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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑出国旅游日常用语英语国外旅游日常英语口语国外旅游日常英语口语 国外旅游日常英语口语一 Answer to the Ordering 点菜回复 1. How would you like it done 您梦想怎么做 2. How would you like your soup serve,thick or thin 您想要什么样的汤,浓汤还是淡汤 3. How would you like your steak 牛排您要几成熟 4. Would you like your steak rare,medium or well done 您梦想牛排半生、适中还

2、是熟透 5. How would you like your salad serve,with sauce or without 您想要什么样的色拉,带调料还是不带调料的 6. Im sorry, therere no lobster left. 对不起,龙虾没有了。 7. Im afraid that this vegetable is not in season.Would you like to try something else 歉仄,现在不是生长这种菜的季节。您想不想吃点别的什么 8. If you want more dishes, you can order during th

3、e meal. 假设您还需要别的菜,还可以边吃边点。 9. What else would you like 您还要什么菜10. Your order will be ready very soon. 您点的菜很快就打定好。 11. Im afraid it is not on our breakfast menu. 我们早上的菜单或许没有这项。 国外旅游日常英语口语二 Inquiring about Demands 询问需要 1. Would you care for a drink before dinner 您需要在餐前喝点什么 2. Here is the wine list. 这是酒

4、水单。 3. Would you care for an aperitif before your meal 进餐前要不要来杯开胃酒 4. Which brand of beer would you like 您热爱什么牌子的啤酒 5. With or without ice, sir 先生,请问要加冰还是不要加冰 6. What drink do you prefer 您热爱喝什么 7. Will you have anything to drink 要什么喝的吗 8. Would you like coffee or tea您想要咖啡还是茶 9. May I have a glass of

5、 local beer 给我一杯当地啤酒好吗 10. Will you have cream and sugar in your coffee 你们的咖啡里加奶油和糖吗 11. Shall I pour the wine for you 我为您倒酒好吗 Recommending Drinks 推举酒水 1. Shaoxing wine tastes very good. 绍兴酒很好喝。 2. May I suggest QingdaoIt is milder than Shanghai and many other brands. 来杯青岛啤酒怎么样它的度数比上海啤酒以及大量其他品牌的啤酒 都

6、低。 3. The black tea tastes strong and promotes digestion. 红茶味浓,而且有助于消化。 4. Moutai is one of the most famous liquors in Ghina. 茅台酒是中国最出名的酒之一。 5. We have different kinds of canned and bottled beers. 我们有各种不同的罐装和瓶装啤酒。 6. Would you care for something a little stronnger 您想来点儿度数高一点儿的酒吗 7. If you prefer som

7、ething milder,we have rice wine.假设您容许喝淡一点的酒,我们有米酒。 8. Which kind of wine would you prefer 您热爱哪一种葡萄酒 9. Moutai is good indeed. It never goes to the head. 茅台酒真的很不错,喝多少都不上头。 国外旅游日常英语口语三 Appraising Drinks 评价酒水 1. Theres a lot of sediment in the bottle. 瓶子里有大量沉淀物。 2. This wine tastes of the grape. 这酒喝起来有葡萄的味道。 3. This wine tastes very tart. 这酒喝起来很辛辣。 4. This wien is not chilled enough. 这酒不够冰。 5. This orange juice is too sweet. 这橘汁太甜了。 6. I think it should be decanted now and allowed to breathe for a little while. 我认为现在理应轻轻倒,好让气味发散一下。 3



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