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1、roughv.rf( roughs; roughed; roughing )双解释义vt.使粗糙 make untidy or unevenvt.过简陋的生活 live without the usual comforts and conveniences of life根本要点1.rough的根本意思是“使粗糙,多指使质料不精细或使之不光滑。引申可表示“过简陋的生活。2.rough通常只用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。词汇搭配 +名词 rough ones hair弄乱头发 +副词 rough curiously好奇地过简陋的生活 rough dreadfully非比寻常地过简陋的生活 r

2、ough extremely极端地过简陋的生活 rough pleasantly愉快地过简陋的生活 rough stiffly极度地过简陋的生活 rough uncomfortably不自在地过简陋的生活 rough uncommonly不平凡地过简陋的生活 rough in画的轮廓 rough out作出,写出常用短语rough in(v.+adv.)画的轮廓 put in a few practice lines in a drawingrough sthinIll just rough in the shape of the head and you can paint the sky

3、round it.我先把头像的轮廓画出来,你再给周围的天空涂色。rough out(v.+adv.)作出,写出 make a first plan of a drawing or piece of writingrough sthoutIll just rough out the whole picture and you can do the details.这幅画让我先大致画出整个布局,你再加上细节。句型例句用作及物动词S+n./pron.Dont rough my hair.别弄乱我的头发。The explorers had to rough it when they got into

4、the jungle.那些探险家进入丛林后,不得不过着艰苦的生活。Living in a tent is not for me,I dont like roughing it.住在帐篷里不适宜,我不喜欢过艰苦的生活。 用于be ed 结构Satin is very easily roughed.缎子很容易起毛。补充资料派生词 roughlyadv.粗略地;大体上;大致上; 粗暴地;粗鲁地; 粗略地;粗乱地;随便地同义词adj. coarse, rigorous, irregular, violent, uneven, unsmoothv. calm, upset反义词adj. smooth,

5、refined词源 拉丁语ruga(皱纹)roughadj.rf( rougher; roughest )双解释义粗糙的 having an uneven surface; not smooth粗野的,粗暴的 showing a lack of gentleness, good manners, or consideration etc.混乱的,暴乱的,喧闹的 not gentle or tuneful艰难的,不愉快的 unfortunate and unfair; unwell粗略的,大致的 done or made without attention to dtail or exactne

6、ss; approximate未加工的,粗制的 not delicate or comfortable; simple狂暴的,汹涌的 stormy and violent; not calm根本要点1.rough指外表看起来或摸上去不平整的东西,用于产品时那么表示未经打磨的,还可引申为“(言行)粗野的“(质量)粗劣的“(作品)未经润色的“(处境)艰难的等意思。2.rough可用very修饰。词汇搭配 +名词 rough road崎岖的道路 rough sea狂暴的大海 rough time辛酸时期 rough weather恶劣的天气 +介词 rough on对粗暴的常用短语give the

7、rough side of ones tongue对某人说出不客气的话 show a lack of gentleness, good manners to sbgive sb the rough side of ones tongueI had to give him the rough side of my tongue to show my indignation.我不得不狠狠地骂他一顿来出这口气。句型例句用作定语+n.The cat had a rough tongue.猫的舌头外表很粗糙。They knocked together a rough box with wooden bo

8、ards.他们用木板草草地做成了一个粗糙的箱子。He took some nails and bits of wood, and built them into a rough cupboard.他拿了钉子和木头,做了一个粗糙的食品橱。In the dark our jeep bumped along the rough mountain road.黑夜里我们的吉普车在崎岖的山路上颠簸。The Poets rough life contrasts with his sensitive poetry.这个诗人的豪放生活与他缠绵悱恻的诗篇形成鲜明的对照。We had rather a rough

9、time.我们经历了一段艰苦的日子。It is a rough idea.那仅仅是个初步的想法。Its just a rough drawing.这只是一张草图。It was a rough but plentiful dinner with a rough country wine.这尽管是一顿粗茶淡饭,但很丰富,而且还辅以乡间酿制的土酒。Its just a very rough translation.这只是一个非常粗糙的译稿。If you give me the rough draft of your article Ill lick it into shape for you.如果你

10、愿把文章的草稿给我,我会为你把它修改得像样一些的。He files away the rough edges.他把粗毛边锉去。He wears a rough linen shirt and white short pants.他穿着粗亚麻布衬衣和白色短裤。As the jewel was in the rough state, he had no idea what size it would be when cut.这块宝石未经琢磨,他不知道加工后有多大。The ship-wrecked sailors were able to fit a rough shelter together f

11、rom building materials that they found on the island.这些落难的水手在岛上找到一些建筑材料搭了一个简陋的房子。Would it be wise to launch into this rough sea?到这样汹涌的大海中游泳明智吗?The ship was badly knocked about by a rough sea.船被巨浪颠簸得很厉害。用作表语S+be+This paper feels rough.这纸摸起来是粗糙的。I think Jones has tended to get just a little rough.我觉得琼

12、斯变得有点粗鲁了。His reply was a bit rough.他的答复过于粗鲁了一点。Should the weather be rough, we wont be able to go riding.万一是狂风暴雨的天气,我们就不能去骑马。The water was rough and, despite our low speed, we were drenched by spray.水上风浪很大,尽管我们的航速不快,飞溅的浪花仍湿透了我们的全身。The trip was rough.这次旅行很艰苦。Things are rough all over.情况非常困难。S+be+prep

13、.-phraseShe is rough in speech.她说话粗鲁。He is rough in manner.他的举止不文雅。Its rather rough on him, having to work when other people are on holiday.其他人度假时他得工作,他真倒霉。Youve been pretty rough on the children.你对孩子的态度太粗暴了。Dont be so rough with the child.对小孩不要这样粗暴。Her hands are rough with hard work.她的手因干粗活而变得很粗糙。S

14、+be+to-vThis paper is too rough to write on.这种纸太粗糙,不能写字。词语辨异rough, coarse, harsh, rude这组词的共同意思是“粗鲁的“粗糙的。其区别在于:1.rough强调言行是粗鲁的。例如:Many a rough man has been civilized by his wife.许多粗野的男人都被妻子教好了。Dont be so rough with the child.不要对小孩这样粗暴。His manners are very rough.他的举止非常无礼。2.rude强调其源于教育差、文化低。例如:Its rude

15、 to peep.偷看别人是不礼貌的。He was severely reproached for his rude behaviour.他因行为粗鲁而受到严厉指责。All of us were astonished that Mr. White was so rude to him.怀特先生对他如此无礼,使我们都感到惊异。3.coarse那么强调由于粗鲁而引起的厌恶心理。例如:He is coarse in manner.他举止粗鲁。Its a coarse joke.这是个粗俗的玩笑。She used to be coarse of speech.她过去说话很粗鲁。4.harsh侧重于指给人以感官上的粗糙、不和谐的感觉。例如:The colour is


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