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1、2022年山东省临沂市唐岭乡中心中学高二英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. The Mediterranean climate has two seasonshot, dry summers and warm, wet winters.A. central B. tropicalC. distinctD. coastal参考答案:C2. - Peter, do you know who_ my dictionary ?-Sorry , I dont know . I didnt do it .A. has taken away B. was taking away C. had taken a

2、way D. is taking away参考答案:A3. To improve the quality of our products, we asked for suggestions _ had used the product.A. no matter who B. who C. whoever D. whichever参考答案:C4. The witnesses _ by the police just now gave very different descriptions of the fight. A. questioned B. being questioned C. to

3、be questioned D. having questioned参考答案:3.【答案】A本题考查非谓语动词做定语。解题关键是判断出动词的时态和语态。从语态上看,证人是被询问,排除选项D;从时态上看,just now以及gave是关键词,说明动作是过去发生的,排除选项B,C。【句意】警察刚才询问的证人对于打架给出了很不同的描述。【解析】5. Teenagers_social experience, so they are easily _ when they step into society.Alack; taken up Blacking in; taken inCa lack of;

4、taken up Dlack; taken in参考答案:D考查动词用法和短语辨析。句意:年轻人缺乏社会经验,所以当他们进入社会时很容易被欺骗。第一空填lack,是及物动词,后直接接宾语;第二空短语take in欺骗,吸收,理解,此处是被动语态,用过去分词。take up占据,从事,拿起。故选D。6. I really think important to have a balance between study and physical exercises. A. it B. this C. that D. one参考答案:A略7. The you study, the youll be.

5、A. hard; good B. harder; well C. hardest; best D. harder; better参考答案:D8. The twins were so much alike; I could hardly _ Tom.A. pick at B. pick up C. pick out D. pick off 参考答案:B9. When you reach the other end of the bridge, I _ right there to show you the way.A. waitB. have waited C. was waitingD. wi

6、ll be waiting参考答案:D10. The other two areas _ British English and American English_ are spelling and pronunciation.A. that; differ B. which; differ in C. in that; differ D. in which; differ in参考答案:B【详解】考查定语从句和动词搭配。句意:英式英语和美式英语的另外两个不同之处是拼写和发音。differ in“在-不同”,此处areas是先行词,指物,在后面的定语从句中作介词in的宾语,引导词用that或w

7、hich,故答案为B。11. Peoples character _ greatly from one to another, which accounts for the _of different behaviors in the same situation, without which behaviors would become uniform and the world would be less color1 ful. A. changes; variety; B. alters; diversity C. varies; differences D. varies; diver

8、sity参考答案:D12. I failed in the last exam and only then _ the importance of studies. A. I realized B. I had realized C. had I realized D. did I realize 参考答案:D略13. After _ church, the family would go home for dinner.A. attending B. attended C. to attend D. being attended参考答案:A14. Little Jim is going to

9、 spend his holiday in Paris, _ lives his uncle.A. which B. who C. where D. that参考答案:c略15. What he impressed _ me most is that he will never blame his failure _ others.A. with ; to B. about; on C. on ; on D. on ; to参考答案:C16. _ Huang Yan has achieved great progress in her English learning makes her pa

10、rents and teachers excited and proud.A. That B. What C. If D. Whether参考答案:A二、 书面表达17. 假如你是李华,你校校门口在放学时间经常出现交通拥堵,给师生和路人带来很多不便。你校英文报就此向学生征集解决拥堵的良策。假如你是高二学生李华,请按下列提示用英语写一封信,向校报投稿。1. 写信的目的。2. 分析学校门口拥堵的原因。3. 提出2-3点建议。注意:词数120左右。Dear Editor,_Yours, Li Hua参考答案:Dear Editor,I am Li Hua,a senior high school s

11、tudent from Grade 2. I am writing to discuss the traffic problem near our school gate.With so many parents coming to pick up their children, traffic jams are frequent near the school gate, causing a lot of inconvenience to us. In order to avoid traffic jams, I strongly recommend some effective measu

12、res be taken . First, we should encourage students to make good use of public transportation instead of private cars. Second, riding a bike or going to school on foot is also a good choice, which not only helps to reduce traffic jams, but also build up students health. Besides, private cars should n

13、ot be allowed to park in front of the school gate. I do hope my suggestions will be considered and the problem can be solved soon. Yours,Li Hua 18. 假如你是李华,你刚得知你们班的英国朋友Bob出了事故,对此你和你的同学们都感到很难过,现在同学们决定让你代表他们给Bob写一封慰问信。信的内容如下:1.所有同学对他都表示同情,打算星期五下午派你为代表去看望他并给他带去他喜欢读的书;2.让他不要担心学习,等他出院后,你们会帮他赶上;如果有什么需要你们做的事情,请他告知;3.希望他在病床上不要过于悲伤,祝愿他早日康复。注意:(1) 参考词汇:on behalf of 代表; (2)词数:100左右。_参考答案:Dear Bob, We w


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