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1、2020-2021学年重庆梅江中学高三英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. Its an either-or situation - we can buy a new car this year or we can go on holiday but we cant do .A. others B. either C. another D. both参考答案:D略2. An ant has two stomachs one for itself, one for others. Really? Quite interesting. I _ anything about it. A. don

2、t know B. have known C. havent known D. didnt know参考答案:D3. Youre selling your house and moving to one that is half its size? Are you serious? _.A. I mean it. B. Thats all right C. It depends. D. Youve got me参考答案:A4. His father got him a job in a bank but soon it became clear _ he was not fit for tha

3、t kind of work. A. why B. what C. whether D. that参考答案:D5. JrParkinson stood up and left the room, _ the door behind himAclosing Bclosed Cclose Dto close参考答案:A6. Buried under the sea with the shipwreck was plenty of china _back to the MingDynasty.A. dated B. dating C. to date D. being dated参考答案:B7. O

4、ne condition of this job is that you must be _ to work at weekends. A. available B. comfortable C. acceptable D. reliable参考答案:A略8. Where have you been?I got stuck in the heavy traffic, or I _ here earlier.A. had arrived B. was C. would comeD. would have been参考答案:D9. Living in _ ever increasingly fas

5、t-paced world, we are facing greater competition, so we must take _ advantage of every opportunity to develop.A. an; theB. an; 不填C. the; anD. the; 不填参考答案:B略32. I ran across a car crash in Hong Kong, and _, both sides just politely exchanged the telephone numbers and cards, a surprise to me.A. simila

6、rly B. unexpectedly C. willingly D. disappointedly参考答案:B略11. Fully _ looking after three children at home, she no longer has time to enjoy the various activities in the club. A. attached B. occupied C. contributed D. devoted参考答案:B略12. I keep medicines on the top shelf , out of the childrens .A. reac

7、h B. hand C. hold D. place参考答案:A13. What I like about Harvard is theres the old classical lookthere are parks and traditional buildings. Awhy Bwhere Cthat Dhow 参考答案:C略14. People around us _ affect our thoughts and behaviors()AmustBcanCshouldDwould参考答案:B句意:我们周围的人有时会影响我们的想法和行为must必须,肯定,偏偏;can能够,有时会,可能

8、;should应该,竟然,万一;would表示意愿或过去习惯性的行为根据句意,我们周围的人有时会影响我们的想法和行为故选B15. Some people waste a lot of food _ others in the world havent enough to eat.A. after B. when C. as D. while参考答案:D16. Why not get some work experience first _ go straight on to university?A. other than B. rather than C. more than D. less

9、 than参考答案:B二、 书面表达17. 书面表达 (满分20分) 请根据下表所列信息,以“Smoking is harmful”为题,写一篇120词左右的短文。参考答案:18. 书面表达 (共1题;满分30 分)作为一名高三学生,你或许经常跟你的父母就看电视问题闹矛盾。你的父母以学业繁重和影响视力等为由阻挠你看电视,而你又认为电视能满足你的兴趣爱好同时繁重的学业下也需要放松,最后你们之间相互妥协达成了一致意见。请你以该话题写一篇字数120左右的短文。注意:1. 就双方的理由可以进行适当的扩充,协议自己想象。 2. 开头已写好,不计入字数I am a Senior 3 student. I

10、often quarrel with my parents over whether I can watch TV after school._参考答案:书面表达 (共1题;满分30 分)I am a Senior 3 student. I often quarrel with my parents over whether I can watch TV after school. My parents hold the opinion that I should study hard so that I will have more choices in the future. Beside

11、s,they consider that it is harmful to my eyes to watch TV too often, which is the chief cause of short sight. But in my view, it is TV that gives me something what I am interested in. In addition, it may relax my mind when I am tired, in which case the efficiency of my study will be improved.In the

12、end we reached an agreement. Only at weekends am I allowed to watch TV. However, the programs are limited to news, sports and entertainment, not including TV plays. This agreement is acceptable to me for it is beneficial to my study and life.三、 阅读理解19. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项.。A few years ago my sister moved from her home in Alabama to Buffalo, New York. Since moving to Buffalo shes become a big hockey fan and has encouraged me to start watching it. Unfortunately its very difficult to find hockey on television he


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