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1、山西省临汾市张马中学2020-2021学年高三英语联考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The Fort Company is economocal, as some consumers complain of, _ the truth that, _ of fuel, the new type of car marketed 3 months ago has some problem with the brake.A.of, conventional B. about, conservative C. with, economical D. from, economic 参考答案:C3. Mr.

2、Smith left home and went to Shenzhen in his twenties, where he _ until the 1990s.A. stayed B. had stayed C. have stayed D. were staying参考答案:A略3. Hi, LilyDont forget to watch Im a Singer at 10:00 this Friday night!What a pity! I _ in a plane to Hainan for a meeting thenAwill sit Bwill be sitting Cam

3、sitting Dsit参考答案:B4. Success is not final, and failure is not deadly. It is, you know, the courage to continue _ counts in lifeA. that B. which C. where D. when 参考答案:A【知识点】考查强调句型的用法。句意:成功不是最终目的,失败也不是致命的。你知道,是继续下去的勇气在生活中才最重要。You know为插入语,做题时可删除,以免影响思考。It is the courage to continue that counts in life

4、为强调句型,强调的是句子的主语the courage to continue。故选A。5. Jackson refused to accept the reward because he thought he didnt _the honor.A. hold. B. obtain. C. deserve. D. achieve.参考答案:C动词辨义题。杰克逊拒绝领奖,是因为他觉得自己不配(deserve)得到这个荣誉。6. its size in the last ten years, Imperials Tanaka Business School wishes to become a le

5、ading research-led business school. ADouble BDoubledCDoubling DHaving doubled参考答案:D7. The police still havent found the lost child,but theyre doing all they_.A.can B.may C.must D.should参考答案:A8. Energy ,passion and a burning desire are, you see, true learning takes.A .that B .what C .how D.which 参考答案

6、:B考查名词性从句。“精力、激情和渴望乃真正求知所需”。what引导表语从句,在从句中作take 的宾语。9. With help of my teacher, I have made great progress in English learning.A. the; 不填B. the; theC. a; aD. 不填;不填参考答案:A略10. The factory produced many famous cars, none of _ shipped to foreign countries.A. that B. what C. which D. them参考答案:D11. Docto

7、r Brown, whats your next project going to be about?Well, that remains _.A. to see B. to be seeing C. to seeing D. to be seen参考答案:D12. Commercial and recreational fishing _ population sizes and also made individuals smaller, since big fish _ and smaller ones thrown back.A. decreased; keptB. had decre

8、ased; are keptC. has decreased; keepD. has decreased; are kept参考答案:D【详解】考查时态和语态。句意:商业和休闲捕鱼减少了种群规模,也使个体变小,因为大鱼被保留,小鱼被扔回大海。结合句意第一空是现在完成时态;第二空是一般现在时态的被动语态,故答案为D。13. Mr Broun was disappointed to see the washing machine he had had_went wrong again.A.it B.it repaired C.repaired D.to be repaired参考答案:C14. 3

9、4Jackson knew he would surely get if he went to work late againAshouting at Bshouted at Cto shout at Dto be shouted参考答案:B略15. The fans _ crazy when their team scored the first goal in the soccer game.A. changedB. wentC. cameD drove参考答案:B16. _ Uncle Tom came, he would bring us some gifts.A. For the f

10、irst time B. Every time that C. Every time D. The first time that参考答案:C17. There is a guidepost at the corner, which “SchoolGo slow.”A. saysB. has said C. will say D. had said参考答案:A18. In the last few months many practice exams _ to sharpen the students examination skills Ahave held Bhave been held

11、Care held Dare being held参考答案:B略二、 书面表达19. 最近,我们以“2012年中学生的春节活动”为题,在368名中学生中进行了一次调查(survey)。以下是调查数据:1.春节期间的主要活动2.感受及原因(多数人)开心:收到很多压岁钱(部分人)不开心:功课太多,没时间娱乐3.期望:少些作业,多些闲暇时间【写作内容】请根据以上内容用英语写一份调查报告。内容包括:1.调查问题及调查对象;2.主要活动;3.感受及原因;4.期望。【写作要求】1.只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。2.文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。【评分标准】句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。参考答

12、案:Recently we surveyed 368 middle school students on how they spent the 2012 Spring Festival. 30% said they spent most of their time with their parents visiting s and friends while 25% went traveling with classmates or parents. 45% of all those surveyed indicated that they just stayed at home to do

13、homework. When asked how they felt about the Spring Festival, most said they enjoyed it because of the holiday and lucky money they got, but some felt unhappy because the amount of homework they were given left little time for fun activities. Many students expressed the hope that next year they will have less homework and more free time.三、 阅读理解20. Just 25 years ago, the top three career hopes for young people in Britain were teacher, banker and doctor. Now, they want to be sports star, pop star and actor, according to a survey by the Guardia



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