half an hour C. Every morning D. In the morning2. My eating habits _ yours.A. is same as B. are same as C. is the same as D. are the same as3. Good food and exercise _ me to study better.A. help B. helps C. helping D. to help4. I_ listen to jazz, I love it.A. often B.

3、 sometimes C. hardly ever D. never5. Can you _ _ your health?A. look after B. look at C. look for D. look around 6. Do you often go out to eat? -Not often, but _ I go out. A. sometimes B. never C. usually D. always7. I want you _ with me every day.A. exercise B. to exercise C. exercises D. 8. -_ doe

4、s she do on weekend?-She often goes to the movies.A. How B. What C. when D. Why9. Drinking milk every day _ good _ your health.A. are, to B. is, for C. is, to D are, for10. The students in Class Two always exercise a lot._homework, they finish it very often.A. To B. As for C. As D. As to11. - How ar

5、e you today?- _, thank you.A. pretty healthy B. very health C. pretty well三.阅读青春,放飞激情,越读越喜悦,越读越精神Tina: I think Im kind of unhealthy, Tony._Tony: I am sorry to hear that._Tina: Because every day I have a lot of homework and lessons to do at school.Tony: Bad! What do you usually do after school?Tina:

6、_Tony: How many hours do you watch TV every night?Tina: _Tony: Why not spend your two hours of watching TV exercisingTina: _A. Three hours.B. I must exercise from now on(从今以后)C. I usually watch TV.D. I hardly ever exercise.E。Why dont you exercise, Tina? 四.读一读,做一做你的阅读能力在提高在日常生活中,健康的饮食习惯是非常重要的.请阅读短文,完

7、成下列任务Good eating habits I think my eating habits are pretty good. Noodles and rice are my favorite. I eat them every day because I know they are good for my health. Bread is my favorite breakfast, and also eggs. I eat them every day. Sometimes I have them for supper. I also try to eat a lot a lot of

8、 vegetables. Usually I eat them eight or eleven times a week. I eat a lot of fruit, seven or nine times a week. I like drinking milk, usually twice a day. Sometimes I eat meat and fish three times a week. Of course, I like junk food, but I only eat it once a week.五.小诗欣赏TimeWho can see time? Neither

9、you or I.When the clock ticks, ticks, tick,Time is passing by.Where can you see time?Neither in the day or at night.The teachers white hair, white hair,Tells us times flying by.做完该练习你一定体会到了成功的快乐,祝贺你!Exercise 2OK, boys and girls, 要想超越别人,首先得超越自己。不断确立新的目标,不断迎接新的挑战,拿出勇气来吧,你能行,Lets go!一. 小小翻译家 1. 另一方面_ 2

10、. 看牙医_ 3.保持一个平衡_4. 卧床休息_ 5. 感冒_ 6. 咳嗽_7. 平衡的饮食_ 8. 保持年轻_二对号入座1.Whats the matter, Judy? - _A.I have a stomach B. I have some stomach C.I have stomaches D. I have a stomachache2. It is important _eight hours a night.A. to you to sleep B. for you to sleep C. for you for sleep D. to you for sleep3. -Wou

11、ld you mind lending me some money? -_.Here you are.A. Yes B. Of course C. Sure D. Of course not4. You should eat yang food, _beef or lamb, to give you more energy.时间时间谁能看得见你看不见, 我看不见。时钟滴答响不停,时间一去不复返。时间哪儿能看得见?不在白天,不在夜里。老师的白发告诉我们,日月如梭年复一年。A. like B. unlike C. dislike D. as5. He eats _food, so he is _

12、fat.A. much too, much too B. too much, too much C. much too, too much D. too much, much too6. He studies _. He _ plays outside after school.A. hard, hard B. hardly, hardly C. hard, hardly D. hardly, hard7.-Can you tell us how to learn English? -We should practice _ it every day.A. listening and spee

13、ch B. listen and speak C. to speak and listen D. listening and speaking8. You have to eat _ if you want to keep healthy.A. fewer food B. few food C. less food D. little food9. - The milk looks _. Drink some, my boy? - No, thanks. I dont feel_ today.A. good, good B. good, well C. well, well D. well,

14、good10. _ get off until the bus stop.A. Dont B. Do C. Not D. No激活思维,展示潜能,大胆尝试吧!三活学活用1. Who _ (teach) you English in your class?2. Id like _ (talk) to you after class. 3. Its time _ (go) to school.4. Look! Your father and mother _ (come) to see you.5. Jim did _ (bad) of all in the long jump.6. Please

15、 give me some water. Im t _.7. Do you like dumplings? They are t _ food in China.8. Jim is clever, He can work out these p _9. Its easy _ (write) an e-mail.10.-ho do you think can win the chess game? -We b_ Peter can win.四宽带思维1.Katrina exercises once a day (对画线部分提问)_ _ _ Katrina exercise?2.Whats wro

16、ng with you?(改为同意句). _the _ with you?3. I think I am getting a cold(该为否定句). _ _ _ getting a cold.4.均衡的饮食能帮助你保持健康(翻译). _.5.不要太紧张,这对你的健康没好处 (翻译)._在实践中学习,在学习中探究,多思考、多动笔,你会成功的.六小小作家有很多同学早上不吃早餐,这是一个不好的习惯,对身体有很大的害处,请根据这种现象,写一篇短文,指出不吃早餐的危害,字数6080。提示:1.不吃早餐对身体有害2不吃早餐会影响上课参考词汇: have breakfast, be bad for, if feel hungry, listen to, carefully, need energy, should _发散思维-挑战极限 1. Better late than never. 2. Im coming back in a minuteA. 迟到比不到强暴 B.迟到 C.最好不迟到 A. 立刻 B. 一样 C. 一点儿3.Thats much too dear. A. 太好看报 B. 太


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