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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑家有购物买的珠宝首饰关于买珠宝的购物英语关于买珠宝的购物英语 Words and Expressions jewellery n. 总称珠宝,珠宝饰物 jewel n. 宝石宝石珠物;宝贵饰物 necklace n. 项圈 chain n. 链条;项圈;表链 earring n. 耳环,耳饰 discount n. vt. 折扣,打去(若干)折扣 bracelet n. 手镯 platinum n. 白金 carat n. 克拉(宝石的重量单位;等于二百毫克) messenger n. 送信者;使者 brooch n. 胸针,饰针 ruby n. 红宝石 S

2、entences Would you like jewellery 您要不要首饰 Today is Mothers Day and all the jewellery is on sale at Richs. 今天是母亲节,瑞奇店的全体首饰全部折价出售。 Do you have gold jewels 你们有黄金饰品吗Yes,we have 14K and 18K gold necklaces,chains and earrings. 有,我们有14K和18K的金项链、手链和耳环。 May I have a look 我能看一下吗 Sure. Here is a nice gold neckl

3、ace. 当然可以。这里有一根很好的金项链。 Its regular price is$56,and now you can have it witha twenty percent discount. 原价是56美元,现在可以让你打八折买下。 Its very elegant. Ill take it. 这项链分外精致。我买了。 I want to buy some jewellery. 我要买些首饰。 What kind of jewellery do you like to have 你要哪种首饰呢 595. I should like to look at some bracelets

4、. 我想看看手镯。 Pure gold or carats 纯金的还是K金的 Whats the price for this one 这只手镯多少钱 How about five hundred dollars500元怎么样 Im sorry we only sell at fixed prices. 很歉仄,我们店不还价。 I wish to buy a diamond ring,too. 我还想买只钻戒。 Is this one suitable for you 这只适合你吗 No,it seems too old fashioned to me. 不,我觉得貌似太老式了。 Let me

5、 try it on. Oh,its too small for me,haventt you got any larger ones 让我戴戴看,呵,太小了。有稍大点儿的吗 This fits me well,how much do you charge for it 这只很适合,多少钱 Is that a real string of pearls 那串珍宝是真的吗 You may take it on my word,if you find out it is an imitation you may return it to me. 请相信我的话,假使您察觉是假的话可以拿来退还给我。

6、Dialogue A A:Can I help you,madam B:Yes. Id like to buy some presents for my friends.A:Would you like jewellery Today is Mothers Day and all the jewellery is on sale at Richs. B:Thats great. Do you have gold jewels A:Yes,we have 14K and 18K gold necklaces,chain and ear-rings. B:May I have a look A:S

7、ure. Here is nice gold necklace. Its regular price is$56,and now you can have it with a twenty percent discount. B:Its very elegant. Ill take it. A:All right. Is there anything else you want B:Will you show the that key ring A:Yes. Here you are. B:Its very nice. Give me ten like this. Im sure they w

8、ill be good gifts for my friends in China Dialogue B A:I want to buy some jewellery. B:What kind of jewcllery do you like to have A:I should like to look at some bracelets. B:May I show you gold ones or platinum ones A:Gold ones. B:Pure gold or carats A:Pure gold ones,please. B:Certainly,maam.A:What

9、s the price for this one B:Five hundred and fifty dollars. A:How about five hundred dollars B:Im sorry we only sell at fixed prices. A:OK. . Ill take it. I want to have my initials engraved on it. B:Oh,that can be done. A:I wish to buy a diamond ring,too. B:How many carats would you like it to be A:

10、I want three carats. B:Is this one suitable for you A:No,it seems too old fashioned to me. B:What about this A:Let me try it on. Oh,its too small for me,havent yougot any larger ones B:Then you may take that one. Its very nice and latest in style. A:This fits me well,how much do you charge for it B:

11、One thousand and two hundred dollars. A:Its too expensive,I can only pay you one thousand dollars. B:I told you before,maam,our shop doesnt ask two prices. A:Is that a real string of pearls B:Yes,thats genuine.A:Will you guarantee it B:You may take it on my word,if you find out it is an imitation yo

12、u may return it to me. A:What does it cost B:It costs three hundred dollars. A:Good,Ill have it. Have you got any brooches B:With diamond,ruby or saphire A:Saphire,please,how much is it B:Four hundred. A:All right,how much will it be altogetherPlease send it to my address, Ill pay the messenger on delivery. B:Excuse me,maam. Its our rule never to supply goods cash on delivery. A:Well then,Ill give you a check for the amount on the bank of China. 4


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