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1、倒装句精选专项练习 一、单项选择 1-Peter, I will visit our teacher this Sunday. -_. Lets go together.A. Nor do I B. I will do C. So will I D. So can I 2 Im not going swimming tomorrow afternoon. _. I have to clean up my bedroom.A. So am I B. Neither am I C. Neither I am D. So I am 3Only when the work is done _ be a

2、ble to go back home. A. you have B. you will C. will you D. have you 4-Would you like to go to the amusement park? -If Jack does, _.A. I go, too B. so will I C. neither will I D. so do I 5I cant play the piano, and _.A. neither can my sister B. my sister cant, too C. so cant my sister D. can my sist

3、er, either6Attention, please! There _a basketball game between our class and Class 5. A. has B. is going to be C. will have D. is going to have 7There _some juice and some cakes on the table. A.is B.are C.am D.be 8 All the students are working hard now._. Because all of them want to go to good colle

4、ges.A. So are they B. Neither they are C. So they are D. So they do 9My brother and I will go to the library tomorrow. . Shall we go together?A. So do I B. So I do C. So will I D. So I will 10I have never been to Hawaii. What about Mike? .A. So has he B. So he does C. Neither has he D. Neither he ha

5、s 11-My mother and I will go to Shanghai this summer. -_. Shall we go together?A. So do I B. So can I C. So am I D. So will I 12He swam in the river this summer. _A. So did he. B. So she did. C. So did she 13 My mother hardly watches any sports shows. _.A. So do I B. So does mine C. Neither do I D.

6、Neither does mine14-I dont know about you, but Im sick and tired of this weather. -_. I cant stand all this rain.A. I dont care B. Its hard to say C. So am I D. I hope not 15Tom likes English ,_A .Neither does Paul B. So does Paul C. So has Paul D. Neither has Paula16There _an old clock,a computer a

7、nd some books on the desk.A.have B. are C.is D.has 17Not only , but I learned some knowledge.A. did I help other people B. do I helped other people C. I helped other people D. helping other people 18-Peter knows many people here. -_A. So do I B. So am I C. Neither am I D. Neither do I 19My sister ha

8、s never visited Eiffel Tower. How about you? _.A. So have I B. So did I C. Neither I have D. Neither have I 20-David will never _ though he fails again and again. -_. So I believe both of you will succeed one day.A. give up, Neither will you B. give off, Neither you will C. take up, So will you D. t

9、ake off, So you will21-If you dont go to Lucys birthday party this evening,_. -What a pity!She must be very sad if you dont appear.A.so do I B.neither will I C.so will I D.neither do I 22- I will go to visit the Great Wall. - _A. So do I B. So I do C. So will I D. So I will25I havent seen the intere

10、sting movie Let the Bullet子弹Fly. _ .A. Neither have I B. So have I C. Neither I have D. So I have26-In recent years,more and more Americans like traveling during holidays-_. ASo do we Chinese BSo will we Chinese CSo we Chinese do DSo We Chinese will 27-John likes walking in the countryside.-_. They

11、enjoy a good time together every time. A. So does his wife B. So his wife doesC. Neither does his wife D. His wife does so28- I have changed my job. - .A. So do I B. So have I C. So I do D. So I have 29He has many books on science . _.A. So I have B. So I do C. So do I 30Tom does well in skating, an

12、d _.A. so does Jim B. so Jim does C. so is Jim D. So Jim is参考答案1C 【解析】试题分析:“so助动词情态动词或连系动词另一主语”,此句型是主谓倒装构造,可以表示前面的状况也适用于后者,运用该句型须要留意以几个方面的问题: 1该句型只能用于确定句,不能用于否认句:假如前句是否认句,那么要用“neither nor 助动词主语”。 2句型中的主语与上文中的主语是不同的两个主语3句型中助动词,包括连系动词和情态动词的时态要和上句中谓语动词的时态相相同。句意:彼得,这个周日我要去探望我们的教师。依据下文,让我们一起去吧。结合语境可知前文状况

13、也适用于后者,上文描述的是将来动作,故用主谓倒装构造,选C. 考点:主谓倒装构造点评:这几个倒装句的区分比拟难。“so助动词情态动词或连系动词另一主语”,表示前面的状况也适用于后者。So+主语+助动词情态动词或连系动词是对上文所说的状况加以确定。假如上文是否认形式那么要将so换成neither。 2B【解析】“so助动词情态动词或连系动词另一主语”,此句型是主谓倒装构造,可以表示前面的状况也适用于后者,运用该句型须要留意以几个方面的问题: 1该句型只能用于确定句,不能用于否认句:假如前句是否认句,那么要用“neither nor 助动词主语”。 2句型中的主语与上文中的主语是不同的两个主语3句

14、型中助动词,包括连系动词和情态动词的时态要和上句中谓语动词的时态相相同。So+主语+助动词情态动词或连系动词是对上文所说的状况加以确定。假如上文是否认形式那么要将so换成neither。句意:明天下午我不准备去游泳。依据下文,我必需清扫我的卧房。结合语境可知上文状况同样适用于后者,故用主谓倒装构造。上文为否认形式,应选B。 考点:主谓倒装构造 3C【解析】当only引导的状语从句位于句首时,主句采纳倒装语序。句意:只有当工作做完时,你才能回家,结合语境可知本句主句描述的是将来发生的动作,故用一般将来时态,选C。 考点:倒装句 4B【解析】考察固定句式“so+助动词+主语”表示“也是如此”。本句时态应是将来时,故B项正确。考点:倒装句的运用。 5A



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