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1、新视野大学英语(第二版)听说教程第四册录音文本UnitlWarming upM: bu7e telling me that youd raiher be famous than be respected as a good person?W: Well, I dont know. Its just that I see all these famous people on TV. and. well, its hard not to want the same thing far myseff - attention, love from millions of people.M; Lovo?

2、 Do you think pooplo actually lovo cehbritios? I dont think so! Ttio public enjoys watching famous people get into trouble even more (han they ike watching them succeed Besides bir)g a famous person means never having time to yourself appeanng before crowds, having people follow you around 24-7. Bel

3、ieve me, it isnt tin.W: bu talk as if you know something about celebrity. Were you ever lamous?M: Ybu know the old saying, Eryone has his 15 minutes of faire*? Well, I expect to have my 15 minutes someday: But I dont expect to like it.Short conversation1W: bu dont really seem interested in painting

4、pictures, so why did you apply lo this art program?M: To be honest. I thought that through art, I could become famous. Pretty stupid, huh?Q: What can be inferred from this conversation?2.V: rbu have everthi rg you ever vranied! But why do you look so blue?M: Ahh man, I discovered that all those thin

5、gs - money fame, and the lot 一 are all errply And in trying to get them, I ignored my art,Q. Why is the man not happy?3.W; Hey, Marty. Whais the matter, pal? When you first started wrihng. you did so much better work. Are gu bored or gome thing*5M: I Knew my work is suftoring, but I dont Knc啊 the re

6、ason. I doni soom so interested anymore. Maybe, as you said. I am bored. Who knows?4.W: Is iL true whal they 9ay sbcul the director? Does he really work for art, not for fame?M. Thal= whal psoplt? say. and Im iiiclintid 心 btflit vt? them. He Gt?rltijnly liasnt sokl oul to 0田 cl map film companies.Q:

7、 Whnt con bn inferred from thn convnrsation5.W: Whafs on the achedule for tonights show? Something Im likely to erycy?M; bu rriiyhl likt# it a story ckbuul a dancer wIkj stalls liis suul lu beuurTiu fetrnuus and Uien loses his fricndBt family, and everything important.Q_ WJvit is tonighls stow about

8、?6.W: snt that the man who won an Academy Award for his cartoon artwork?M. What? That Iramp? Hey. you kituw, I thrik yDurtj right. Man, whatt 曰 ppmriecJ to him? He wfis really femoiisQ: What happened to I he artist at last?7.W; Look) Lock! Look! Look at me, Dad! Ifve done tl Success, money, populari

9、ty. . The world s at the tip of my fingers and I feel ike a queenlM: Sweetheart, I thinth contury writer. Ho was gay, wasnt ha?IM: Thats right. And he actually went to jail for it.W: Why? The re musCv baan many gays in England at the time. Why was h 白 singled out to be put in prison? Or, were the En

10、glish ttirovving all gays in jail?M: Nn, not fiWRrynne Rut things wrfr different fbr Wilde Alamo its pfirson, like him, isnt free to do what he likes. People paid more attention to his actions. There were reperters, and everything that he said and did was watched carefully:W: Ye?ah? It mightve hF?F?

11、n hpttRr for him if he wasnt famniusM: Maybe, But, then again, if he wasn*t well-known, we might not have hi s wonderful stories toda/.1. What are the speakers taking about?2. What did Oscar Wilde say?3. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?4. Why was Oscar Wilde treated differentfy?5 What can be inferred from the conversatjon?Passagebu young people go cray over famous pe



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