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1、湖北省黄冈市英才中学2020年高二英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. If it is possible, _ your days off to balance your time.A. draw attention to B. make an impression onC. look back at D. take advantage of参考答案:D考查动词词组辨析。A. draw attention to注意;B. make an impression on留下印象;C. look back at回顾;D. take advantage of利用。句意:如果可能的话,利用你的假期去

2、平衡一下你的时间。故选D。2. “ I dont know what you mean, ” said Mary an angry voice. A. in B. on C. with D. by参考答案:A3. Shall I help you carry the heavy box? _.A. Im afraid not B. Thanks. I can manage it myself C. No, I can carry myself D. Thanks. I do myself参考答案:B考查情景交际。it指代的是carry the heavy box这件事。“I can manag

3、e it myself.”意思是说“我自己能行”。A. Im afraid not.“恐怕不行”;C项中carry的宾语不应该是myself;D项中do的宾语也不应该是myself,可以用it指“carry the heavy box”。故选B。4. This newspaper advertised for two journalists with _ good command of communication skills and _ experience in doing office work.A. a; an B. the; an C. /; an D. a; /参考答案:D5. -

4、May I ask a question after class, Sir?-_, but not during my lunch break.A. Im sorry B. Anytime C. Certainly D. Go ahead参考答案:C6. Can you come on Friday or Saturday? Im afraid day is possible. I will go to the hospital to look after my friend. A. either B. none C. any D. neither参考答案:D略7. I like this h

5、ouse with a beautiful garden in front, but I dont have enough money to buy _.A. one B. it C. this D. that参考答案:B8. Its not the_itself, but the _you make use of that is responsible for the failure.A. manner; way B. method; mannerC. manner; method D. way; method参考答案:Bmethod意指具体的技术或操作方法;way为普通用语,既指解决某一问

6、题的方法,也指运用某种方法过程所表现出来的个性或风格;manner意义同way,只是较为正式的说法。排除A主要是鉴于正式用语manner和非正式用语way不宜同时用于同一个语言环境里。9. The time he has devoted in the past ten years _ the disabled is now considered _ of great value.A. to help;being B. to helping;to beC. to help;to be D. helping;being参考答案:B10. It is suggested that medicine

7、not be kept where it is to children. A. acceptable B. accessible C. considerable D. flexible参考答案:B11. Nowadays Chinese pedestrians feel caught between morality and trick: should they help an elderly person who _ into the street?A. has fallen B. is falling C. had fallen D. was falling参考答案:A12. The ne

8、ws of the earthquake _ when a large quantity of relief supplies _ to the disaster-stricken area.A. had hardly been spread; was deliveredB. was hardly spread; were deliveredC. had hardly spread; were deliveredD. had hardly spread; was delivered参考答案:C考查时态和语态。句意:地震的消息一传开,大量的救灾物资被递送到灾区。第一空是固定句式hardlywhe

9、n,主句用过去完成时态;从句的主语是a large quantity of relief supplies,后面的谓语动词用复数形式,用一般过去时态的被动语态,故答案为C。【名师点睛】固定句式:hardlywhen,no soonerthan,“一就”,主句用过去完成时态,从句用一般过去时态,如果把否定词hardly/no sooner提到主语前面,则把had提到主语前面,句子用部分倒装。如:Hardly had he arrived home when it began to rain. 他一到达家,天就开始下雨。13. I plan to go back home to visit my

10、family during the Spring Festival, but if I cant get the train ticket, I still have an _ plan: to visit the museums.AappropriateBalternativeCapproximateDanxious参考答案:B【详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我计划在春节期间回家探望我的家人,但如果我买不到火车票,我仍然有备用计划:参观博物馆。A. appropriate合适的;B. alternative备选的;C. approximate大概的; D. anxious 焦虑的。根据句意

11、,参观博物馆不是我的首要计划,而是首要计划不能实现后的备用计划,根据句意,选B项。14. I should very much like to have gone to the party but I .A.hadnt been invitedB.wasnt invitedC.wouldnt be invitedD.am not invited参考答案:B句意:本来我非常想去参加聚会的,但是我没有被邀请。根据句意可知,聚会已经举办过了,只是当时我没有被邀请,因此应用一般过去时,故选B。15. Hi, Tony, can I use your computer for a while this

12、afternoon? - Sorry. _.A. Its repaired B. Its being repaired C. It has been repaired D. It had been repaired参考答案:B二、 书面表达16. 实现有效的沟通,建立良好的人际关系,不仅要善于言表、更要学会倾听。请你根据下表中所提供的信息,写一篇为“Being a Good Listener”的英文演讲稿。1. 为何倾听: 表示尊重,增进理解,建立良好的人际关系2. 谁来倾听:家长与孩子之间相互倾听,老师与学生之间相互倾听,同学与同学之间相互倾听,3. 敞开心扉去倾听别人,关注别人,可以开拓自

13、己的视野,使人与人的心离的更近。注意:对所给要点,逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。词数120左右。开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。Good afternoon, everyone! The topic of my speech today is“Being a Good Listener”._Thank you for your listening参考答案:Good afternoon, everyone! The topic of my speech today is“Being a Good Listener”. Good listening can always show respect, promote understanding, and improve interpersonal relationship. Many people suggest that parents should listen more to their children, so they will understand them better, and find it easy to narrow the generation gap; teachers should listen


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