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1、2022年12月英语六级阅读练习题:我为奔牛狂英语阅读在四六级考试中的重要性不言而喻,为了帮同学们更好的提高阅读水平,帮助大家备考,我四六级频道为大家整理了2022年12月英语六级阅读练习题:我为奔牛狂一文,希望对大家备考有所帮助,并预祝同学们高分通过考试。2022年12月高校英语六级阅读精练50篇汇总英语六级阅读理解精炼第11篇,练习关于我为奔牛狂,含有六级阅读练习题,参考译文,答案等内容。供正在打算英语六级考试的学习者参考学习。11. craze in first run of bullsbulls and humans alike slipped and slid on the cobb

2、lestone streets, but the first of pamplona s annual runs with the bulls was largely free of injury as thousands of daredevils2 sprinted with the half-ton animals.some runners, sounding disappointed, said they would seek out greater danger in coming days as the widely popular, centuries-old san fermi

3、n3 festival serves up six more runs this week.“ it was a bit timid, to be honest. nowhere near as scary as in the books, ”said johnny, 26, from new zealand, here for the first time after reading about san fermin on a website.“tomorrow we are going to try and run a bit closer to the bulls and get a b

4、it more adrenaline, ”added his friend, richard, 26 , cradling the days first beer.the streets were slightly slick with morning dew as six fighting bulls and six steers dashed from a corral along the 900 -yard course through the citys old quarter to the bull ring.at two sharp turns, several bulls sli

5、pped and went down with a heavy thud, and two bulls were separated from the pack. and a minor pileup of fallen runners formed at the tunnel leading into the bullring. bulls jumped or stepped over the runners.thousands of people watching in the street and from balconies shouted as the bulls rumbled t

6、hrough the citys old quarter, taking just over two and a half minutes to cover course.no one was gored, although four people who were trampled were hospitalized for treatment of head, chest, rib or leg injuries. none was seriously hurt.the steers are meant to keep the bulls more or less in a cluster

7、 a spooked, isolated bull is very dangerousthe fiesta 4, famed for its all-night street parties, dates back to the late 16 th century but gained world fame from ernest hemingway5s novel the sun also rises. tens of thousands from all over the world have been pouring into pamplona for the annual festi

8、val ever since .阅读自测. find the words in the pass age with meaning similar to the following phrases :1. happening every year ( )2. causing fear and alarm ( )3. move suddenly and quickly; rush ( )4. travel a certain distance ( )5. ( cause people or things to) come or go in a continuous stream ( ). are

9、 the se sta tements true o r fa lse a ccording to the ar ticle ?1. on the first day of pamplonas annual runs with bulls, no one was serious hurt.2. a lot of runners were gored by bulls.3. it only took the bulls two minutes to cover the 900-yard course .4. the annual san fermin festival attracts thou

10、sands of people all over the world to pamplona. 5. the fiesta gained world fame in the late 16 th century.参考答案. 1. annual 2. scary 3. dash 4. cover 5 . pour. 1. t 2. f 3 . f 4 . t 5 . f参考译文我为奔牛狂 在 鹅卵石铺成的街道上, 人牛混杂, 跌爬滚打。潘普洛纳一年一度的奔牛节拉开了帷 幕, 第一天就有数以万计的冒险家与重达半吨的公牛竞赛冲刺, 所幸基本没有人员伤亡。 一些参与了奔牛的人略带悲观地表示, 他们希望

11、在将来几天里能体验到更多惊险。这 个广受欢迎、历史悠久的圣 佛尔明节在一周内还将实行六轮奔牛。来自新西兰的26 岁青年约翰尼说:“ 醇厚说这只是有一点吓人, 但根本不能和书上惊 036 心 动魄的描写同日而语。”他是在网上了解了圣 佛尔明节后第一次来这里参与奔牛的。 约翰尼的挚友 26 岁的理查德手捧当天的第一杯啤酒补充说:“ 明天我们会跑得离 公牛更近一点儿, 找寻更多的刺激。” 沾有晨露的路面有些湿滑。六头大公牛和六头小公牛冲出牛栏, 沿着从旧城区到斗牛 场的900 码跑道狂奔不止。 在两个急转弯处, 几头公牛滑倒并在两个急转弯处, 几头公牛滑倒并重重地跌在地上, 有两头公牛掉了队; 与此

12、同时, 在 通向斗牛场的巷道里, 奔跑中跌倒的人们又造成了一点小混乱。公牛或跃过人堆, 或干脆 踩踏而过。 当这群公牛穿过旧城区时, 街道上和阳台上数以万计的观众都欢呼大叫。公牛跑完全 程只用了两分半钟多一点。 整个奔牛过程中没有人被牛顶伤, 只有四个人被牛踩伤。他们已住院接受头部、胸部、 肋骨和腿部等伤处的治疗, 但伤势都不严峻。 奔牛时放逐一些小公牛是为了尽可能使大公牛聚集成群, 那些因为受惊而离群的公牛 是相当危急的。 圣 佛尔明节以彻夜街头狂欢而著名。这个庆典的历史可以追溯到16 世纪末, 但真 正使其声名大噪的是厄内斯特 海明威的小说太阳照样升起。从那以后, 每年都会有 数以万计的游客从世界各地云集潘普洛纳, 参与一年一度的庆典。2022年12月高校英语六级阅读精练50篇汇总本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第5页 共5页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页



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