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1、 2022新牛津译林高中英语选择性必修四课文翻译Unit1 Honesty and responsibilityTo live a life of honesty and integrity is a responsibility of every decentperson. Noam Chomsky过诚实正直的生活是每一个正派人的责任。 诺姆乔姆斯基Reading  After twenty years二十年后The policeman on the beat walked along the street as he always did. It was barely

2、ten o'clock at night. When he had walked about halfway around a certain block, the policeman suddenly slowed down. In the doorway of a store stood a man, with an unlit cigar in his mouth. As the policeman walked up to him the man spoke up quickly.巡逻的警察像往常一样沿着街道走着。还不到晚上十点。当他走过一个街区大约一半的时候,警察突然放慢了速

3、度。在一家商店的门口站着一个男人,嘴里叼着一支未点燃的雪茄。当警察走近他时,那人很快地大声说起了话。“It's all right, officer," he said. “I'm just waiting for a friend. It's an appointmentmade twenty years ago. There used to be a restaurant where this store stands- 'BigJoe' Brady's restaurant.”“没事的,警官,”他说。“我只是在等一个朋友。这是一个

4、二十年前做的约定。这家商店所在的地方以前有一家餐馆大乔布雷迪餐馆。”“It was here until five years ago," said the policeman. “It was torn down then."“五年前它还在这里,”警察说。“后来它被拆除了。”The man in the doorway struck a match and lit his cigar. The light showed a pale face, with keen eyes, a square jaw and a little white scar near his ri

5、ght eyebrow. His scarfpin was a large diamond, oddly set.站在门口的人划了一根火柴,点燃了雪茄。灯光显得苍白他的脸,一双敏锐的眼睛,一个方下巴,右眉毛附近有一条白色的小伤疤。他的领巾别针是一颗大钻石,镶嵌得很奇怪。“Twenty years ago tonight," said the man, “I dined here with Jimmy Wells, my best friend.He and I were just like two brothers. I was eighteen and Jimmy was twen

6、ty.The next morning I was to leave New York and travel to the West to make my fortune. Well,we agreed that night that we would meet here again exactly twenty years from that date and time, no matter what our conditions might be or from what distance we might have to come. We figured that in twenty y

7、ears each of us ought to have built a life and made our fortunes.”“20年前的今晚,”那人说,“我和我最好的朋友吉米威尔斯在这里吃过饭。他和我就像两兄弟。当时我18岁,吉米20岁。第二天早上,我就要离开纽约,到西部去发家致富。那天晚上,我们约定二十年后在这里再见面,不管我们的情况如何,也不管我们要走多远。我们觉得在二十年里,我们彼此都应建立起自己的生活并发财。”“It sounds pretty interesting," said the policeman. “Rather a long time between

8、meetings, though. Haven't you heard from your friend since you left?”“听起来很有趣,”警察说。不过,两次见面之间的间隔时间相当长。你离开后就没有收到你朋友的来信吗?”“Well, we kept in touch for a year or two, and then we lost contact. But I know Jimmy will meet me here if he's alive, for he always was the truest and most reliable fellow i

9、n the world. He'll never forget. I came a thousand miles to stand in this doorway tonight, and it's worthwhile if my old partner turns up.”“嗯,我们保持了一两年的联系,然后就失去了联系。但我知道,如果吉米还活着,他会来这里见我的,因为他一直是世界上最真诚、最可靠的人。他永远不会忘记。今晚,我从千里之外来到这里,站在这个门口,如果我的老搭档出现了,这是值得的。”The waiting man pulled out a handsome wat

10、ch, set with small diamonds. It was three minutes to ten.那个等着的男人拿出一块镶嵌着小钻石的漂亮手表。现在是十点差三分。“I'll be on my way," said the policeman. “Hope your friend turns up.”“我马上就来,”警察说。“希望你的朋友会出现。”“I'll give him half an hour at least. Bye, officer.”“我至少给他半个小时。再见,长官。”The man who had come a thousand mil

11、es to keep an appointment with the friend of his youth smoked his cigar and waited. About twenty minutes later, a tall man in a long overcoat, with collar turned up to his ears, hurried toward him.这个人从千里之外赶来,是为了和年轻时的朋友约会,他一边抽着雪茄,一边等待着。大约二十分钟后,一个身穿长大衣、衣领翘到耳朵的高个子男人匆匆向他走来。“Is that you, Bob?" he as

12、ked, doubtfully.“是你吗,鲍勃?”他疑惑地问。“Is that you, Jimmy Wells?" shouted the man in the doorway.“是你吗,吉米威尔斯?”门口的人喊道。“Bless my heart!” cried the new arrival. “Well, well, well! Twenty years is a long time! How has the West treated you, old man?”“上帝保佑我的心!新来的叫道。“好,好,好!二十年是一段很长的时间!老伙计,西部对你怎么样?”“It has giv

13、en me everything I asked it for. You've changed lots, Jimmy. I never thought you were tall by two or three inches.”“它给了我想要的一切。你变了很多,吉米。我从没想过你会长高两三英寸。”“Oh, I grew a bit after I was twenty. Come on, Bob; we'll go to a place I know and have a good long talk about old times.”“哦,我二十岁以后长高了一点。来吧,鲍勃

14、;我们要去一个我知道的地方,好好谈谈过去的时光。”The two men walked up the street, arm in arm. The man from the West was beginning to outline the history of his career. At the corner stood a drugstore, brilliant with electric lights. Each of them turned to stare at the other's face. The man from the West stopped sudden

15、ly and released his arm.那两个人手挽着手走在街上。这个从西部来的人开始概述他的职业生涯。街角有一家药店,灯火通明。他们每个人都转过身来盯着对方的脸。那个从西部来的人突然停下来,松开了他的手臂。“As I suspected, you're not Jimmy Wells," he said, impatiently with anger. “Twenty years is a long time, but not long enough to change the shape of a man's nose.”“正如我所怀疑的,你不是吉米威尔斯

16、,”他愤怒地说。“二十年是很长的一段时间,但还不足以改变一个人鼻子的形状。”“It sometimes changes a good man into a bad one," said the tall man, taking charge of the situation. “You've been under arrest for ten minutes, 'Silky' Bob. Chicago police thought you might have dropped over our way and wired us. They want to have a chat with you. Before we go to the station, here's a note for you. It's from Patrolman Wells.”“它有时会把一个好人变成一个坏人,”控制局面的高个子说。“你已经被捕十分钟了,狡猾的鲍勃。芝加哥警方以为你会顺路过来然后给我们发了电报。他们想和你谈谈。在我们去车站之前,这里有张纸条给你。是巡警威尔斯写来的。”The man from the West unfold


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