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1、黑龙江省绥化市长岗第一中学高一英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Most of your time _ to treating patients if you become a doctor after school. A. will devote B. is devoted C. will be devoted D. are devoted参考答案:C2. From her _ expression,I knew she hadnt expected I would ask her such an _ question.Aastonished;astonishing Bastonishin

2、g;astonishedCastonished;astonished Dastonishing;astonishing参考答案:A3. The box _ a lot of coins, _ an old Chinese one. A. is containing; including B. contains; includes C. is containing; included D. contains; including参考答案:D略4. _Christmas coming near, they began to be busy shopping for the holiday.A. A

3、s B. BeforeC. Because of D. With参考答案:D28. Would you permit me _ here? Sorry, we dont permit _ here in the lab.A. smoking; smoking B. to smoke; to smokeC. smoking; to smoke D. to smoke; smoking参考答案:D略6. He promised _ back in a few minutes. A. to ringB. ringingC. rangD. to be ringing参考答案:A略7. We can d

4、rive a car forwards or backwards,but not_.Astraight BaheadCimmediately Dsideways参考答案:D句意为:我们开车可以向前或后退,但不能侧着开。straight笔直地;ahead向前;immediately立刻;sideways侧着。此句用sideways与forwards和backwards形成对比。8. The young couple consider_ a computer , which is considered_ a great help in their work.A. to buy; to be B.

5、buying; to beC. to buy; being D. buying; being参考答案:B9. By the end of next year, the government work on the new stadium, which has been designed by Kurt Gunter.A. has been finished B. has finishedC. will have been finished D. will have finished 参考答案:D23. To her surprise, the life she had been looking

6、 forward to _ to be unpleasant.A. prove B. being proved C. proved D. proving参考答案:C11. Im thinking of the test tomorrow. Im afraid I cant pass this time._.A. Go ahead B. Good luck C. No problem D. Cheer up参考答案:D12. Only in Paris _ a pair of shoes like that.A. you will buy B. can you buy C. you can bu

7、y D. have you bought 参考答案:B13. To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to _ famous.A. becomeB. becoming C. became D. being become参考答案:B14. I _ to get him on the phone this morning. When I heard his voice, I was so excited. A. tried B. managed C. expected D. attempted参考答案:B15. Lets go s

8、hopping for some new clothes this Sunday. I want to, but I cant. I _ money for a new computer.A. am savingB. have savedC. savedD. was saving参考答案:A【详解】考查时态。句意:-这个周日我们去购物买一些新衣服吧。-我想去但是去不了。我正在攒钱买台新电脑。根据句意,攒钱应该是当前的动作而不是过去的动作,不能使用过去时态。使用现在进行时表示现阶段正在进行或经常发生的动作。故选A选项。16. - The students are usually not so c

9、onfident about themselves.- Exactly, so teachers should pay more attention to them in class.A. regular B. extra C. clever D. average 参考答案:D17. Are you planning to take American History by Mr. Johnson next semester?_ I might not have enough time.A. It depends.B. So what?C. Sounds great.D. Why not?参考答

10、案:A18. At Christmas any child is looking forward to _ gifts. A. give B. be given C. gave D. being given参考答案:D二、 完型填空19. 完形填空 (满分40分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 When one takes shoes to a shop to be mended, he is given a ticket with a number on it. Then, 26 his shoes are ready, he goes back

11、 to the shop, gives the ticket to the shoemaker, gets his shoes and 27 for them.One day Mrs Smith gave her husband a pair of her shoes which needed 28 and asked him to 29 them to the shop. Mr Smith did so, and put the 30 for them in his pocket.He went back four days 31 to get the shoes, 32 when he w

12、ent into the shop, he was not able to find his ticket 33 , and the shoemaker did not want to give him the 34 until he got the ticket. “How do I know that the shoes are 35 unless you give me the ticket?” he said. “If I give them to you now, somebody 36 may come into my shop with the ticket tomorrow,

13、and then I shant be able to give him the shoes.” Mrs Smith needed the shoes very much, so her husband 37 for a moment and then went out to his 38 , which was at the side of the road 39 the shop. He 40 the door, and whistled(耳语)to his wifes small 41 , which was sitting on the back seat. Then he went back into the shop with the dog and 42 it, “Get the shoes!” the dog began to 43 around the shop, and soon it found Mrs Smiths shoes and brought one of them to Mr Smith, then the 44 . “That should prove(证明)that they are my wifes,.” said Mr Smith. The shoemaker 45 . Then he gave the shoes to


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