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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑关于g20英语新闻短文英语新闻短文100字关于g20英语新闻短文关于g20英语新闻短文 G20从成立开头就被定义为“布雷顿森林体系内部的非正式对话机制”, 然而在起初的十余年中,G20作为一种危机应对及预防机制在国际治理中一向处 于边缘化地位。我用心收集了关于g20英语新闻短文,供大家赏识学习! 关于g20英语新闻短文:中国预警全球经济 G20务必成为领导气力 Chinas commerce minister says the outlook for the global economy remains grim despite ithaving overc

2、ome the impact of the 2022 financial crisis. 据中国商务部部长表示,尽管已经抑制了2022年金融危机的影响,但 是全球经济的前景照旧严峻。 Gao Hucheng said at a G20 meeting in Shanghai that major economies must lead the way intackling problems, including slowing trade and sluggish growth. 在上海G20的一次会议上,商务部部长高虎城表示,主要经济体务必 领导解决包括贸易放缓和增长乏力等问题。 To bo

3、ost trade, the G20 ministers, from the worlds major economies, agreed to cut tradecosts, increase policy co-ordination and enhance financing. They also approved a tradegrowth plan. 为促进贸易,来自全球主要经济体的G20部长们达成一致观法,削减 贸易本金、增加政策协调、加强融资。他们还批准了一个贸易增长筹划。 We agree that we need to do more to achieve our common

4、 objectives for global growth,stability and prosperity, the G20 ministers said in a statement. The international communitynow expected the G20 to show initiative and leadership in solving economic growth problems. 商务部部长高虎城在一份声明中说道:“我们达成了一致观法。为实 现在全球经济增长、稳定和昌盛的这些共同目标,我们需要付出更多的努力。” 国际社会现在梦想G20能够在解决经济增

5、长问题上表现出主动性和领导才能。 In the past few years through our shared hard work, the global economy emerged from itsprevious low and is developing in a good direction. Mr Gao said. 高虎城说道:“在过去的几年里,通过我们的共同努力,全球经济从 曾经的地点再次繁盛起来,而且现在正朝着一个良好的方向进展。”Mr Gao did not mention Brexit in his opening remarks at the meeting, b

6、ut the vote by the UK toleave the EU has added to the global financial uncertainty. 在为这场会议的开幕致辞的时候,高虎城部长并没有提到英国退欧一 事,但是英国公投退欧的抉择,切实增加了全球金融的不确定性。 In June the World Bank cut its forecast for the global economy in 2022 from 2.9% to 2.4%.And in April the International Monetary Fund had cut its forecast

7、to 3.2% from 3.4%. 6月份,世界银行将其对2022年全球经济的预料从2.9%下调到了2.4%。 而在4月份,国际货币基金组织也将其预料从3.4%下调到了3.2%。 关于g20英语新闻短文:简朴介绍G20峰会 The Group of Twenty (G20) Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy was held Saturday local time in Washington, the first of its kind for the Group of 20 since it was founded in 1

8、999. Heads of state of the Group of 20, as well as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and leaders of the international organizations such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund attended the meeting. Being held amid serious challenges to the world economy and financial markets, the summit i

9、ssued a declaration, in which leaders say they are determined to enhance cooperation and work together to restore global growth and achieve needed reforms in the worlds financial system. As widely expected before the summit, the leaders vow to implement reforms in order to strengthen financial marke

10、ts and regulatory regimes so as to avoid future crisis. 关于g20英语新闻短文:G20峰会上 语录大爆发 1、不得不看的四大要点 First, strengthen macroeconomic policy communication and coordination, and form synergy between our policies and actions. Second, promote reform and innovation, and boost the medium- and long-term growth pot

11、ential of the world economy. Third, build an open world economy and reinvigorate international trade and investment. Fourth, implement the 2030 sustainable development agenda and lend strong impetus to equitable and inclusive development. (韩老师说啦,要做逆向学习,汉语为原材料的话,就先看英文译文, 学习词组和句型表达,先做试译,然后在看中文动笔做汉译英。)

12、斟酌一下:形成合力,中长期,激活力,强动力 2、 那些文绉绉的句子 中国古代先贤说:“善治病者,必医其受病之处;善救弊者,必塞其起 弊之原。” As an old Chinese saying goes, To cure a disease, one should treat its root causes; to fix a problem, one should target its source. “孤举者难起,众行者易趋。” We have an old Chinese saying, The going is difficult when doing it alone;the goi

13、ng becomes easier when doing it with many others. 与其坐而论道,不如起而行之。 Instead of talking the talk, we must walk the walk. (引经据典是领导人演讲中常有的事儿,第一次遇到这些古文句子或 者四六句,先弄领会其内在含义,切莫以字造词哟学起来,攒起来,用起来!) 3、 也会看病啦 这就像一个人生了病,看起来是感冒发烧,但根子在身体机理出了问 题。 Like a person who falls ill, running a fever may just be the symptoms, th

14、e root cause, however, lies with problems in the body system. 找准了病灶,就要对症下药。 Once the root cause is located, targeted medicine must be prescribed. 我们把世界经济比作人的肌体,那么贸易和投资就是血液。假设气滞 血瘀,难畅其流,世界经济就无法健康进展。 If the world economy could be compared to a human body, trade and investment is like its blood. If the blood vessels are blocked, the health of the world economy would be at risk. (都用了中医术语,看来要想当翻译,先做一个杂家, 无论什么题材 都要阅读,每日点滴积累真的很有必要,说不定哪天就成了滔滔江水,那时,你也就滔滔不绝滴讲英语啦。) 5


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