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1、xx年3月19日托福口语真题及答案解析 If you are a teacher of a tutor group and you are going to take students to a study trip, where would you take them to? A science museum, a local farm, or a theatre performance? 范例 If I were the teacher, Id take my students to a local farm for sure. With the great leap forward of

2、 urbanization, most kids lose the opportunity to learn about our mother nature unwittingly. As a teacher myself, I couldnt remember how many times I threw out the question “tell me about your favorite animal” with unfortably long pauses. My students find it tough to answer the question from direct e

3、xperience. They arent able to list typical features of those animals or their living habits or anything! What a shocking fact! So Id love to provide my students a chance to get closer to those warm creatures and soft grasslands than to cold machines and concrete streets. Agree or disagree that stude

4、nts should take some additional courses so that they can get their credits more quickly? 范例 Personally speaking, taking additional courses shouldnt be encouraged at school. To begin with, the purpose of attending school is not only limited to obtaining credits and degrees, but also taking time to po

5、nder on the moment of truth and take pleasure to swim in the sea of knowledge. Extra time and energy could spill over better places like reading extensively as well as intensively on areas of interest, and participating in all sorts of seminars to learn from established professors and curious peers.

6、 Besides, school is a wonderful place to meet like-mind souls and appreciate the attractiveness of differences. Spending more time learning from people around you is much more valuable than getting lost in the hustle and bustle of earning credits. Reading: 学校公告推迟一小时上课,从8am改为9am。 1.让学生睡更久,精力充分更利于学习。

7、2.教授有更多时间准备课程。 Listening: 男生不同意。 1.如果学生知道不用早起自然会睡得更晚,实际上会减少休息时间。 2.教授那个时间正好赶上早顶峰,反而在路上浪费更多时间。 范例 The university announces to put off the first class in the morning until an hour later, from 8am to 9am, so as to make students well-rested and better-prepared for classes. Plus, the professor gets more

8、time to get well-prepared for classes. The man in the conversation is not in favor of this plan. He argues that students will stay up late instinctively if they are aware that they dont have to get up early next morning. As for the point about professors, he points out that it is more likely for pro

9、fessors to get caught in the rush hours in the morning with such change. Theyll end up wasting more time on the road dealing with heavy traffic. In short, the plan would lead to more negative consequences rather than expected. Reading: Negatively bias,负面特点对人们影响更大。 Listening: 一个员工努力工作,知识渊博,乐于助人,然而脾气暴

10、躁,意见不一致时会和情绪剧烈地争论。所以当问他的同事他是否可以被晋升的时候,大家完全忽略了他的优点,只记得他容易生气。所以最后没有提拔。 范例 The passage talks about negatively bias which means the negative characteristic will impress people stronger than the positive ones. The professor presents us an example to illustrate this phenomenon. A worker in an insurance pa

11、ny is diligent, capable and knowledgable. He always finishes work perfectly and loves to help others in need. However, his only shorting is that hes easy to lose temper. One time he even argued with a coworker emotionally. So when it es to the time of promotion, if the boss asks about the coworkers

12、option towards him, they will concentrate much more on his bad temper instead of all those favorable qualities. 问题:春假期间女生想在寝室写paper,室友却有朋友来宿舍拜访一整周。 1.和室友商量一下,希望室友能理解在宿舍不希望被打搅。 2.去图书馆,但图书馆假期每天只开放一段时间,剩下的时间不知道怎么办。 范例 The woman is facing a dilemma at the moment. Shes planned to work on her paper in dor

13、m during the spring break but her roommate will have a friend over for the whole week, which puts her in a tough spot. She can either talk to her roommate or go to the library instead. Id suggest her choose the latter one. Firstly, as she mentions, taking to her roommate about the distraction on her

14、 study seems improper, and may even cause misunderstanding between them, so itd be unwise to do so. Admittedly, the librarys open hour is shortened during the spring break and shell have less time to write her paper, such pression in time may as well stimulate her to work harder and to get the paper

15、 done more efficiently. 主题:生物方法应对生物入侵 1.和化学防除相比,昆虫防治能减少对环境中的其他外乡物种的危害。 比方,在新西兰某地有一种入侵仙人掌,它的存在抑制了其他植物的生长。科学家们引入的昆虫之消灭入侵的.仙人掌,并没有污染或者破坏环境中的其他植物。 2.性价比高。 化学防治浪费钱,引入昆虫只需要使用最少量的昆虫到达最好的去除效果,因为昆虫具备繁衍的能力,在短时间内增量后的昆虫能够彻底消灭入侵的物种。 例如,引入少量甲壳虫便去除了生长在美国的一种weed。 范例 The professor introduces two advantages of applyi

16、ng biological methods to control invasive plants. For one thing, paring with chemical methods, biological methods cause less harm to the habitat. Unlike chemicals that may contaminate environment, insects will only eat the invasive plant. For example, scientists used to use insects to kill this kind of invasive cactus in New Zealand. Those insects do no damage to the environment but


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