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1、2022考研英语全题型高分强化教程五(1)Language and communication语言和交际TextOn cross-cultural communicationThere are dozens of books on communicating globally. The trials, tribulations and terrors of attempting to do so have been well documented-tales of linguistic misunderstanding leading to costly mistakes, embarrass

2、ing encounters and humorous assumptions. Many are real, and given the creative range of human imagination, some are apocryphal.That said, do we need yet another book on how to communicate effectively internationally, and if so, is it possible that any revelations can be offered? Surprisingly, the an

3、swers are maybe and yes. The Elements of International English Style manages to carve out another niche in the ongoing quest for global understanding-a not unremarkable achievement. Early on, the book is off-putting because of its somewhat pedantic approach, but before relegating it to the look-at-i

4、t-later stack, the reader should persevere.Author Edmond Weiss notes that while English is the first language of about 400 million people (he calls them E1s), there are more than a billion who speak it as a second language (E2s). All communication risks misunderstanding, Weiss notes, and communicati

5、on between E1s and E2s simply increases those risks. The focus of his book, then, is how to minimize the difficulties in communicating with E2s, especially those trying to understand business and technical documents. Often, he says, the key is to challenge accepted ideas of clarity, to forgo eloquen

6、ce for comprehension and to break a few rules in order to eliminate confusion.One tactic to get the most out of this slender volume is to read it quickly for an overview, noting the areas of miscommunication vulnerability. The book then can serve as a useful reference for avoiding specific linguisti

7、c and cultural minefields. One helpful section describing ways to make life easier for E2 readers details the virtues of simplified syntax, aggressive punctuation and readable typefaces. Another chapter offers tips to prepare copy for translation and for correspondence. Also helpful is a checklist f

8、or internationalizing a web site.Despite the books academic trappings (carefully noted sources, discussion questions and sometimes stuffy vocabulary), Weiss unexpectedly introduces bits of humor to reward the diligent reader. Speaking of jargon, for example, he comments, Impact as a verb has no plac

9、e in writing, except for those who are discussing asteroids and wisdom teeth. And he gains credibility with his observation, Americans will overuse basically in much the way that British E1s overuse actually; as far as I can tell, neither word means anything at all.The usual admonitions about global

10、 communication appear: no slang, no jargon, no sarcasm or irony, no idiomatic expressions, no cultural or literary allusions, no military or sports vocabulary and/or anything else that might befuddle an E2 attempting a literal translation. Also included are such anomalous ideas as substituting longe

11、r, more complex words with a single meaning for simpler words with many meanings, and hyphenating normally unhyphenated words to improve comprehension.Other useful sections summarize principles of simplicity, clarity, correspondence and cultural adaptation, and writing for translation. Readers reluc

12、tant to plunge into uncharted international semantic seas can test the waters by completing an exercise in Appendix 2, Sentences that Need Editing. In fact, this is not a bad way for a communication manager to introduce his or her staff to some of the more obvious traps.Weiss also discusses how diff

13、erent cultural values can affect communication. He notes, for example, that in the U.S., people in business are admired for directness, lack of formality and effective use of time-traits seen in other parts of the world as rude, uncultured and immature. In the end, if nothing else, reading Weiss boo

14、k should heighten ones international cultural sensitivity.Reading comprehension1. According to Edmund Weiss, the key to minimizing the difficulties in communicating with E2s does not include_.A avoid cultural minefieldsB challenge accepted ideas of clarityC forgo eloquence for comprehensionD break a

15、 few rules to eliminate confusion2. What does the author want to tell us by quoting impact as a verb has no place in writing?A Jargon is difficult to understand.B It is necessary to try to avoid the use of jargon in communication.C He wants to show his sense of humor.D He wants to gain credibility.3

16、. Edmunds suggestions on making global communication clearer include the following except_.A avoid the use of cultural literary allusionsB use simple words with many meaningsC hyphenate normally unhyphenated wordsD avoid idiomatic expressions4. What aspect does Weiss discuss apart from the language that can also affect communication?A Body languag



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