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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑了解的英文短语反复考虑的英文短语反复考虑的英文短语 反复考虑的英文短语篇1 1. He spent the next hour going over the trial in his mind. 接下来的一小时里,他在脑子里反复考虑了这次审判。 2. They should think not twice, but thrice, before ignoring such advice. 对于这样的建议,他们理应反复考虑再抉择是否拒绝。 3. He appeared to be still turning the idea about. 他看上去还在反复考虑

2、这个观法. 4. He turned the idea over for a week before replying. 他在答复以前把这个想法反复考虑了一周. 5. Have you chewed on my proposition 你反复考虑我的建议了 吗 6. He was pondering deeply over the matter. 他在反复考虑那件事. 7. I revolved the problem in my mind. 我反复考虑了那个问题. 8. She argued herself into going back. 她经过屡屡反复考虑后抉择返回去了. 9. They

3、 arrived at a decision after much thought at last. 结果他们经过反复考虑后做出了抉择. 10. Consider through relapsing venomous scheme of a bloodcurdling held his mind. 经过反复考虑,一条可怕的毒计占据了他的脑海.11. Customer: Well, after much consideration, Ive decided to install Love. 客户: 嗯, 经过反复考虑之后, 我抉择安装“爱”. 12. For a long time she mu

4、lled over what he had said. 她对他讲的话反复考虑了很久. 13. He turn the matter over in his mind. 他把那事情反复考虑过了. 14. I mulled over the events of the afternoon. 我反复考虑今天下午的一系列事情. 15. He sat there mulling it over. 他坐在那儿,反复考虑这件事. 反复考虑的英文短语篇2 他把那事情反复考虑过了。 He turn the matter over in his mind. 由于课堂根据学生而安置而有很大差异,有时有些简朴的事情会

5、反复 考虑。 Sometimes something as simple as rethinking the times when classes are scheduled makes ahuge difference for students. 同样我们也已经能够反复考虑其他客厅家具的布局和需要(在以后的 文章中我会对此有更多描述)。 Weve also been able to rethink the layout, and necessity, of other living room furniture (Ill writemore about this in a future po

6、st). 如此严格的理由在于,大型零售商要求其供给商为他们货物摆放的货 架支付“货位费”(slottingfees),而这些设计好的货架位置都是经过反复考虑之后 的最正确选择。The reason for this strictness is that big retailers demand “slotting fees” to put suppliers goodson their shelves, and these vary according to which positions are considered to be prime space. Intel和AMD公司都在设计新一代

7、芯片来应对这种要挟,使顾客在选 购平板电脑还是新式PC之间反复考虑。 Intel and AMD are responding with new chips designed to make people think twice beforepicking a tablet over a new PC. 反复考虑为什么,你就会找到问题真正的理由; Think over and over WHY, Then you will find the real reason. 我采纳了他们的邀请并梦想能支持他们,但经过反复考虑,我想我的 展现可能会转移人们对这场活动用意的关注,梦想这场活动的焦点依旧是戴

8、安娜 的生平和付出。 I accepted and wanted to support them. However, on reflection I believe my attendance coulddivert attention from the purpose of the occasion which is to focus on the life and service ofDiana. 举行了反复考虑后,所采用的解决方案是在门户端采用苦求端缓存, 以缓存人工任务信息。 After much consideration, the solution was to create a

9、requester-side cache on the portal sideto cache the human task information. 这样一来,就消释(大片面地)了反复考虑某人是否有加入第一次训练 的球鞋,是否有做报告要用的书,或者是否有去听音乐课要坐的车引起的焦虑。 That way they eliminate (mostly!) those last-minute anxieties over whether someone has soccershoes for the first practice, the books for a report, or a ride

10、 to a music lesson. 反复考虑的英文短语篇3 反复考虑背景! Think about backgrounds again! 她对他讲的话反复考虑了很久。 For a long time she mulled over what he had said.简朴说来,这问题当然反复考虑过,到头来确定是没有手段。 It was a subject, in short, on which reflection would be long indulged, and must be unavailing . 我反复考虑了好些天谢绝了他;他表示可以理解。 I agonized for a

11、few days before thanking him and turning him down; he said he understood. 不要反复考虑最坏的处境。 Dont ruminate about worst-case scenarios . “这真的很好玩,”前锋拉玛。奥多姆提到进击体系的新转变的时候说, “当你在那个进击速度下打球时,你务必反复考虑领会。 Its definitely fun, forward Lamar Odom said of the new twist to the offense. When youreplaying at a speed like

12、that, youre going to turn it over. 经过反复考虑,我们觉得没有手段。 After much deliberation, we found nothing could be done. 乔一向在反复考虑是否要去读研。你是专心的。 Joe has been mulling over the idea of going to graduate school. 卡提比说,欧佩克可能会在12月14日召开下次会议时议论要挟能源安 全的问题(包括欧洲正在反复考虑的这项禁令所带来的影响)。 Mr. Khatibi said energy insecurity-includin

13、g the impact of the mulled European embargo-maybe debated when OPEC next meets on Dec 14. 反复考虑,然后再去做。 Think twice before you do. 经过反复考虑,他结果作出了抉择。 Thinking over and over, finally he made his decision. 他在心里反复考虑这件事。He turned the matter over in his mind. 他坐在那儿,反复考虑这件事。 He sat there mulling it over. 但现在,乐于助人者可能要在停下来扶助事故受害者前反复考虑。 But now, good samaritans may want to think twice before stopping to help accident victims. 但现在,乐于助人者可能要在停下来扶助事故受害者前反复考虑。 But now, good samaritans may want to think twice before stopping to help accident victims. 5


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