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1、2022年安徽省阜阳市临泉县第四中学高二英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. A variety of his books _ been published and the variety of his writing _astonishing.A. have, are B. have, is C. has, are D. has, is参考答案:B2. On the CCTV Spring Festival Gala (春晚), there are always some new singers who become famous for their excellent works. A. an

2、nual B. every C. each D.one 参考答案:选A。句意:在每年的中央电视台春晚上,总有一些新歌手因为他 们优秀的作品而出名。因为空格前有the, 故排除A、B、C三项。Annual 意为“每年的;按年度计算的”,符合题意。略3. Its important to learn to take a positive attitude _ life when you are _ trouble.Ato;under Bof;in Cto;in Dwith;in参考答案:B4. If this bill is not paid within five days, your gas

3、supply will be _.A. cut down B. cut up C. cut out D. cut off参考答案:D 5. There were more than five hundred competitors _ part in the sports meet last week.A. took B. taken C. taking D. take 参考答案:C略6. The police have anyone with information to come forward and talk to them.A. appealed to B. attended toC

4、. responded to D. attached to参考答案:A考查动词短语。A. appealed to呼吁;B. attended to出席,参加;C. responded to做出反应;D. attached to附属于。句意:警方呼吁任何知道信息的人站出来与他们交谈。表示呼吁,故选A.7. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _ each year. A. is washing away B. are being washed awayC. are washing away D. is

5、being washed away 参考答案:B略8. Just on the surface of the pond _, giving people a feeling of being peaceful. A. floated hundreds of lotus plants B. did hundreds of lotus plants float C. hundreds of lotus plants were floating D. hundreds of lotus plants floated参考答案:A9. We d better discuss everything _ b

6、efore we work out the plan.A. in delightB. in debtC. in demandD. in detail参考答案:D【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:我们最好在制定计划之前,详细讨论一下一切。A. in delight兴高采烈地;B. in debt负债;C. in demand有需要;D. in detail详细地,根据题意,故选D。10. _vivid picture describes _very common phenomenon in our society.AThe;/ BThe;a CA;the DA;/ 参考答案:B略11. Tom _

7、 in the library every night over the last three months.A. works B. workedC. has been working D. had been working参考答案:C12. We found_ impossible to finish the work on time.A. that B. one C. it D. this参考答案:C13. The student couldnt _ what the teacher was trying to explain.A. recognize B. grasp C. study

8、D. achieve参考答案:B14. Todays children are raised in a way that is totally different from how their parents were_.A. brought up B. brought on C.taken on D. taken up参考答案:A略15. Gun control is a subject _ Americans have argued for a long time.A. of which B. with which C. about which D. into which参考答案:C16.

9、 Can you imagine what problem may _ when human beings are cloned?A. raise B. cause C. arise D. lead参考答案:C二、 书面表达17. 你身边很多同学视力低下,需戴近视眼镜。请就这一现象写一篇英语课前演讲稿,内容包括以下方面:1. 目前同学的视力状况 2. 青少年视力低下的主要原因 3. 保护视力的建议注意: 1. 词数120左右,开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数) 2. 可根据内容要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯。参考词汇: vision视力 short-sighted 近视眼(的) Dear cl

10、assmates, have you noticed the phenomenon that _Thank you for listening!参考答案:Dear classmates, Have you noticed the phenomena that more and more teenagers around us wear glasses? Some of them got short-sighted even at a very young age. This is because they dont get a good habit of reading or they ove

11、ruse their eyes watching TV or playing computer games.But how to protect our vision? What can we do for good eyesight? Perhaps there are some ways for me to keep good vision, however, taking regular outdoor activities is an evident solution. Secondly, eye-care exercises twice a day may not be neglec

12、ted. Having a distant look at intervals during the class break is equally important. In addition, dont read in light which is either too dim or too bright. Dont read in the bed or in a moving car.It is high time that we took quick actions to protect our vision!Thank you!18. 假如你是李华,你的留学生朋友Jack被北京大学录取了,邀请你本周五晚参加庆祝派对,但你因故不能参加。请你用英语给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:1.表示祝贺 2.表达歉意 3.说明原因注意:1词数100左右; 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Jack,_Yours,Li Hua参考答案:Dear Jack,I am so pleased to hear that you have been admitted to Beijing Univ


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