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1、山东省临沂市体育中学高一英语月考试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Nobody can tell _ the future world will look like. A. how B. what C. when D. where参考答案:B2. Mr. Stevenson is great to work for -I really couldnt ask for a _ boss.A. worse B. better C. best D. worst 参考答案:B 3. The policeman warned the drive _ so carelessly.A. never to driv

2、e B. to never drive C.to not drive D. didnt drive参考答案:A4. The old lady from New York felt very happy when she was able to make herself _ in her broken Chinese.A. understandB. to understandC. understandingD. understood参考答案:D考查非谓语动词。该题考查make +宾语+过去分词做宾语补足语结构,意为“使某人被”。myself和understand之间是被动关系,故该空用过去分词做

3、宾语补足语。句意:当别人能够理解她蹩脚的汉语时,这位来自纽约的老太太感觉非常高兴。D选项正确。5. The public criticized that the government should have tried all means to prevent the financial crisis _.A. occurring B. being occurred C. to occur D. from being occurred参考答案:A6. There was a lot of fun at yesterdays party.You _ come,and what a pity!Am

4、ight have Bshould haveCcould have Dwould have参考答案:B考查情态动词的用法。根据语境可知是对过去的推测,而且用来表示责备、遗憾,所以用should have done“本该做某事而事实上没做”。7. You always _ us to do this or that, but you never do what you say you will. A. hope B. permit C. let D. promise参考答案:D8. The palace caught fire three times in the last century,an

5、d little of the original building_now.Aremains Bis remainedCis remaining Dhas been remained参考答案:Aremain是不及物动词,没有被动式或进行式,故排除B、C和D,选A。9. We are looking forward to _ a chance to watch the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games. A. give B. be given C. being given D. giving参考答案:C10. Jack is th

6、e right person to do the job. Hes older and should be more experienced. I dont think so. A man doesnt necessarily grow wiser _ he grows older.A. because B. that C. than D. as参考答案:D11. Its important for us to employ a word or a phrase according to the _ in language studies. A. situation B. expression

7、 C. condition D. translation参考答案:A略12. The recent stories in this magazine, _ one of yours, have been _ in the list of the best ones.A. include; include B. including; includingC. including; included D. included; included参考答案:C13. Though youve got a tight schedule these days, I would be _ if you coul

8、d afford time to attend our meeting today.A. concerned B. determinedC. grateful D. appreciated参考答案:C14. urgent the problem is, he faces it calmly ANo matter BHowever CWhatever DAlthough参考答案:B略15. On the graduation day, he received from his father a nice present _ a note was attached, saying “Im prou

9、d of you.” A. on which B. to which C. with which D. in which参考答案:B16. Today the river is still being used. Ships can be seen moving on _ water now and then. But it is no longer _ busy water highway.A. a; the B. / ; a C. the;/ D. the; a参考答案:D略二、 书面表达17. 请根据以下提示,用英语写一篇关于作家莫言的简介,然后投给校英语报。原名管谟业出生时间1955年

10、2月17日出生地山东省高密县(county)主要经历童年时莫言在家乡的小学读书,后来出于某种原因辍学,在农村劳动多年。1986年莫言发表了小说红高梁(“Red Sorghum”),后来这部小说被导演(director)张艺谋拍成了电影。2012年,莫言获诺贝尔文学奖,成为首位获此奖项的中国籍作家。注意:1. 词数100左右。 2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考答案:Mo Yan, whose real name was Guan Moye, was born on February 17th, 1955 in Gaomi County, Shandong Province. He is o

11、ne of the well-known writers in China. As a child, he studied in a primary school in his hometown and later he had to drop out of school for some reason and worked as a farmer for many years. Mo Yan began to write at a young age. In 1986, his novel “Red Sorghum” was published and later it was made i

12、nto a film directed by Zhang Yimou. In 2012, Mo Yan became the first Chinese citizen to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. He has set a good example to us all and we all admire him very much.试题分析:请根据以下提示,用英语写一篇关于作家莫言的简介,然后投给校英语报。原名:管谟业,出生时间:1955年2月17日,出生地:山东省高密县(county),主要经历1童年时莫言在家乡的小学读书,后来出于某种原因辍学

13、,在农村劳动多年。21986年莫言发表了小说红高梁(“Red Sorghum”),后来这部小说被导演(director)张艺谋拍成了电影。3.2012年,莫言获诺贝尔文学奖,成为首位获此奖项的中国籍作家。写作时不要逐句翻译,可适当增加细节以使行文连贯同时要把所提示的点写全,语句通顺,同时要注意准确运用时态、语态、上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。根据句意适当使用并列连词,同时也要合理运用高级词汇和高级句子为文章增色添彩。【亮点说明】Mo Yan, whose real name was Guan Moye, was born on February 17th, 1955 in Gaomi Coun

14、ty, Shandong Province. 运用定语从句;In 1986, his novel “Red Sorghum” was published and later it was made into a film directed by Zhang Yimou. 运用被动语态;As a child, he studied in a primary school in his hometown and later he had to drop out of school for some reason and worked as a farmer for many years. 此句式为文章增色,显得文章很有档次。KS5U三、


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