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1、中级美语第31课一.本课要点及示例在这一课里, 我们学习虚词 it, i-t, it 的用法, 比方: 买房子不简单 It isnt easy to buy a house. 买房屋保险是必需的 Its necessary to buy house insurance等等. 另外我们要学习很多有关买卖房屋的词汇.现在我们来听今日这一课的对话, 内容是说亨利跟凯特谈起了邻居卖房子的事情. 请你留意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.F: Henry, the Fishers finally sold their house. M: Well, its good to hear that. F: It h

2、asnt been easy to sell a house these days. I was worried. M: So was I. And the Fishers were so anxious to move. Did they get their price? F: They got five thousand dollars less than they were asking for the house. M: It isnt bad. Its expected to get less than what is asked.下面我请英文老师把整段对话再用慢速度念一遍, 请你留

3、意听.F: Henry, the Fishers finally sold their house. M: Well, its good to hear that. F: It hasnt been easy to sell a house these days. I was worried. M: So was I. And the Fishers were so anxious to move. Did they get their price? F: They got five thousand dollars less than they were asking for the hou

4、se. M: It isnt bad. Its expected to get less than what is asked.现在老师把包含了it 的句子用慢速度再念一遍给你听.M: Its good to hear that. F: It hasnt been easy to sell a house these days. M: Its expected to get less than what is asked.二.IT听了上面几个句子, 我想你已经留意到 it 的用法. 比方 拥有一幢房子很困难Its difficult to own a house. 在这个句子里 it 指的就是

5、 to own a house.现在我们作一组练习, 学学这种用法. 练习里的句子都是跟买房子, 租公寓有关系的. 练习的作法是老师念一个句子,接着老师给你一个动词词组, 比方 买公寓 to purchase a condominium, 老师也可能给你一个形容词, 比方 经济实惠 economical, 请你把听到的代换到句子里.M: Its difficult to own a house. M: purchase a home F: Its difficult to purchase a home. M: costly F: Its costly to purchase a home.

6、M: purchase a condominium F: Its costly to purchase a condominium. M: practical F: Its practical to purchase a condominium. M: economical F: Its economical to purchase a condominium. M: rent an apartment F: Its economical to rent an apartment. M: common F: Its common to rent an apartment.我希望刚才那组练习你都

7、作对了. 下面我们再作一组练习, 用刚才那种句子构造学学买房子或是租房子应当留意的事情, 比方 选择合适的地点 select the right location, 有好邻居 have good neighbors, 有个讲理的房东 have a reasonable landlord 等等. 练习的作法是老师提出一个问题, 请你作确定的答覆. 每作完一句还是请你听老师念正确答案.M: Is it important to select the right location? F: Yes, it is important to select the right location. M: Is

8、 it important to live in a good neighborhood? F: Yes, it is important to live in a good neighborhood. M: Is it important to have good neighbors? F: Yes, it is important to have good neighbors. M: Is it important to have a reasonable landlord? F: Yes, it is important to have a reasonable landlord.下面一

9、组练习谈到买房子必需作的事情, 比方 借钱 get a loan, 贷款 get a mortgage, 查利率 check the interest rate. 按期付款 make regular payments,买房屋保险 buy house insurance, 付清贷款 pay off the mortgage 等等. 练习的作法是老师念一个句子, 接着老师念一个词组. 请你把你听到的代换到原来的句子里, 每作完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.M: It is necessary to pay for the house. M: get a loan F: It is necessary

10、 to get a loan. M: get a mortgage F: It is necessary to get a mortgage M: check the interest rate F: It is necessary to check the interest rate. M: repay the bank F: It is necessary to repay the bank. M: make regular payments F: It is necessary to make regular payments. M: buy house insurance F: It

11、is necessary to buy house insurance. M: pay off the mortgage F: It is necessary to pay off the mortgage.在下面一组练习里, 我们把两种意思相同但是句型不同的句子作个比较. 比方我们刚才练习过的一个句子: It is necessary to pay for the house. 这句话也可以这样说: Paying for the house is necessary. 现在我们起先作练习, 由老师用it 作一个句子, 比方 It is necessary to get a loan.请你把句

12、子改成Getting a loan is necessary. 每作完一句, 就请你听老师念正确答案.M: It is necessary to pay for the house. F: Paying for the house is necessary. M: It is necessary to get a loan. F: Getting a loan is necessary. M: It is necessary to get a mortgage. F: Getting a mortgage is necessary. M: It is necessary to check th

13、e interest rate. F: Checking the interest rate is necessary. M: It is necessary to repay the bank. F: Repaying the bank is necessary. M: It is necessary to make regular payments. F: Making regular payments is necessary. M: It is necessary to buy house insurance. F: Buying house insurance is necessar

14、y.在刚才的几组练习里我们学到了在美国买房子必需作的事情. 现在我们还是用 it 作句子, 学学在郊区买房子有什么好处和坏处. 练习的作法是老师提出一个问句, 比方 住在郊区比较平安吗? Is it safer to live in the suburbs? 接着老师提出一个形容词, 比方 麻烦 troublesome, 你就用这个形容词的比较级把问句改成 Is it more troublesome to live in the suburbs? 好, 现在我们起先作练习, 每作完一句, 老师就把正确答案念给你听.M: Is it safer to live in the suburbs?

15、M: quiet F: Is it quieter to live in the suburbs? M: economical F: Is it more economical to live in the suburbs? M: interesting F: Is it more interesting to live in the suburbs? M: comfortable F: Is it more comfortable to live in the suburbs? M: expensive F: Is it more expensive to live in the suburbs? M: troublesome F: Is it more troublesome to live in the suburbs? M: dangerous F: Is it more dangerous to live in the suburbs? M: convenient F: Is it more convenient to live in the suburbs?下面一组练习是说到住在城里的好处和坏处; 比方老师问学生 住在城里比较不舒适吗? Is it less comfortable living in the



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