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1、 职场英语口语:索赔内容及金额 The goods we ordered on February have arrived in a damaged condition 我方月日订购的货物抵达时已经遭损。 A number of cases are broken and the contents are badly damaged 有好几个箱子是坏的,里面的商品也遭到了严峻的损坏。 The package are insufficient and the contents leak out considerably 包装不固,大量的东西漏了出来。 We wish to inform you t

2、hat five of the cars we bought from you have been seriously out of order within Km driving distance 我方想要通知贵方,向你方购置的其中辆小车在行驶了不到KM就出了严峻故障。 Nearly % of the bales were broken and the contents badly soiled 将近%的包都破了,包内的货物严峻污损。 From the shipment of , cases of glassware, we find that a number of wooden case

3、s and the contents have been broken 我们在箱玻璃制品中发觉了不少木箱及内装制品破损。 On inspection, we found that about bags are broken and it is estimated that Kg of cement had been lost 验货时,我方发觉将近有包破损,估量损失KG水泥。 We regret to inform you that eight of the cases of your consignment arrived in a badly damaged condition 特别圆满地通

4、知你们,你方运出的货物抵达后,有箱严峻破损。 We have examined the contents and find that pieces are missing and the rest unfit for use 经货物检验,我方发觉少了件,其余的也无法使用。 Your shipment of goods has been found short in weight by reinspection 经复验,发觉贵方发送的货物短重。 We are now making a claim against you for the ten defective sewing machines

5、我方现向贵方索赔台劣质的缝纫机。 There is a shortage of , pounds in this shipment 这批运输的货物短缺磅。 On arrival of the shipment, we found at least cases damaged, which made up % of the total quantity 货物抵运时,我方发觉至少有个箱子遭损,占了总量的%。 We had the material inspected immediately when the goods arrived, and a shortage of kg was found

6、 当货物抵达时,我方马上对商品进展了检验,发觉短缺KG。 It was found, much to our astonishment, that nearly % of the electronic components were water-stained 我方特别惊讶地发觉将近有%的电子组件被水所污。 You should make amends for the losses by replacing all the defective products, and paying for the business we have lost 贵方应当更换全部的瑕疵品,并赔偿我们这一回所丢掉的

7、生意,以弥补我们的损失。 After the inspection of the goods arrived, we found a shortage of MT 在对运抵的货物进展了检验之后,发觉短重吨。 Case NO was found to be packages short 我方发觉第号箱中少了包。 We are now lodging a claim against you for the short weight of fertilizer 我方现向贵方索赔,赔偿我方的化肥短缺。 We have to ask for compensation of the loss incurr

8、ed as a result of the inferior quality of the goods concerned 我方不得不向贵方提出索赔,赔偿因劣质货给我方造成的损失。 We hope indemnification will be made for all expenses incurred 我方盼望补偿全部相关费用。 On the basis of the survey report, we register our claim with you for $, 依据商检报告,我方向你们索赔美元。 You are requested to compensate us for th

9、e total loss of sugar at value of $ Per MT 我方要求贵方赔偿我方每吨美元的糖的所的损失。 We claim compensation of $, for inferiority of quality 我方要求赔偿美元来补偿劣质品。 We have to file a claim against you to the amount of $, plus inspection fee 我方不得不向贵方提出索赔,要求贵方赔偿美元,加上商检费。 You should compensate us by %, plus the inspection fee 贵公司

10、应赔偿我们%的损失,商检费也应当由贵公司负担。 This is a statement of loss and you should indemnify us $, 这是损失清单一张,你方应赔付我方美元。 We are compelled to claim on you to compensate us for the loss, $, which we have sustained by the damage to the goods 我方不得不向贵方提出索赔,要求贵方赔偿我方货物受损而引起的损失美元。 We found that the quality of the TV sets we

11、received last week is below standard So we request a % allowance 我方发觉我们上周收到的电视机的质量低于标准,因此我们向贵方提出%的索赔。 We claim an allowance of on account of the quality of this shipment 由于这批货物的质量问题,我们向你方索赔英镑。 We have to ask for compensation of , to cover the loss incurred as result of the inferior quality of the go

12、ods 我们不得不向贵方索赔英镑,作为因劣质货物给我方造成的损失赔偿。 We are compelled to claim on you to compensate us for the loss, $, which we have sustained by the disqualified goods 我方不得不向贵方提出索赔万美元,以补偿不合格货物。 We are willing to accept the shipment only if you allow a % reduction in price 假如贵方同意降价%,我方可以承受这批货。 We hope you will sett

13、le this claim as soon as possible 盼望贵方能尽快理赔。 Claims for shortage must be made within days after arrival of the goods 对短缺的索赔必需在货物抵达后的天内提出。 Kindly remit us the amount of claim at an early date 请早日将赔偿金汇给我方。 On examination, we have found that many of the sewing machines are severely damaged 在对商品进展商检时,我方

14、发觉很多缝纫机遭到了严峻的损坏。 Please dispatch, within one week, the replacement of another five refrigerators with a price reduction of thirty percent of the total value of the five refrigerators 请在一周之内调换另外台冰箱,并降价台冰箱总价值的%。 We should be obliged if you would forward us a replacement for the machine as soon as possible 假如贵方能尽快将调换的运送给我方,我方将不胜感谢。 We insist that you should send perfect goods to replace the defective goods 我方坚持认为贵方应当用好货来调换坏货。



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