全新版大学英语综合教程第四册 -伊利诺伊之旅

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1、 全新版大学英语综合教程第四册 :伊利诺伊之旅The soil of the Illinois prairies is fat, rich and thick. After spring plowing it looks oil-blackened or colored by the soft coal which occurs in great veins throughout the state. In the fields you frequently see a small tipple, or a crazy-looking device that pumps oil and nod

2、s like the neck of a horse at a quick walk. () Along the roads, with intervals between them as neat and even as buttons on the cuff, sit steel storage bins, in form like the tents of Mongolia. They are filled with grain. And the elevators and tanks, trucks and machines that crawl over the fields and

3、 blunder over the highways - whatever you see is productive. It creates wealth, it stores wealth, it is wealth.伊利诺伊大草原上,土壤肥沃、丰产而深厚。春耕之后,泥土油亮乌黑,像是被遍布全州的大矿脉里松软的烟煤染过似的。田野上你经常看到一种小型翻卸车,一种样子滑稽的抽油用的装置,就像飞奔中马匹的颈部上下抖动 沿途屹立着形似蒙古包的铁皮谷仓,它们之间的间距犹如袖口的纽扣般排列得整齐划一。里面储满了谷物。还有升降机、贮存罐、卡车、机器缓慢地行驶在田野上,笨拙地奔跑在大路上你所见到的一切都能

4、产生经济效益。这块土地制造财宝,这块土地储存财宝,这块土地本身就是财宝。As you pass the fields, you see signs the farmers have posted telling in short code what sort of seed they have planted. The farmhouses are seldom at the roadside, but far within the fields. The solitude and silence are deep and wide. Then, when you have gone ten

5、or twenty miles through cornfields without having seen a living thing, no cow, no dog, scarcely even a bird under the hot sky, suddenly you come upon a noisy contraption at the roadside, a system of contraptions, rather, for husking the corn and stripping the grain. It burns and bangs away, and the

6、conveyor belts rattle.当你穿过田野时,你见到农场主见贴的指示牌,上面用简短的标记写明他们播下的是什么种子。农舍通常不在路边,而是建在田野深处。那份寂寥和静谧既肤浅又广阔。当你穿行在玉米田间,行驶了十里,二十里,却看不到一个活物,看不到牛看不到狗,连晴热天空下的飞鸟也难见到,这时,突如其来地,你会见到路旁有个发出噪声的新颖的机械装置,或者说是一组机械装置,那是用来剥玉米壳碾谷的。它热得烫手,不停地砰砰作响,传送带咯嚓喀嚓地在运行When you leave, this noise and activity are cut off at one stroke: you are

7、 once more in the deaf, hot solitude of trembling air, alone in the cornfields.你一走开,这声响,这动静就倏然消逝:你重新回到那份无声的灼人的寂寥之中,呼吸抖动的空气,回到玉米田间,孤身一人North, south, east and west, there is no end to them. They line roads and streams and hem in the woods and surround towns, and they crowd into back yards and edge up

8、to gas stations. () An exotic stranger might assume he had come upon a race of corn worshipers who had created a corn ocean;or that he was among a people who had fallen in love with infinite repetition of the same details, like the builders of skyscrapers in New York and Chicago who have raised up b

9、ricks and windows by the thousands, and all alike. From corn you can derive notions of equality, or uniformity, massed democracy. You can, if you are given to that form of mental play, recall Joseph”s brethren in the lean years, and think how famine has been conquered here and super-abundance itself

10、 become such a danger that the Government has to take measures against it.东南西北,四周八方的玉米地望不到边。路边、溪边都种了玉米,林子、城镇四周也都种了玉米,玉米种满后院,甚至挤到了加油站。异乡客会以为自己来到了一个创立起玉米海洋的对玉米顶礼膜拜的民族,或以为自己身处那些偏爱无休止地重复同样细节的人们之中,就犹如纽约、芝加哥那些摩天高楼的建筑者,他们垒万砖安千窗,全都一个模样。在玉米田间,你可以获得公平的观念、划一的观念、群众民主的观念。假如你好做这类脑力嬉戏,你可以回想一下遇到荒年的约瑟夫兄弟,想一想在这里饥馑是如何

11、被铲除的,过剩本身又如何成为一种危急,政府不得不对其实行措施。The power, the monotony, the oceanic extent of the cornfields do indeed shrink up and dwarf the past. How are you to think of the small bands of Illini, Ottawas, Cahokians, Shawnee, Miamis who camped in the turkey grass, and the French Jesuits who descended the Mississ

12、ippi and found them. () When you force your mind to summon them, the Indians appear rather doll-like in the radiance of the present moment. They are covered in the corn, swamped in the oil, hidden in the coal of Franklin County, run over by the trains, turned phantom by the stockyards. There are mon

13、uments to them.throughout the state, but they are only historical ornaments to the pride of the present.玉米地所呈现的那种震撼力、那种千篇一律、浩瀚无垠确实使过去变得渺小。你不妨回想一下那些在草地设营的小群印第安人:伊里尼人、奥塔瓦人、卡豪凯扬人、肖尼人、迈阿密人,也不妨回想一下顺密西西比河而下、发觉他们的法国耶稣会教徒。当你凝神回忆这些从前的印第安人时,他们在今日的辉煌之前显得如同玩偶。他们被玉米掩没,被石油沉没,被富兰克林县的煤埋没,被火车碾过,化作了在牲畜围场近旁出没的幽灵。为他们建的纪念碑遍布全州,但这些不过是为今日的荣耀添彩的历史点缀


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