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1、安徽省六安市初级中学高三英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. He is thought _foolishly .Now he has no one but himself to blame for losing the job .A. to act B. to have acted C. acting D. having acted参考答案:B本句考察的是固定句式:Sb be though to某人被认为;如果表示的是一个已经完成的动作,就使用不定式的完成式,如果是正在进行的动作,就使用不定式的进行式。句义:他被认为表现很糟糕,现在他只能责怪自己丢了那份工作。根据句义可知他表现很糟糕是在

2、丢掉工作之前,所以使用不定式的完成式。故B正确。【考点】考察非谓语动词用法举一反三A ship loaded with expensive goods was reported _ into the sea with its oil _ .A. to sink ; given out B. to have sunk ; run outC. having sunk ; used up D. to have sunk ; run out of 答案D解析试题分析:本题第一空是一个固定句式sth be reported to have done据说做了某事;使用不定式的完成式表示已经完成,已经发生的

3、动作。第二空是with的复合结构,名词its oil与动词短语run out of构成被动关系,故使用run out of。Run out是没有被动语态。句义:据报道一艘装满昂贵货物的船由于汽油用完而沉没在大海里。故D正确。2. A hearty laugh relieves physical tension, _your muscles relaxed for over half an hour.A. to leaveB. leftC. leavingD. leave参考答案:C3. Reading is an experience quite different from watching

4、 TV; there are pictures in your mind instead of before your eyes. A. to form B. form C. forming D. having formed参考答案:C4. If you have health examinations_, any disease you may have can be discovered early and successful treatment is more likely,A. approximately B. regularlyC. graduallyD. roughly参考答案:

5、B略5. Sarah, hurry up. Im afraid you wont have time to _ before the party. A. get changed B. get change C. get changing D. get to change 参考答案:A解析:题中动词不定式作定语修饰time,而get的宾语为省略了的you,you与change之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,所以应用过去分词,所以A为正确答案。6. I went to the hospital to visit a friend with _ small flower arrangement. The

6、nurse told me I couldnt bring flowers into the ICU so I left them on the counter feeling really disappointed. A. an B. a C. the D. /参考答案:b略7. Youve made great progress in your studies of English, havent you?Yes, but much .A. remains to do B. is reminded toC. remains to be done D. is remained to be d

7、one参考答案:C考查动词的用法。Remain是不及物动词,没有被动语态。根据句意:我虽然取得了进步,但是还有很多需要去做。那就是说这些需要做的事情是被我去做,要用被动表示,所以只能用to be done体现,故选C。8. What the doctors really doubt is _ my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.A. when B. how C. whether D. why参考答案:C9. Hurry up, kids! The school bus _ for us!A. waits B. was wai

8、ting C. waited D. is waiting参考答案:D10. Though _in a big city, Peter always prefers to paint the beautiful scenes of country life. A. raised B. was raised C. raising D. raises参考答案:A11. Before her first Harry Potter story came out in 1997, J. K. Rowling _English for a living in Portugal.A. is teaching

9、B. had taught C. has taught D. would teach参考答案:B12. Girls used to take few advanced math courses than boys but now they are taking just _.A. as muchB. as manyC. too muchD. too many参考答案:B13. The garden has become much greener with planting many big trees, are evergreensA most of them B they C most of

10、 which D parts of that参考答案:C14. Attractive _ the device might seem, “my wife has already done that by herself” was a common response after people seeing it when it was introduced on show this week. A. while B. although C. as D. when参考答案:C15. Besides being able to walk on for three days without drink

11、ing, camels can also live for a long time _ small quantities of food. A. with B. on C. by D. without参考答案:B16. Will you go to the fashion show this Saturday evening?It all depends .Well, if you go , . Aso do I Bso I will Cso will I Dso I do参考答案:C二、 书面表达17. 你校正在进行“英语论坛周”活动,请以“To Be a Popular Student”为

12、题,就以下三方面提出要成为一名受欢迎学生应具备的素质,用英语写一篇100120词的短文参加该主题的讨论。1. 对待集体; 2. 对待他人; 3. 对待自己。注意:短文的开头已给出(不计词数)。To Be a Popular StudentTo Be a Popular Student, we should be equipped with the following qualities.参考答案:To Be a Popular Student To Be a Popular Student, we should be equipped with the following qualities.

13、 To enjoy popularity, we are supposed to regard the class as our family and sacrifice our personal interests whenever necessary. Besides taking an active part in class activities, we should work responsibly to build up a good reputation for the team.In addition, students with high popularity are tho

14、se who show respect, concern, and sympathy for others. So undoubtedly, we should never hesitate to give a hand to those in need.Finally, when it comes to gaining popularity, one thing that cant be ignored is to be strict with ourselves, making every effort to achieve an all-round development. In time of success, we should remain modest, whi



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