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1、江西省九江市马影中学2021-2022学年高一英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. Your advice is very attractive but I need to _ before I can let you know my decision.A. think it about B. think it over C. think it up D. think it of参考答案:B句意:你的建议很有吸引力,但是在你知道我的决定前我需要仔细考虑。think about思考; think over仔细思考; think up想出;D. think of想起;认为。故答案为B。2. I fe

2、el _ our duty to make our class harmonious to study in. A. it B. this C. that D. one参考答案:A3. - Would you mind opening the door? It is too hot.- _A. No, please dont. B. Yes, I do. C. Not a bit. Go ahead! D. Not a little. Go ahead!参考答案:C4. Kathy _a bit of Spanish by playing with the native boys and gi

3、rls. A. picked up B. took up C. made up D. turned up参考答案:A略5. How about eight oclock outside the cinema?- That _ me fine.A. fits B. meets C. satisfies D. suits参考答案:D本题考察动词辨析。fit多指大小、形状合适。suit多指合乎要求、口味、性格、条件、地位等。meet和satisfy则表示“满足(需要),符合(要求)”。6. The chairman thought _ necessary to invite Professor Sm

4、ith to speak at the meeting. A. that B. it C. this D. him参考答案:B7. I would rather _ the weekend at home than _ all the way to such a place. A. spending, driving B. spend, to drive C. spend, drive D. to spend, drive参考答案:C 8. I simply couldnt _ his meaning.A. reach out B. figure out C. watch out D. get

5、 out参考答案:B9. Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better. _. A. Id love to B. Im with you on that C. Its up to you D. Its my pleasure参考答案:B略10. . Claire had her luggage _ an hour before the plane left.A. check B. checking C. to check D. checked参考答案:D11. -How

6、do you find the performance tonight? -_ . It couldnt be better. A. Terrific! B. Terrible! C. No way! D. That depends.参考答案:a略12. He said _ he had eaten nothing for a long time and _ he was very hungry. A. that; / B. /; thatC. /; / D. what; what参考答案:B13. _ I have made this first visit, I hope I can co

7、me many more times.A.As ifB. In thatC. Even ifD. Now that参考答案:D试题分析:考查状语从句。A.As if好像;B. In that在于-;C. Even if即使;D. Now that既然。句意:既然我有了第一次访问,我希望我能来更多次。故选D。考点:考查状语从句14. The father made a promise _ his daughter worked hard, he would take her to visit Huangshan.A. if B. that C. whether D. that if参考答案:D略

8、15. I met an old friend _ on the train yesterday.A.by chance B. on purpose C.in fact D.in return 参考答案:a略16. With my money _, I went back home.A. ran out of B. ran out C. run out of D. running out参考答案:D17. Hello. This is Mary. Can I speak to Tom, please?_. Ill call him.A. Hello B. Just hang on a seco

9、nd C. He is out D. This is Sherry It has 参考答案:B略18. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _ in the kitchen.A. smoke B. smokingC. to smoke D. smoked参考答案:B这题考查现在分词做宾语补足语的用法:find sb doing“发现某人正在做”,句意是:如果厨师被发现正在厨房抽烟会被立刻解雇的。选B。二、 书面表达19. 最近你校开展了中学生如何处理人际关系的讨论。假如你是小组长,请写一篇你们小组的讨论总结,发表在英语校报上:【写作内

10、容】1.做好自己;2.尊重他人;3.学会沟通; 4. 注意:1.字数:100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总字数。Recently, we held a heated discussion about how to live harmoniously in the school. Here are the opinions of our group._We hope all of us can enjoy our school life. Li Hua参考答案:Recently, we held a heated discussion about

11、 how to live harmoniously in the school. Here are the opinions of our group.First of all, as middle school students, we should be kind and friendly to others, always ready to give a helping hand to those in need. Besides, we must behave ourselves, obeying both class and school rules and doing what w

12、e can for the class. Also, it matters a great deal to be honest and trustworthy in our daily life. Secondly, we should respect the old and love the young, especially showing concern for our parents and our teachers by understanding them and following their instructions. Last but not least, we should learn to communicate with others. Try to be considerate and put ourselves in others shoes, especially when frictions come about. We hope all of us can enjoy our school life. Li Hua三、 阅读理解


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