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1、安徽省芜湖市田家炳中学2021-2022学年高二英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. Some students, hoping to get a high score, are _ about the results of coming exam.A. absurd B. guilty C. anxious D. puzzling参考答案:C2. Weve just moved into a bigger house and theres a lot to do.Lets it.A.keep up withB.do away withC.get down toD.look forward to

2、参考答案:C提示:考查动词短语。句意:我们刚刚搬进一所更大的房子,还有许多事情要做。咱们开始干吧。keep up with “跟上,不落后”;do away with “废除,取消,结束”;get down to “开始,着手(做某事)”;look forward to “盼望”。 3. - Is your father a teacher of English in No. l Middle School? - No. But he _ English there for ten years. A. has taught B. has been teaching C. taught D. h

3、ad taught参考答案:C4. -We often climb -Xiang Shan. Hiking is _ great fun.Yeah, when I get to _ top of a mountain, I feel so satisfied.Aa ; the B/ ; a Cthe ; / D/ ; the 参考答案:D5. Its not you but Mr. Anderson who _ to answer for the accident.A. was B. were C. are D. is参考答案:D6. She was so absent-minded whil

4、e typing that she _ the entire second paragraph. A. gave out B. found out C. put out D. left out 参考答案:D7. It is uncertain _ side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it. A. that B. what C. how D. whether参考答案:B8. I can start to work next Monday. _ then

5、. I am glad to be able to offer you the job. A. You cant be serious. B. Youre welcome.C. Thats right. D. Its settled.参考答案:D9. Those who can _ difficulties on their way to success may keep calm when they really appear.A. avoid B. overcome C. cause D. experience参考答案:B10. Can you come on Monday or Tues

6、day?I m afraid _day is possible.A. either B. neither C. some D. any参考答案:B11. _ fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.A. Would you be B. Should you be C. Could you be D. Might you be参考答案:B12. China, _ The Third World, is developing very rapidly.A. belongs to B. be

7、longed toC. belong D. belonging to参考答案:D13. Ive been told that the medical team, _ five doctors and ten nurses, _ sent to the flood-stricken area. A. consisted of; are to beB. is consisted of; will beC. consisting of; is to be D. consists of; will be参考答案:C略14. John is very _ -if he promises to do st

8、h. , hell do it .A. independent B. confident C. reliable D. flexible参考答案:C15. _ in her new novel, the young writer kept writing for hours in her room.A. Having deeply absorbed B. Deeply absorbingC. Deeply having been absorbed D. Deeply absorbed参考答案:D16. Harry, did you attend the dancing party_ at Ja

9、cks house the other day?Aheld Bhaving been held Cto be held Dbeing held参考答案:A略17. Why? Tom,your skirt is so dirty!Mum, I my storeroom downstairs.A.cleanedB.have cleanedC.was cleaningD.have been cleaning参考答案:D18. It is rather difficult to make friends with her, but her friendship, _ , is truer than a

10、ny others. Awhile gaining Bafter gaining C.when to gain Donce gained参考答案:D二、 书面表达19. 假如你是校学生会主席,为了应对全球变暖、保护地球家园, 你将代表学校向全体学生发出低碳减排、绿色生活的倡议请你根据以下要点写一封英文倡议书1 发出倡议的目的2低碳减排、绿色生活的几点建议3 呼吁大家采取行动注意:1 词数100词左右;2 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3 开头语已给出,不计入总词数Dear friends,Do you know the earth is becoming warmer and warmer?

11、_The Students Union参考答案:Dear friends,Do you know the earth is becoming warmer and warmer? It is human activity that has caused this global warming【高分句型一】 A lowcarbon lifestyle is the key to handling this big problem facing the earth(发出倡议的目的)To fulfill it, we should do our part in our daily life Firs

12、t, turn off the taps, the lights and so on when we are not using them It is a good idea to recycle everything recyclable in our daily life Whats more, motor vehicles use a lot of energyso walk or ride a bike if we can It also makes sense to stick to the habit of setting the temperature of our air conditioners at above 26 in summer【高分句型二】(低碳减排、绿色生活的几点建议)Lets all take action now! If we can make small changes in our way of life, we can make a big difference o the earth(呼吁大家采取行动)The Students Union本篇书



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