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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑环绕的英语单词环绕的英语单词环绕的英语单词 环绕指沿由路程、行进和旅行所形成的圆圈运动或者是在四周构成圆 环;构成弯曲或圆形边界。还指以某一事物为中心点,在它周边又有一些事物。 那么你知道环绕的英语单词是什么吗下面来学习一下吧。 环绕英语单词1: surround 环绕英语单词2:embrace 环绕英语单词3:encircle 环绕的英语例句:城堡外环围着一条护城河。 There is a moat round the castle. 山顶上薄雾环绕。 Mist wreathed the hilltops. 四周有高高的砖墙环绕的小花园 A tiny ga

2、rden surrounded by high brick walls 这条路环绕著湖往前蜿蜒。 The road sweeps round the lake. 地球环绕太阳运行。 The earth moves round the sun. 这些星星貌似环围着北极星转。 These stars appear to move around the North Star.我们环围着大海(爱琴海)而居,宛如青蛙环围着水塘。 We live around the sea like frogs around a pond. 环绕在我周边的大量商业书籍,从封面上看就很差劲。 Many of the bu

3、siness books that surround me wear their badness on their sleeve. 我在身边环绕能显示我的活力与能量的事物。 I surround myself with things that reflect my aliveness and energy. 在这儿,每逢重要主日、节庆,便有礼仪庆祝,公署周遭由十二根银 柱所环绕。 Twelve silver columns surrounded the main altar on the presbytery. 橡皮圈将其环绕的东西箍得紧紧的。 A rubber band constricts

4、 what it encircles. 大院的四周,绿树环绕。 The compound is surrounded by trees. 这个城市被群山环绕。 The city is surrounded on all sides by hills. 波拉波拉山是一座高耸、屹立、葱翠的山脉,四周环围着茅图斯小群 岛。 Bora Bora is a tall, high green mountain surrounded by a ring of small16) islets called Motus. 面峭壁环绕的海湾。 A bay surrounded on three sides by

5、vertical cliffs. 通明的或不通明碎块环围着丙烯酸分散,它可以安装一个可选的彩色 滤光片。The clear or opaque pieces surround an acrylic diffuser, which can be fitted with an optional color filter. 当春风春来,全体的花都被绿叶环绕。多么美好的风景啊! When green wind blew around, all the flowers seemed to be surrounded by green leaves.What a beautiful sight! 双星是一个由彼此环绕的两个星组成的系统;二元混合物;二进制的二 进制的或与之有关的。 a binary star is a system in which two stars revolve around each other; a binary compound;the binary number system has two as its base. 3


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