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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑购物英语情景对话20句购物常用英语口语购物常用英语口语 无论是新移民还是老移民,亦或是去美国旅游购物,到商场购物是不 可制止的事情,但是商场工作人员都是说的英语可能让人听的一头雾水,所以在 美国购物,这几句英文你确定要会说,要能听懂,这样才能在美国商场中顺遂购 物。 商店几点开门 When does the store open (商店几点开门) Its closed today. (今天休息。) When is closing time (几点打烊) We wont open until eleven. (11点才开门。) That late (那么晚)

2、It opens at eleven. (11点开门。) From eleven. (11点开头。) Our business hours begin at eleven. (我们11点开头上班。) 你找什么呢 What are you looking for (你找什么呢) The shoe department. (我找卖鞋的柜台。) The eighth floor, please. 接待光临。 May I help you *顾客走进商店时,店员经常一边说May I help you,一 边走近顾客。 Can I help you What can I do for youHow ma

3、y I help you 我想买件套装。 Id like a suit. *Id like 是I would like的缩写,表示梦想“我想要”, 比I want的语气更客气。 我在找一种包。 Im looking for a bag. Im looking for a black, leather bag. (我在找一种黑色的皮包。) Hows this (这个怎么样) 我只看看。 Im just looking. 没有更加想买的意思时,可以这样回复店员。 Just looking. Just browsing. I dont need any help. Im just browsing.

4、 No just yet. (还不需要。) 您有什么需要扶助的尽管说。 If you need any help, let me know. *这是店员对顾客常用的一种说法。 这双鞋真美丽! These shoes are great! These shoes are wonderful. 买这个吧。 Buy this.Please buy this (for me)。 这个多少钱 How much is this How much does this cost What does this cost What is the price of this 太贵了! Thats expensive

5、! This one is six hundred dollars. (这个600美元。) Thats expensive! (太贵了!) How expensive! (怎么这么贵!) Thats too much! (太贵了!) 真低廉! Thats cheap! How cheap! (怎么这么低廉!) 这种衬衫有小号的吗 Do you have this shirt in a small (这种衬衫有小号的吗) Let me check. (我给你找找。) Do you have this shirt in a smaller size 这种毛衣有红色的吗 Do you have th

6、is sweater in red 我可以试穿吗May I try it on *try on 表示“试穿、戴(衣服、帽子、眼镜)”。 May I try it on (我可以试试吗) Sure. Let me help you. (当然,我来帮你。) 试衣间在哪儿 Where is the fitting room Where is the fitting room (试衣间在哪儿) Right this way, maam. (请往这边,女士。) Where is the dressing room. 我穿着太小。 Its too small for me. *其反意为Its too bi

7、g for me.(我穿着太大。) Its a little bit tight. (有点儿紧。) Its loose.(有点儿松。) Its long. (长了。) Its short. (短了。) 这套衣服正适合。 This suit fits perfectly. This suit is perfect for me. 这个真不错。 This is nice. This is good. 这个对比好。 This is better. *用于举行各种各样的对比之后,还是这个对比好的处境。 How do you like it (你看这个怎么样) This is better. (这个对比好。) I like this better. Thats more like it. 3


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