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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑关于常用旅游英语口语阅读关于常用旅游英语口语阅读关于常用旅游英语口语阅读 关于常用旅游英语口语篇一 On the Huangshan Mountain 在黄山 What a breathtaking sight! 多么神秘的风景啊! On your right is Tiandu Feng,one of the three main peaks of Huangshan and also thesteepest. 在你们的右边是黄山三大主峰之一的天都峰,也是最陡的一座山峰。 It is 1,810 meters high. 它的高度是1,810米。 On t

2、he way up,you can see a cliff called Jiyu Bei. 往上去,你们会看到一道被称作“鲫鱼背”的悬崖。 He said the cliff was called Jiyu Bei,which means Carps Backbone. 他说那座悬崖叫作“鲫鱼背”,意思就是鲫鱼的脊背。 On your left is Lianhua Feng,or the Lotus Flower Peak,at a height of 1, 860 meters. 在你们的左边是莲花峰,高度是1,860米。 It is the highest peak of Huangs

3、han. 它是黄山的最颠峰。 At its summit is a rock only about six meters across. 峰顶是一块仅仅6米见方的岩石。 Famous pine tree such as the“Flying Dragon” and the“Twin Dragons”are found there.在莲花峰,还能看到一些名闻遐迩的松树,如“飞龙松”和“双龙松”。 That sounds very exciting. 听起来真带劲! Shall we climb up the highest peak first, Sam 萨姆,我们先去登最颠峰好吗 Please

4、 return here by 1030, will you 请您在10点半之前回到这儿,好吗 关于常用旅游英语口语篇二 华盛顿纪念塔与西点军校 Now we are at the Washington Monument. 现在我们到了华盛顿纪念塔。 What a magnificent sight it is! 这塔多么宏伟啊。 Can you give us some information about it,Mr White 您能为我们介绍一下吗,怀特先生 With pleasure. 当然情愿。 The Washington Monument was started in 1 华盛顿纪

5、念塔于1848年开头建立。 After many difficulties and delays,the building was completed in 1885, and opened to the public in 1 体验了种种困难和延期之后,这座建筑于1885年竣工,并于1888年对外开放。 So it took many years to build the monument. 这么说这座塔花了大量时间才建成。 How high is it 它有多高啊 The height of the monument is 555 feet. 这座塔的地面高度为555英尺。 The top

6、 can be reached by elevator or by iron stairway. 到塔顶可以乘电梯或走铁梯。 I felt the elevator flying in the air. 我觉得这电梯犹如在空中飞。 The elevator makes the ascent only in 70 seconds. 这电梯升这么高只要70秒。 Now you can have a bird-eye view of the capital fromhere. 现在你们可以从这里鸟瞰首都的风景。 Were heading for West Point. 我们正往西点军校方向开去。 Y

7、oull get a very clear view of the fortress on top of the hill. 上了山顶你就会领会地看到那里的炮台的全景。 Now we are at the Washington Monument. 现在我们到了华盛顿纪念塔。 What a magnificent sight it is! 这塔多么宏伟啊。Can you give us some information about it,Mr White 您能为我们介绍一下吗,怀特先生 With pleasure. 当然情愿。 The Washington Monument was starte

8、d in 1 华盛顿纪念塔于1848年开头建立。 After many difficulties and delays,the building was completed in 1885, and opened to the public in 1 体验了种种困难和延期之后,这座建筑于1885年竣工,并于1888年对 外开放。 So it took many years to build the monument. 这么说这座塔花了大量时间才建成。 How high is it 它有多高啊 The height of the monument is 555 feet. 这座塔的地面高度为55

9、5英尺。 The top can be reached by elevator or by iron stairway. 到塔顶可以乘电梯或走铁梯。 I felt the elevator flying in the air. 我觉得这电梯犹如在空中飞。 The elevator makes the ascent only in 70 seconds. 这电梯升这么高只要70秒。 Now you can have a bird-eye view of the capital fromhere.现在你们可以从这里鸟瞰首都的风景。 Were heading for West Point. 我们正往

10、西点军校方向开去。 Youll get a very clear view of the fortress on top of the hill. 上了山顶你就会领会地看到那里的炮台的全景。 关于常用旅游英语口语篇三 在第五大街上漫步 Isnt it wonderful to take a walk here 在这儿漫步真是好极了,是不是 I mean one can look at all these magnificent tall buildings around him. 我意思是说可以看看周边那些宏伟的高楼大厦。 Dont you think its a bit suffocatin

11、g to stand under them 你不觉得站在高楼大厦下面使人窒息吗 Look at that building across the street from us. 你看看我们对面街上的那幢高楼。 Thats the Empire State. 那是帝国大厦。 It stands at 102 stories high. 有102层高。 Youre right and its no longer the tallest building in New York now. 你说得对。它现在也不再是纽约最高的大厦了。 What other important buildings are

12、 we going to see on Fifth Avenue在第五大街上我们还会看到其他什么重要建筑 Actually every skyscraper has a history. 其实每幢摩天大楼都有一段历史。 A few blocks ahead well see St.Patricks Cathedral at E 50th Street. 再过几条街,在东五十街口,我们就会看到圣帕特里克大教堂。 And just across the street will be the world-renowned Rockefeller Center. 对面大街就是举世有名的洛克斐勒中心。

13、Its a landmark in the history of architecture. 它是建筑史上的一个里程碑。 Whats there after that 过了洛克菲勒中心还有什么 Well then be standing at where the Central Park be-gins. 那我们就到中央公园了。 Facing the park on Fifth Avenue are probably the most expensive apartments in the world. 第五大街上那些面对公园的公寓厅可能是世界上最昂贵的公寓了。 But what are all these skyscrapers for 这些摩天大楼都是作什么用的呢 New York is a financial center of the world,isnt it 纽约是世界金融中心,对不对 6



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