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1、河南省商丘市洪恩乡联合中学2020年高三英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. It would usually cost $500, but Im sure we can _ some kind of arrangement to save some money.A. come to B. take up C. agree to D. make out参考答案:Acome to arrangement表示“商议”。2. When you phoned me, I was having a meeting; otherwise I _ your call.A. answered B. would

2、answer C. had answered D. would have answered参考答案:D略3. The research says smoking affects non-smokers more than _ smokers. A. it does B. they do C. he does D. we do 参考答案:A略4. Hoffman, aged over 60, has recently _ playing golf at the weekends, contributing to his rosy face.A. taken to B. slid into C.

3、submitted to D. broken into参考答案:A5. It is apparent the Qing Tombs are influenced by the Ming Tombs, especially architecture and the way they are placed among the surrpunding mountains and valleys.A. in terms ofB.in place ofC. in praise of D.in searchof参考答案:A6. - How I regret making the stupid mistak

4、e! - Yes. I your doing it another way, but in vain.(原创 考查动词时态)A. have suggested B. suggested C. would suggest D. had suggested参考答案:d略7. She didnt come back to her hometown for five years and _, she had got married and had a couple of kids. A. to be honest B. above all C. on the other hand D. in the

5、meantime参考答案:D8. My spoken English is poor, what shall I do? _ an English language club to practice, and youll be good at it.A. Take part inB. Attend C. JoinD. Join in参考答案:C28. The rent of the big apartment is twice higher than _ of the small one.A. all B. which C. that D. those参考答案:28. C考查代词。根据前面单词

6、rent可知后面为了避免重复用that。如果是复数则用those。略10. Look,here_Oh,its my secretary.But I_him to pick me up at seven oclock.Acomes a car;had told Bcomes a car;told Cdoes a car come;had told Da car comes;to参考答案:B11. May I borrow your car? ! There is too much chance for a person to have an accident without a driving

7、license. A. No way B. It depends C. Go aheadD. Of course参考答案:A略12. Id rather have a house of my own than one with someone else, no matter how small it is.Ato share Bsharing Cshare Dhave shared参考答案:C13. What happened to you this morning? I_ to work,but I just couldnt find my car keysAwent BWas going

8、Chad gone Dwould go参考答案:B14. The fleet made several expeditions _ the exploration was stopped. A. when B. before C. while D. since参考答案:B15. I dont know who invented _ telephone, but its really _ most wonderful invention.A. the; theB. a; theC. the; aD. a; the参考答案:C16. I had just finished my work _ my

9、 friend came to visit me. A. while B. when C. as D. if参考答案:B17. -If they _ about this tomorrow, what shall we do? -We have to advise them not to worry.A. are still worrying B. will worry C. have worried D. would worry参考答案:A18. Words _ me when I wanted to express my thanks to him for having saved my

10、kid from the burning house. Aleft Bdiscouraged Cfailed Ddisappointed参考答案:C 19. But for your timely warning, we _ into great trouble. Well, you know were friends.A. would getB. must have gotC. would have gotD. can have got参考答案:C二、 新的题型20. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。The act of giving gif

11、ts is a gesture of friendship, love, celebration and thanks. With a little planning, your gifts will be remembered for years.36 Put a reminder in your diary one or two weeks before the occasion so that you can start doing your shopping. If your receivers live very far away and you need to mail the g

12、ift, then advanced planning is even more important. It will make sure that your gift gets to them on time. Dont give based on what others give you. We often hear people say Shes spending $ 100 0n me, so I should spend $ 100 0n her. 37 Your gifts should be based on what is on your heart for your rece

13、ivers. Dont worry about whether your receivers are going to give you something back or how much they are spending on your gifts.Respect your budget. 38 Gifts given with sincerity are appreciated even more than expensive items. By planning how much you need to spend on your gifts for. others and assigning a dollar amount to each desired gift on your list, youll be better prepared to shop within your budget.Be aware of wrappings. 39 A tastefully wrapped gift with materials that can be reused or recycled shows your caring for the environment.Present your gift with respect 4


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