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1、精品教案设计资料冀教版五年级英语下册教案分析:Lesson 24 鍐?鏁欑増浜斿勾绾Lesson 24 Lesson 24锛欰 gain Please! ? 牸寮? 鈶帉鎻崟璇嶏細bottom 銆乧 omputer 銆乧 orner 銆? e-mail 銆乪 nvelope 銆乴 eft 銆乴 etter 銆乸 ostcard銆? right 銆乻 tamp 銆乼 op 銆乻 end ? ? ? 屼俊浠剁瓑浜祦銆 ? ? 1 銆?閲嶇偣锛 ? A鎺屾彙鍗曡瘝锛歜ottom 銆乧 omputer 銆乧 orner 銆乪-mail 銆乪 nvelope 銆乴eft 銆乴 etter 銆乸 ostc

2、ard銆乺 ight 銆乻 tamp 銆乼 op 銆乻 end 銆? B? 2 銆?闅剧偣锛 ? ? ? CLASS OPENING AND REVIEW锛?鍒嗛挓锛 ? 精品教案设计资料1 銆?Greeting 2 銆?Review?3璇捐嫳鏂囨瓕鏇诧細榻愬敱-鍒嗗敱锛 ? NEW CONCEPTS锛?5鍒嗛挓锛 ? A锛歊 eview words 锛歜 ottom 銆乧 omputer 銆乧 orner 銆乪-mail 銆乪 nvelope銆乴 eft 銆乴 etter 銆乸 ostcard銆乺 ight 銆乻 tamp 銆乼 op 銆乻 end hat is missing 锛熲 ?濇父

3、鎴忥紝澶嶄範鍗曡瘝鐨勫彂闊筹紱鐢?漰oint to鍜屾湕璇汇? 鐢崟璇嶉 ?犲彞瀛愭瘮璧涚粌涔犲崟璇嶇殑杩愮敤锛? ? B锛氱敤鈥減 en pal 鈥濇父鎴忕殑鍙樺寲褰紡鍋氭父鎴忋? 數鍏夆?焊涓婄敾涓 ?骞呯數鑴戝睆骞曠殑鍥剧敾锛屽湪鍥剧敾涓嬮潰鍐欎笂鍗曡瘝computer佺數瀛愰偖浠讹紝鍚屾椂瑕佹眰浠栦滑鍐欎笅绗斿弸鐨勫湴鍧?銆 ? 濡傛灉浠栦滑鍐欏浜嗭紝鍠婁竴澹皊end? C锛歐 riting 鍋氣?淪imon Says鈥濇父鎴忔潵澶嶄範top 锛宐 ottom, right 鍜宭 eft 銆? 鍛婅瘔瀛敓鍚戜笂鎸囪绀簍op,鎸囦笅闈绀篵 ottom 銆傛壘涓 ?鍚嶈嚜婕斻? ? 精品教

4、案设计资料粹?淗ow to write a postcard or a letter to your friend 锛熲?濇帴鐫?鍐欎竴浠芥槑淇墖鎴栦俊浠剁粰鍚岀彮鐨勫? Dostcard,stamp,letter,绛夛紝骞跺仛鐩稿簲鐨勫姩浣溿? 鏉夸功锛 ?Lesson 24锛欰 gain Please! envelope top stamp left right corner bottom 銆? an e-mail (computer) send a postcard to鈥? a letter 鈥? ?锛夈? ? 锛?锛?銆佲?昗hat are you doing ? _I 鈥檓 the

5、 stamp in an envelope . A銆亀 riting B 銆乸 utting C 銆亀 riteing D 銆乸 uting 锛?锛?銆両鈥檓sending a letter my mother . A銆? B銆乮 n C銆乼 o D銆乬 ive 锛?锛?銆両 can buy a stamp the post office . A銆乤 t B 銆? C銆乫 rom D 銆乼 o 精品教案设计资料锛?锛?銆両鈥檒 l take two , please . A銆? B銆乭 ave C銆乭 as D銆乼 ake 锛?锛?銆?for a postcard ? _ Six yuan .

6、 A銆乭 ow B 銆乭 ow many C銆乵 uch D 銆乭 ow much 浜屻?併?閫夌敤閫傚綋鐨勫崟璇嶏紝瀹屾垚瀵硅瘽锛?锛夈? ? 1 銆?A: What are you doing? B: I鈥檓 _ a postcard _ my friend. 2 銆?A: Where is the post office? B: Go down this street and _ right _ the lights. You 鈥檒 l see the post office . A: _ _ . B: You鈥檙 e welcome. 3 銆丄: What 鈥檚 this? B: It 鈥檚 _ e-mail. 4 銆丄: _ is the Palace Museum? B: It 鈥檚 about _ years old.



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