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1、辽宁省朝阳市羊角沟乡初级职业中学2021-2022学年高一英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. You can cook dinner if you promise not to _ a mess in the kitchen.A. make B. haveC. do D. get参考答案:A句意:只要你保证不把厨房搞乱,你就可以在这儿做晚餐。make a mess“弄乱”。2. He was such _good speaker that he held our attention every minute of _three hour lecture.A. /; the B a; /

2、C. a; the D a; a参考答案:D3. All her time _ experiments, so she has no time for films. A. devoted to do B. devoted to doing C. is devoting to doing D. is devoted to doing参考答案:D4. The Oscar is one of the film prizes _offered to any Chinese actor or actress so far.A. which is not B. that have not beenC. t

3、hat has not D. that has not been参考答案:B解析:定语从句所修饰的词是the film prizes,所以定语从句的谓语应该用复数形式。5. Williams hopes to become a friend of _ shares his interest and pleasure. A. anyone B. no matter who C. whoever D. who参考答案:C 考查名词性从句,第二单元语法项目6. Hearing what I had said, Mr. Liu gave me a expression. Really? Your ex

4、planation must have been very . A. puzzled; puzzling B. puzzling; puzzled C. puzzled; puzzled D. puzzling; puzzling 参考答案:A7. They talked about several questions _ the proper education of the children.A. concerns B. concern C. concerning D. concerned参考答案:C8. What do you think I should wear for such a

5、 formal press conference? Dress _ you like. A. how B. what C. whatever D. however参考答案:D9. As soon as _ concert film This Is It was released on October 28th, it became _ great success in all big cinemas across the planet.Aa; the Bthe; aCthe; / Da; a参考答案:B考查冠词。句意:This Is It这部音乐影片在10月28号一放映,就在整个世界获得了成功

6、。根据句意可知,第一空特指This Is It这部影片,因此用定冠词the; success当“成功的人或事物”讲时,是可数名词,因此前面加不定冠词。10. Mike does well in singing and he is good at gymnastics _ . A. either B. as well C. but also D. neither参考答案:B11. Last Sunday, Mr. Green asked Lily she had written to her mother .A. that; yesterday B. that; the day beforeC.

7、 whether; yesterday D. whether; the day before参考答案:D略12. When his dad died, he felt his whole world was hopeless . A. in case B. as though C. so that D. even though参考答案:B略35. The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see _the next year.Acarry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to car

8、ry out参考答案:C略14. The _ speaker kept us _ at the meeting.A. amusing; amused B. amused; amusing C. amused; amused D. amusing; amusing参考答案:A15. _ the same mistake again made his parents very angry.AHis being made BHe had made CHe had making DHis making参考答案:D分析句子结构知,此处为动名词短语作主语;he与make the same mistake之

9、间为逻辑上的主谓关系,当强调其逻辑主语时,其前可加相应的形容词性物主代词或名词所有格形式。16. A man was seen _ to break into the house.A try B. trying C. tried D. to try参考答案:B17. The man insisted _ a taxi for me even though I told him there was _ kind of transport nearby. A. find; not such B. to find; no such C. on finding; no such D. in findi

10、ng; not such 参考答案:C18. Peters ability to speak English fluently gave him a(n)_ over those who could not.A. advantage B. character C. attitude D. appearance参考答案:A19. He saved the drowning boy that winter,and was a hero for his courageous deeds.A.honoured B.honoured as C.honoured with D.honoured for参考

11、答案:B二、 短文改错20. 文中共有10处语言错误每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出谈加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改仅限一词。2只允许修改l0处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Now paper still come from trees. Unfortunately, we use a lot of paper every day. We mustnt waste paper, or there will not have any tre

12、es leaving on the earth. No trees means no paper. We need 17 trees make one ton of paper. We must start using fewer paper. How can we save paper? Firstly, we can use both sides of paper. We can reuse again envelopes. We can use plastic cups and plates instead of paper one. We can either use handkerc

13、hiefs instead of paper tissues. Beside, we can use fewer paper shopping bags and we can reuse these paper bags late参考答案:略21. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(/),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分Life is not easy for any of us. We will unavoidably suffered bitterness and sadness from failure. Thus, there is very important for us to have a good mood in our daily life. If you have a good mood, yo


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