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1、安徽省合肥市陶湖中学高一英语测试题含解析一、 选择题1. The company had about 20 notebook computers but only one-third _ used regularly. Now we have 60 working all day long.A. is B. are C. was D. were参考答案:D 2. -You havent done it well. -But I tried my best and did it _ the way _ I thought was the best.A. in, which B. by, in w

2、hich C. by, in that D. in, what参考答案:A3. Full of _, she closed her eyes.A. fright B. frighten C. frightened D. frightening参考答案:A4. Donald survived when the car _ he was in crashed into a truck from the opposite side.A. asB. whereC. thatD. once参考答案:C5. I feel so excited! At this time tomorrow morning

3、I_ to Shanghai. A.will be flying B. will fly C. have been flying D. have flown参考答案:A6. Have you heard the story of “The Merchant of Venice”? No. When and where does the story _ ? A. take up B. take on C. take place D. take off 参考答案:C略7. -Hello, can I speak to Robert, please?-Hold on, please. He _ in

4、 the garage. A. has worked B. is working C. worked D. will work参考答案:B略8. It is stupid _ your advice. A. of him not to take B. for him not to takeC. not taking D. of not taking 参考答案:A略9. Dozens of Olympic songs are popular with teenagers, _ you and me is an example.A. of whom B. for whom C. for which

5、 D. of which 参考答案:D10. It is said that a new robot_by him in a few days.Adesigned Bhas been designed Cwill be designed Dwill have been designed参考答案:C解析考查动词语态。句意:据说新机器人几天后就由他设计出来。此处时间状语为将来,主语与谓语为被动,故答案C合适。11. Finally Tom was able to _her to give up the foolish idea that she wanted to go there alone.A

6、. suggest B. expect C. advise D. persuade参考答案:D12. I _ use a clock to wake me up because at six oclock every morning the train comes by my house.A. couldnt B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. neednt参考答案:D13. The child asked his mother _ go out to play tennis. A. that he could B. if he could C. if could he D. t

7、hat could he参考答案:B14. It is the second time that I _ in Shenzhen. What great changes! Its years since I _ here last time.A. was; had left B. had been; leftC. have been; left D. have been; had left参考答案:C15. According to research, children whose parents _ are more likely to have difficulty _their stud

8、ies. A. split up, concentrating on B. broke into, to focus on C. gave up, concentrating on D. put into, focusing on参考答案:A略16. Im sorry to interrupt you, Sir. May I ask you a favor?Yes, _.Atake it easy Bgo aheadCDont mention it Dyou will make it参考答案:B考查交际用语。句意:抱歉,先生,打扰你了。可以帮我忙吗?当然可以。根据答语“是”推知“赞同”对方请求

9、。二、 书面表达17. 假如你是李华,你的好友李娜要邀你一起去西藏旅行,但你得陪同父母去看望在乡下的爷爷奶奶,所以不能去。请以电子邮件的形式给你的朋友提一下旅行建议。1.加入旅行社,同时结伴而行;2.早晚气温较低,带上轻薄的棉衣; 3.日照时间长,带上太阳镜,遮阳帽等物品;4.空气稀薄,戴上吸氧用具。(西藏Tibet 旅行社 travel agency 吸氧用具 Oxygen inhalation apparatus)_参考答案:Dear Li Na,I feel sorry that I cant go to travel to Tibet with you. In the holiday

10、of May First, I need to go with my parents to visit my grandparents who live in the countryside.As your best friend, Id like to give you some advice about the Tibet journey. First of all, Youd better join a travel agency and travel with others. Whats more, dont forget to take a light warm overcoat w

11、ith you ,because the temperature in the morning and at night is too low in Tibet. In Addition, you should wear sunglasses or caps against the sun when youre out of doors because of the long sunlight time. Most importantly, the air is thin and the air pressure is low, therefore, you should take an ox

12、ygen inhalation apparatus.Anyway, I sincerely hope you can have a good time traveling to Tibet.Your,Li Hua这是一篇提纲类作文,文章要点已经给出,在写这篇文章时要注意以下几点:1.整篇文章时态以一般现在时为主。2.要点要齐全,但是不要进行简单的罗列,可以采用适当的连接词,或者是表递进关系的副词如Whats worse、 Most importantly、First of all、Anyway,使上下文衔接自然,行文自然流畅。3.此作最好用简单句与复合句结合的方法写作如 I need to g

13、o with my parents to visit my grandparents who live in the countryside。4.多采用一些高级句型,如Youd better join a travel agency and travel with others等,同时使用一些词组如because of,have a good time等。【范文亮点】提纲性文章难点:扩充成句,因为提纲性文章主题内容已经基本列出,在将短句扩充时,要精炼。其中要注意尽量用高级词汇和复杂句是来表达,如强调句,定语从句等,就如文中 I need to go with my parents to visit my grandparents who live in the countryside。文章用Whats worse、 Most importantly、First of all这些连接词,层层递进,条理清晰,讲出了对于作文主题的建议。最后用Anyway总结,首尾呼应,文章结构紧凑,再


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