立夏Start of Summer(中英双语解读二十四节气大寒的由来、三候、气候特征、饮食、风俗与相关文学)

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立夏Start of Summer(中英双语解读二十四节气大寒的由来、三候、气候特征、饮食、风俗与相关文学)_第1页
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立夏Start of Summer(中英双语解读二十四节气大寒的由来、三候、气候特征、饮食、风俗与相关文学)_第2页
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立夏Start of Summer(中英双语解读二十四节气大寒的由来、三候、气候特征、饮食、风俗与相关文学)_第3页
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《立夏Start of Summer(中英双语解读二十四节气大寒的由来、三候、气候特征、饮食、风俗与相关文学)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《立夏Start of Summer(中英双语解读二十四节气大寒的由来、三候、气候特征、饮食、风俗与相关文学)(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、立夏 Start of Summer传统二十四节气之汇报人:XXX 立夏的由来 立夏三候 立夏习习俗 立夏饮饮食目录立夏的由来PART 01立 夏 由 来立夏是农历 二十四节气中的第7个节气,夏季的第一个节气,表示盛夏时节 的正式开始,太阳到达黄经45度时为 立夏节气。斗指东南,维为 立夏,万物至此皆长大,故名立夏也。Start of Summeru The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Start of Summer (Chinese: 立夏), the 7th term of

2、 the year, begins on May 6 and ends on May 21 this year.u Start of Summer signals the transition of seasons. On this day, the suns rays reach an angle of 45 degrees to the earth. The temperature will rise quickly during this period, yet in northern China weather remains mild, not tropical.立 夏 由 来月令七

3、十二候集解:“立夏,四月节。立字解见春。夏,假也。物至此时皆假大也。 ”在天文学上,立夏表示即将告别春天,是夏天的开始。人们习惯 上都把立夏当作是温度明显升高,炎暑将临,雷雨增多,农作物进入旺季生长的一个重要节气立夏三侯Insert Header Topic HerePART 02立 夏 三 侯蝼 蝈 鸣蝼蛄也,诸言蚓者非初 候立 夏 三 侯蚯 蚓 出蚯蚓阴物,感阳气而出二 候立 夏 三 侯王 瓜 生王瓜色赤,阳之盛也三 候立夏习俗Insert Header Topic HerePART 03立 夏 习习 俗The term Start of Summer was originated at

4、the end of the Warring States Period (239BC). Since it is a crucial time for the harvest of summer crops such as wheat and canola, ancient Chinese emperors in different dynasties attached great importance to the Start of Summer.In the Zhou Dynasty (1050-221 BC), the emperor led his officials to stag

5、e a welcome rite for the Start of Summer and encouraged his residents to seize the key time to do farm work. Its said that most of the decorations were arranged in the color red, including the emperor and the officials dress, the jade pendants, the horses and the flags, in order to show respect to t

6、he god of summer and pray for a good harvest.Greeting Start of Summer立 夏 习习 俗“立夏”的“夏”是“大”的意思,是指春天播种的植物已经直立长大了。江浙一带,人们因大好的春光明媚过去了,未免有惜春的伤感,故备酒食为欢,好像送人远去,名为饯春。立夏日人们则喝冷饮来消暑。立夏日,江南水乡有烹食嫩蚕豆的习俗迎夏仪式立 夏 习习 俗如苏州有“立夏见三新”之谚,三新为樱 桃、青梅、麦子,用以祭祖。在常熟,尝新的食物更为丰盛,有“九荤十三素”之说,九荤为鲫 、咸蛋、螺鰤、熄(即放在微火上煨熟;一种烹调方法,用多种香料加工而成为熄鸡)鸡

7、、腌鲜、卤虾 、樱桃肉;十三素包括樱桃、梅子、麦蚕(新麦揉成细条煮熟)、笋、蚕豆、矛针、豌豆、黄瓜、莴笋、草头、萝卜、玫瑰、松花。在南通,则吃煮鸡、鸭蛋。尝新活动立 夏 习习 俗那日中午,家家户户煮好囫囵蛋(鸡蛋带壳清煮,不能破损),用冷水浸上数分钟之后再套上早已编。织好的丝网袋,挂于孩子颈上。孩子们便三五成群,进行斗蛋游戏。蛋分两端,尖者为头,圆者为尾斗蛋时蛋头斗蛋头,蛋尾击蛋尾。一个一个斗过去,破者认输,最后分出高低。斗蛋游戏立 夏 习习 俗u In ancient China, people believed a round egg symbolized a happy life and

8、 eating eggs on the day of Start of Summer was a prayer for good health. They put leftover tea into boiled water together with eggs and the original tea egg was created. Later people improved cooking methods and added spices to the eggs to make them taste delicious. Today tea egg has become a tradit

9、ional snack in China.Eating eggs立 夏 习习 俗u As an old Chinese saying goes hanging an egg on childrens chest can prevent them from getting summer diseases, parents will prepare boiled eggs and put them in a knitted bag before hanging them on their childs chest.u When at school, children gather together

10、 to play egg competitions by colliding each others eggs in pairs and the one whose egg is not broken wins.Egg Competitions立 夏 习习 俗立夏吃罢中饭还 有秤人的习俗。人们在村口或台门里挂起一杆大木秤,秤钩悬 一根凳子,大家轮流坐到凳子上面秤人。司秤人一面打秤花,一面讲着吉利话。秤老人要说“秤花八十七,活到九十一”。秤姑娘说“一百零五斤,员外人家找上门。勿肯勿肯偏勿肯,状元公子有缘分。”秤小孩则说 “秤花一打二十三,小官人长大会出山。七品县官勿犯难,三公九卿也好攀”。打秤花

11、只能里打出(即从小数打到大数),不能外打里。 立夏秤人立 夏 习习 俗u The custom of weighing people at the Start of Summer originated from the Three Kingdoms Period (220-180) and prevails in South China today. It was believed this practice would bring health and good luck to the people weighted.u After lunch on the day of Start of

12、Summer, people would suspend a stool or basket from a beam. The young and old took turns to get weighed while the person calculating the weight would offer good wishes and auspicious words. It is said those who were weighed would stay healthy in the hot summer and those who werent would suffer illne

13、ss.Checking ones weight立 夏 习习 俗u According to Chinese traditional medicine, Start of Summer is a key time to moisten the heart. When the weather grows hotter dampness and heat can affect human health. Food rich in vitamins and cool in nature is highly recommended. Vegetables, such as cucumber, tomat

14、o, watercress and celery and fruits that include watermelon, pear and strawberry are top recommendations.Take care of the heart立夏饮食PART 04节日PPT模板 http:/ 夏 饮饮食传统 中医认为 ,人们在春夏之交要顺应 天气的变化,重点关注心脏。心为阳脏,主阳气。心脏的阳气能推动血液循环,维持人的生命活动。心脏的阳热之气不仅维 持其本身的生理功能,而且对全身有温养作用,人体的水液代谢、汗液调节 等,都与心阳的重要作用分不开。立夏节气常常衣单被薄,即使体健之人也

15、要谨防外感,一旦患病不可轻易运用发汗之剂,以免汗多伤心。老年人更要注意避免气血瘀滞,以防心脏病的发作。故立夏之季,情宜开怀,安闲自乐,切忌暴喜伤心。清晨可食葱头少许,晚饭宜饮红 酒少量,以畅通气血。具体到膳食调养中,我们应 以低脂、低盐、多维、清淡为主。饮饮食窍门窍门立 夏 饮饮食清芬养心,升运脾气。可作为常用补虚之品,尤为适宜夏季食补。荷叶凤凤脯鱼鱼腥草拌莴莴笋清热解毒,利湿祛痰。对肺热咳嗽,痰多粘稠,小便黄少、热痛等症均有较好的疗效。桂圆圆粥补益心脾,养血安神。尤其适用于劳伤 心脾,思虑过 度,身体瘦弱,健忘失虑,月经不调等症 。立夏诗词PART 05立 夏 诗诗 词词赤帜插城扉,东君整驾归。泥新巢燕闹,花尽蜜蜂稀。槐柳阴初密,帘栊暑尚微。日斜汤沐罢,熟练试单 衣。立夏 -陆游立 夏 诗诗 词词改序念芳辰,烦襟倦日永。夏木已成阴,公门昼恒静。长风始飘阁,叠云才吐岭。坐想离居人,还当惜徂景。日忆忆京师诸师诸 弟 -韦应 物立 夏 诗诗 词词南国似暑北国春,绿秀江淮万木荫。时病时虫人撒药,忽寒忽热药搪人。立 夏 左河水谢谢观 看传统二十四节气之汇报人:XXX


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