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1、黑龙江省绥化市朝鲜族中学2021年高一英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. He commanded that all the gates _when it was getting dark in case thieves came in . A. were shut B. must be shut C. could be shut D. be shut 参考答案:D试题分析:考查虚拟语气。句意:他要求在黑暗路段所有的门被关闭以防小偷进入。Command 表示命令要求用虚拟语气should do sth ,其中should 可以省略,故选D项。 考点:考查虚拟语气2. She is a _

2、 (sense) girl so you had better pay attention to your words.参考答案:sensitive 3. Kimi, we are taking a boat trip to Hawaii. Would you like to go with us?That sounds exciting. Id like to, but I can not. _.A. Have a nice trip B.I envy you C. Very sorry D. Good bye参考答案:A4. It is at the party _ there is no

3、 doubt _ well meet Tom.A. that; that B. where; whetherC. that; whether D. where; that参考答案:A试题分析:考查强调句和同位语从句。句意:正是在这个聚会上我们一定会见到汤姆。第一个that属于强调句中的that,被强调部分是at the party;第二个that引导同位语从句,从句说明先行名词doubt的具体内容,即“我们将见到汤姆这件事情是毫无疑问的”,同时,既然毫无疑问,则不应用whether而应用that引导,故选A。.5. Dont mention that at the beginning of t

4、he story, or it may _ the shocking end.A. give awayB. give outC. give upD. give in参考答案:A6. We are often made _a lot of homework after school.A.to doB. doing C. do D. to have done ks5u 参考答案:A7. _you were able to learn English so well?I like learning English on the Internet, online listening to Englis

5、h songs.A. It was how that B. How it was that C. was it that howD. How was it that 参考答案:D8. Sorry to have hurt you the other day. _, but dont do it again.A. Forget it B. Its my pleasure C. Dont worry D. With pleasure参考答案:A9. _ you dont like wine , try a glass of this , which is from France . A. Even

6、 though B. If C. As if D. Unless 参考答案:A10. The reason_ she gave for not being present was _the heavy snow prevented her coming. A. why; because B. why; whether C. that; that D. how; that参考答案:C11. Our president will _ us in the discussion tomorrow. ks5uA. take part in B. join in C. join D. attend参考答案

7、:C12. What can I do for you? Id like to borrow _ book about _ Pacific Ocean.A. the, 不填 B. a, the C. 不填, the D. a, 不填参考答案:B13. - Im taking my driving test tomorrow. - _! A. Cheers B. Good luck C. Come on D. Congratulations 参考答案:B14. Believe it or not, there are a number of words in the English langua

8、ge which were French in _.A. demand B .principle C theory D. origin参考答案:D15. I had great difficulty_ the suitable food on the menu in that restaurant.A. find B. found C. to find D. finding参考答案:D二、 完型填空16. What kind of person gets a tattoo (纹身)? Sailors, bikers, criminals? Well, not anymore! Check ou

9、t this _21_ from a recent survey: the number of Americans aged eighteen to twenty-five with tattoos has _22_ to thirty-six percent over the last few years. And tattoos seem to be catching on in South America. Europe and Japan, too, a trend possibly _23_ by the number of famous people proudly showing

10、 off their tattoos. People are getting tattoos to _24_ the birth of a child or to show the world a symbol or a phrase with some personal meaning. But how many of those following this latest fashion will end up _25_ it? Julie, now 25, is having her tattoo got rid of by laser surgery. “My mates egged

11、me on to do it while I was on holiday a few years ago,” she says, “and now I feel that Ive _26_ it.” Laser surgery isnt a cheap or easy option, however. Julie _27_ paid 100 for her tattoo but is now having to cough up over 1000 to _28_ it and the process will take about six months.Stacey, 22, is fin

12、ding that she is getting passed over for _29_ at work and wonders if this is anything to do with her twelve tattoos. “Theyve told me to wear long sleeves (袖子) whatever the weather!” she says. “Its _30_ but they wont back down, so Ive had to give in.” And a recent survey showed that less than thirty

13、percent of employers in the retail, hospitality, office or beauty sectors would _31_ someone with a visible tattoo. And then you need to bear in mind how the tattoo might look when youre getting on a bit. What looked cool on you at 18, might look _32_ at 50. Your tattoo can also fade and, if you put

14、 on weight, _33_. Or you might just go off it. If all this doesnt put you off and you can gather the courage (because it _34_), make sure you shop around for a well-known tattooist. Ask to see portfolio of their work and certificates of training and hygiene. Where possible, get a personal _35_ from someone you trust. And think it over first. Hard.21. A. informationB. numberC. groupD. possibility22. A. gone offB


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