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1、山东省聊城市第六中学2021-2022学年高三英语期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. What do you think of that housewife?She is _ of a good housekeeper, for the childrens room is always a terrible mess.A. nobody B. somebody C. nothing D. something 参考答案:C2. Madam Curie, _ to scientific research, was_ the Nobel Prize twice.A. devoted herself; a

2、warded B. devoted; rewarded C. who devoted; awarded D. devoted; awarded参考答案:D3. To get a better grade, you should _the notes again before the test.A. go over B. get over C. turn over D. take over参考答案:A考查动词短语的辨析。句意为“为了获得好成绩,你应该在考试前好好复习这些笔记。”go over复习,重温从头到尾检查一遍;get over越过,完成,克服(困难),从(疾病、失望、震惊等)中恢复过来;

3、turn over翻身,翻转,把移交;take over接管; 接替。4. It takes more than knowledge and intelligence to _ a good researcher Amake Bturn Cget Dgrow参考答案:A略5. The news was a terrible blow to her,but she will _the shock soon.Atake out B100k through Cset off D. get over参考答案:D略6. _ the homemade gift looks like, remember i

4、ts the thought that counts.A. However B. No matter how C. Whether D. No matter what 参考答案:D7. I know youre having a hard time now, but if you can _the present study difficulties, everything should be all right. A. get away B. get over C. get on D. get off参考答案:B8. It is the first time that I _ the cit

5、y.A. visited B. have visited C. visit D. has visited参考答案:B9. The computer made in the USA is cheaper than_ made in Germany.A. the same B. any C. that D. one参考答案:C略10. Please hand on the papers to those _ at the back of the classroom.A. seating B. sat C. seatedD. sit参考答案:C考查过去分词。seated为过去分词做后置定语,相当于w

6、ho are seated. 句意为:请把试卷传递给坐在后面的那些人。11. _ you take part in physical activity _ be able to keep fit. A. Only if; you will B. Only if; will you C. If only; you will D. If only; will you参考答案:B12. You had better some time every day for sports or relaxation so that you can keep yourself energetic .A set a

7、side B. take up C. put away D. give out 参考答案:A13. Find time to take a walk regularly,_ you will feel refreshed.A. or B. but C. and D. so参考答案:C略14. The contest is so easy, but you fail to pass itIm sorry it _ be this way Aneed Bshould Cmay Dwould参考答案:B15. -Will you give me some suggestions on my job

8、interview? -Smiling is a great way to make yourself . A.stand out B.turn out C.work out D.pick out参考答案:A。考查动词短语辨析。Stand out脱颖而出,突出,杰出;turn out生产;结果是;关掉;出现;work out解决;算出;实现;制定出;弄懂;pick out挑选出。句意为:“下周我要参加工作面试,能给点建议?”“微笑是让你脱颖而出的最好的方法”。16. Look at this years sales figures last years; theyre much betterA

9、 with Bfrom Cagainst Dbetween参考答案:C17. -What happened to her?-She was _ to hospital with a soaring temperature.A. adaptedB. adjustedC. admittedD. adopted参考答案:C【详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:-她怎么了?-她因高烧而住院。A. adapted适应;B. adjusted调整;C. admitted 准 许进 入;D. adopted采纳。sb be admitted to sth“某人被准许进入某处”。故选C项。18. How long

10、have you been here,Susan?Only about half an hourBeth_here with meAdrives Bhas driven Cdrove Dhad driven参考答案:C二、 书面表达19. 假如你是班长,你们班将组织一次参观历史博物馆的活动,写一篇口头通知,以便向同学们宣布。相关内容如下: 时 间:本周末 活动安排:8:00在学校大门口集合;8:10集体乘车去历史博物馆; 8:40在导游的带领下参观历史博物馆; 11:00参观结束;集体乘车返回学校。要 求:1、参观当天要统一穿校服;2、参观后每人写一篇观后感。注 意: 本通知应写成一篇连贯的短

11、文。词数120左右。参考答案:Now, everybody, attention, please. I have something to tell you. We are going to pay a visit to the History Museum this Sunday. Be sure to arrive at the school gate before 8:00 a.m. We will set off at 8:10 a.m. by bus altogether. At about 8:40 a.m., well have a visit to the History Mu

12、seum following a guide. At around 11:00 the visit is over, and we plan to return at about 11:10 by bus. Dont forget to wear school uniforms on the very day. And everyone needs to write a composition after the visit. Hope you will enjoy it. Thats all. Thank you.三、 阅读理解20. Games both for adults and ch

13、ildren are an excellent means to enhance a lot of physical and mental skills and bring them significant advantages. It has a greater educational influence than what individuals are aware of. Most kids with developmental disabilities that normally do not react to their surroundings often are transformed completely when playing games.Indeed, games possess a remarkable impact on the sensory perception (感官知觉) at various levels. For instance, a baseball player learns to process it promptly when the baseball is actually com


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