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1、安徽省合肥市第六十六中学2021年高三英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The problem should be dealt with by the government _ ordinary people.A. other thanB. rather than C. more thanD. less than参考答案:B2. -Kathy and her sister are so alike -Yeah, I cant tell one from _ Aanother Bother Cthe other Dothers参考答案:C略3. When our ancestors were

2、hunters and gatherers 10,000 years ago, they didnt have time to wonder much about _ but finding food.A. everythingB. anythingC. nothingD. something参考答案:B4. Seeing a smile on his face, no one doubts that he will get through the driving test. Acurious Bcreative Cambitious Dconfident参考答案:D5. Chengde Pe

3、ak is beautiful a place any others in North China.A. so, that B. as, as C. such, that D. such, as参考答案:B略6. A poem written by an American poet is usually harder to understand than _ by a Chinese poet.Athat BitCwhich Done参考答案:D一首由美国诗人写的诗往往比中国诗人写的难懂。one表示泛指,指代上文提到的同类事物A poem。7. What are you doing, Jim?

4、 Im _ telephone to my friend in London.A. in the B. on the C. on a D. for a 参考答案:B8. As economy is declining, jobs _to the young continue to be scarce. A. valuableB. convenientC. comfortableD. available参考答案:D9. You are saying that the plan will be carried out successfully, and it is _ I disagreeAwha

5、t Bthat Cwhere Dhow参考答案:C略10. The performance _ begin when the news came that a storm was on the way.A. was to B. had to C. was about to D. was going to参考答案:C11. James took the magazines off the little table to make for the television.A. room B. area C. field D. position参考答案:A12. - Did you see who t

6、he man was?- No, so quickly _ that I couldnt get a good look at his face.A. did he run B. has he runC. he has run D. he ran参考答案:A考查倒装句。上句:你看见那个男士是谁吗?下句:没有,他跑的如此快,结果我没看清他的脸。此题考查:so +形容词或副词,放在句首使用部分倒装。根据上句的时态可知应用一般过去式,助动词提前,故选A。【名师点睛】“so+adj. / adv.”位于句首时的倒装,让我们一起来看看运用倒装句产生的内在含义的改变。1.“so+adj. / adv.”位

7、于句首时的倒装,副词so后接形容词或副词位于句首时,其后用部分倒装:So cold was the weather that we had to stay at home.天气太冷,我们只好呆在家里。2.“so+助动词+主语”倒装:当要表示前面提出的某一肯定的情况也同样适合于后者,通常就要用“So+助动词+主语”这种倒装结构:(1) You are young and so am I.你年轻,我也年轻。(2) She likes music and so do I.她喜欢音乐,我也喜欢。13. Although the causes of cancer _, we do not yet hav

8、e any practical way to prevent it.A. are being uncovered B. have been uncovering C. are uncovering D. have uncovered参考答案:解析:A时态,语态。癌症的原因是被发现,必须用被动语态。14. Once you submit the online form, your application shall be within a week and you will get a reply afterwards.A. preserved B. processed C. prepared

9、D, predicted参考答案:B15. Large amounts of money _ spent on the bridge, which _ to be completed thenext month.A. were; was expected B. was; was expected C. was; expected D. were; expected 参考答案:9. A. 考查主谓一致。Large amounts of +不可数名词,谓语动词用复数;which在此引导定语从句,指代前一句,定语从句谓语就用单数,故选A.16. The students have decided o

10、n a final date by which everyone reading the books assigned by their professor.A. finishesB. finishedC. have finishedD. will have finished参考答案:D【详解】考查时态。句意:学生们决定了最后的日期,到那时每个人都将读完教授布置的书。根据“a final date by which”可知此处表示将来已经完成的动作,应该用将来完成时,故D项正确。二、 书面表达17. 书面表达(30分)低碳生活方式目前在青少年中悄然兴起。为了保护环境,同时为了人类的健康,每个青少

11、年都提倡过低碳生活。请你结合以下的一些低碳生活方式,谈谈你自己的体会。注意:词数100左右,可适当发挥。1、以步代车。2、以自行车代机动车减少二氧化碳排放量。3、以电子贺卡代替纸质贺卡以减少自然资源的消耗4、节约水电。参考词语:1、低碳生活: low-carbon life2、二氧化碳排放:carbon dioxide emission参考答案:Nowadays, a healthy and sustainable low-carbon lifestyle is popular among the Chinese teenagers . I subscribe to the idea of a

12、 low-carbon life.A low-carbon lifestyle covers many aspects of our modern life. In my opinion ,we students can do much .When we go to school or have a short trip around ,we can walk or take a bike instead of a motor car to reduce a great deal of carbon dioxide emission. If possible, we can try our b

13、est to send electronic greeting cards to our friends instead of paper cards in order to save more natural resources. Meanwhile, we should pay attention to saving energy, such as water and electricity ,for it is also very important.In order to protect our environment and keep healthy, everybody needs

14、 to lead a low-carbon life.略三、 阅读理解18. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Happiness isnt just feeling goodIts good for you and for societyHappy people are more successful, have better relationships, are healthier and live longer, said Ed Diener, a professor of psychology at the University of IllinoisBeyond your genesSonja Lyubomirsky, a professor of psychology at Univ


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