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1、湖北省黄冈市陶斯中学高一英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. I daresay that _.Aonly in this country you can enjoy such hospitality. Ks5uBonly in the morning does that kind of bird sing.Conly in this way you will achieve the success in the end.Donly by comparing with others you find your own advantages and disadvantages.参考答案:B2. On

2、e reason for her preference for city life is _ she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants. A. what B. how C. that D. why参考答案:C3. We should do something to help those _ lost their homes in the terrible earthquake.A. whom B. which C. who D what参考答案:C4. I called the airline to_my fli

3、ght reservation a week before I left for Toronto.Apuzzle BchatCconfirm Dmeasure参考答案:C5. Margie shows a very positive attitude _ her work. A. toward B. with C. of D. about参考答案:A略6. Human beings will live in the sky or under the water in the future. _!I dont think you really believe that, _?A. You can

4、t be serious; dont I B. You have got it right; dont you C. Oh, come on; do you D. Good for you; do I参考答案:C略7. Such arguments the question of where the responsibility lay.A. miss B. studyC. ignore D. upset参考答案:C【详解】考查动词词义辨析。A. miss错过、想念;B. study研究、学习;C. ignore忽视;D. upset使沮丧。句意:这些论点忽视了责任在哪里的问题。根据句意可知此

5、处表示“忽视”,故C项正确。8. I wonder what trouble he had _the plan.A. carrying out B. to carry out C. carried out D. with carrying out参考答案:A9. He is the sort of person that is not fit for the kind of work that _ carefulness and patience.A. calls up B. calls for C. calls on D. calls at参考答案:B10. The library _ la

6、st year where it used to be a theatre has over 5,000 books. A. given up B. put up C. sent upD. made up参考答案:B11. Li Ming is fond of his math teacher Miss Li because Miss Li treats him well, he were her own child.A. even if B. as if C. in spite of D. even though参考答案:B12. The doctor said,“Sir, you _ be

7、 sitting in this waiting room. Its for the children only.” A. neednt B.cant C. wont D. oughtnt to 参考答案:A13. Jane Goodall made _ possible for people to know more about chimps.A that B this C what D it 参考答案:D24. After telling the touching story, the teacher let the students discuss whether anything co

8、uld _a mothers love and care.A. take place of B. in place of C. replace D. replace with参考答案:C略15. The two companies are competing _ each other to get into the Indian market. A. to B. for C. in D. against参考答案:D16. If it is a sunny day tomorrow, lets _it and go swimming in the South Lake.A. make use o

9、f B. be made of C. make up D. make up of参考答案:A17. Has Ms Lin arrived already?-Yes. _ I bring her in now or just let her wait outside, sir?A. Would B. Will C. Must D. Shall参考答案:D句意:-林女士已经到了吗?-是的。我是现在带她进来还是让她在外面等呢,先生?shall可用在问句中表示征求对方意见,主要用于第一、三人称,有“好吗?”,“要不要”等意思。故选D。 18. The man got_ while plalying t

10、he football. A. hurt B. hurting C. hurted D, being hurted参考答案:A19. I dislike seafood, but Mary thinks no food tastes _ than fish and crab. A. the better B. best C. better D. a better 参考答案:C二、 短文改错20. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该

11、加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。Dear John,How are you? Im writing to tell you my concerns about some of your unhealthy habit. I dont mean upset you, so I really care about you.John, I found that you didnt eat the vegetables when having dinners and that you love the junk food crazily.

12、Besides, you refused to climb the mountain with myself, because you thought you would be out of the breath if you did it. But a healthy body is the basis of a success life. I do wish you can try some fresh vegetables. In addition, I want you to take exercise regular everyday, that will help you impr

13、ove your physical health.Looking forward to see your progress.参考答案:Dear John,How are you? Im writing to tell you my concerns about some of your unhealthy habit. I dont habits mean upset you, so I really care about you. to but John, I found that you didnt eat the vegetables when having dinners and that you love the the lovedjunk food crazily. Besides, you refused to climb the mountain with myself, because you thought you me/us would be out of the breath if you did it. But a healthy b



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