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1、黑龙江省绥化市柞岗中学高二英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Thats the new machine_ parts are too small to be seen.A. that B. which C. whose D. what参考答案:C2. _ from other continents for millions of year, Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world. A. Being separatedB. Having been separate

2、dC. Having separatedD. To be separated参考答案:B3. Is this the plan youd like to see _ before you retire?A. to be carried out B. to carry out C. carrying out D. carried out 参考答案:D4. - What did you mention youd been accustomed to? -_ to soft music before going to bed. A. To listen B. Listen C. Listening

3、D. Listens参考答案:C5. As a teacher rich in experience, he knows how to _ his ideas to these new students in a limited period of time.A. convey B. educate C. pass D. convince参考答案:A6. In the reading room, we found her_at the desk, with her attention_on a book.A.seated; fixing B. to sit; fixed C. seated;

4、fixed D. seating; fixing参考答案:C7. It is required that you_change the plan.Oh,no!Why_I follow you again?Amust;must Bcan;needCneed;should Dshould;must参考答案:D8. A good teacher must be able to help his students learn the subject with great interest _ he reaches the last minute of the class.A. when B. unle

5、ss C. until D. after参考答案:C句意:一个优秀的教师必须能让学生饶有兴致地学习这节课,直到这节课的最后一分钟。until意为“直到时候”,符合题意,故选C项。9. Eating too much fat can _ health problems,so we must have a balanced diet.Alead to Bresult from Crefer to Ddevote to参考答案:A10. Sorry, I am too busy now. If I _ time, I would certainly go for an outing with you

6、. A. have hadB. had had C. have D. had参考答案:D11. If we _ adequate preparations, the conference wouldnt have been so successful. A. havent made B. wouldnt make C. didnt make D. hadnt made参考答案:D12. The workers pretended hard when the manager came to see how their work was going on.A. to have worked B.

7、working C. to work D. to be working参考答案:D略13. How much of the professors speech did you understand? _. I wish I had worked harder before.A. Not a little B. Very few C. Nearly everything D. Almost nothing参考答案:D略14. - Is it all right if I keep this photo?- _A. No, you dont. B. No, it shouldnt .C. Im a

8、fraid not. D. Dont keep it.参考答案:C略15. My father _to see meHell be here soon Ais coming Bhas come Ccomes Dcame 参考答案:A二、 完型填空16. Many children dream of becoming managers when they grow up, but very few start as early as Jose Adolfo Quisocala Condori, a Peruvian(秘鲁) boy who started a childrens savings

9、bank when he was only 7 years old. Today, his bank has been _21_ to serve over 2,000 clients(客户) .Six years ago, he_22_ that many of his friends were spending their money on sweets and toys, _23_ saving it for more meaningful purchases. Despite his young age, he _24_ that saving money and accessing

10、the _25_ system were two ways that adults solved many of their money problems, so he decided to make them _26_ to kids as well. He then started _27_ ways that children could make money without the help of their parents, and recycling seemed like the _28_ answer. But when he came up with his idea for

11、 a childrens bank to his teachers, he was told that a 7-year-old couldnt deal with such a(n) _29_. But, finally, he _30_ them all wrong.“At the beginning, my teachers thought I was crazy ” Jose recalls. “ Luckily, I had the _31_ of the school headmaster, with whose help I _32_ a bank where children

12、could become clients by turning in at least 5 kilograms of _33_ waste and were required to save at least one other kilogram of waste every month. They would then set a savings _34_, and could only get money from their _35_when they reached it.”Between 2012 and 2013, his bank _36_ one ton of waste an

13、d served 200 children at the school. It was a real_37_, drawing a lot of attention, and he _38_co-worked with a large bank to make this kind of _39_ accessible to more children.For his achievements, he has received several honorary awards for helping kids with their _40_ of money.21. A. expandedB. f

14、oundedC. predictedD. recommended22. A. admittedB. noticedC. doubtedD. supposed23. A. as forB. due toC. instead ofD. in case of24. A. suspectedB. insistedC. decidedD. understood25. A. socialB. educationalC. emotionalD. financial26. A. availableB. attractiveC. amazingD. important27. A. putting upB. thinking ofC. turning downD. calling for28. A. practicalB. mer


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