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1、湖南省永州市杉木桥学校高一英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. While _ his dog in the park yesterday evening, Bob heard someone shouting for help in the distance.A. walking B. walked C. being walking D. to walk参考答案:A略2. He had led everyone to _ that his family was very rich. 高考资源网 A. believing B. believe C. be believed D. be belie

2、ving参考答案:B略3. It was not I but you who the first to run to the goal in that competition.A. is B. was C. are D. were参考答案:D略4. During the reconstruction of the city, many modern tall buildings went up _ old shabby houses were torn down. A. where B. in what C. in which D. which参考答案:A5. We can drive a c

3、ar forwards or backwards,but not_.Astraight BaheadCimmediately Dsideways参考答案:D句意为:我们开车可以向前或后退,但不能侧着开。straight笔直地;ahead向前;immediately立刻;sideways侧着。此句用sideways与forwards和backwards形成对比。6. Its my favorite song and I will never _ it. A. be angry with B. get tired ofC. be associated with D. get tired out 参

4、考答案:B7. Why does she always ask you for help? There is no one else _, is there?A. who to turn B. she can turn to C. for whom to turn D. for her to turn参考答案:B8. It seemed_the world was_ when the earthquake hit Wenchuan on May, 12th,2008.A.as if;at an end C.even if;in the end C.if;at the end D.that;by

5、 the end参考答案:A9. The teacher in our class is younger than _ in your class.A. one B. that C. him D. /参考答案:B10. The hunter _ down and _ to the farmer that he had_ his gun against the tree. A. lay, lied, laid B. lay, laid, laid C. laid, lay, lied D. laid, lied, lay参考答案:A略11. Then she wanted to run, but

6、 fear _ her still. A. stayed B. remained C. held D. took参考答案:C12. Though I have never been to New Zealand _, I have dreamed of it many times. A. in the mind B. in my eyes C. in the flesh D. in my soul 参考答案:C13. The residents in these communities were phoned _and asked the same question: what is happ

7、iness?A. at first glanceB. at randomC. at other timesD. at fault参考答案:B 14. Do you think attending training courses is a great help when you look for a new job? Well, it all depends. _, it gives me more of a chance to try.A. Somehow B. Besides C. Anyway D. Therefore参考答案:C15. The result of the examina

8、tion shows_. A. what great progress you have madeB. why did you make such progress C. such great progress you will makeD. that you had made good progress参考答案:A略16. We tried to _his doubts and let him tell the truth. A. replace B. remove C. review D. rebuild参考答案:B17. The money he has contributed in t

9、he past years to _ the disabled is now considered to be of great value.A. help B. helping, C. having helped D. being helped参考答案:B18. You have no idea how she finished the relay race _ her foot wounded so much.A. for B. when C. with D. while参考答案:C二、 完型填空19. Soon after Dave left college, one of his 1_

10、, who was 2_ and had no children of his own, 3_ and left a lot of money, so he decided to 4_ his own real estate company.He found a nice office, bought a lot of things to 5_ it, and moved in. He had only 6_ there for a few hours 7_ he heard someone 8_ towards the door of his office.“Its my first 9_!

11、” he thought. He quickly 10_ up the telephone and 11_ to be very 12_ in answering an important call from someone in New York who wanted to 13_ a big and 14_ house in the country.The man knocked at the door when this was 15_, came in and waited 16_ for Dave to 17_ his conversation. Then he said to hi

12、m, “Im 18_ the telephone company. I 19_ here to 20_ your telephone.1. A. grandparents B. parents C. aunts D. uncles2. A. ill B. kind C. rich D. healthy3. A. died B. remarried C. fell ill D. went out4. A. set up B. find C. build D. buy5. A. supply B. furnish(用家俱等布置)C.fill D. surround6. A. lived B. been C. gone D. left7. A. and B. as C. when D. suddenly8. A. going B. walking C. crying D. entering9. A. repairman B. visitor C. worker D. friend10.A. hung B. put C. picked D. brought11.A. seemed B



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