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1、2022年12月英语六级阅读练习:汽车系统2022年12月六级考试立刻到来了,为了让同学们更好打算六级考试,我特殊整理了2022年12月英语六级阅读练习:汽车系统,希望可以为大家带来帮助, 预祝大家高分通过考试。Navigation computers, now sold by most car-makers, cost $2,000 and up. No surprise, then, that they aremost often found in luxury cars, like Lexus,BMWand Audi. But it is a developing technology-

2、meaningprices should eventually drop-and the market doesseem to be growing.Even at current prices, a navigation computer is impressive. It can guide you from point topoint in most major cities with precise turn-by-turn directions-spoken by a clear human-sounding voice. and written on ascreen in fron

3、t of the driver.The computer works with an antenna (天线) that takes signals from no fewer than three or the24, global positioning system (GPS) satellites. By measuring the time required for a signal totravel between the satellites and the antenna. the cars location can be pinned down within l00 meter

4、s.The satellite signals. along with inputs on speed from a wheel-speed sensor and direction froma meter, determine the cars position even as it moves. This information is combined with amap database. Streets, landmarks and points of interest are included.Most systems are basically identical. The dif

5、ferences come in hardware-the way the computeraccepts the drivers request for directions and the way it presents the driving instructions. Onmost systems, a driver enters a desired address, motorway junction or point of interest via atouch screen or disc. But the Lexusscreen goes a step further: you

6、 can point to any spot onthe map screen and get directions to it.BMWs system offers a set of cross hairs(瞄准器上的的十字纹)that can be moved across themap (you have several choices of map scale) to pick a point youd like to get to. Audis screencan be switched to TV reception.Even the voices that recite the

7、directions can differ, with better systems like BMWs andLexuss having awider vocabulary. The instructions are available in French. German, Spanish, Dutch and Italian, as well asEnglish. The driver can also choose parameters for determining theroute: fastest, shortest or no freeways(高速马路), for exampl

8、e.1. We learn from the passage. that navigationcomputers_.A) will greatly promote sales of automobilesB) may help solve potential traffic problemsC) are likely to be accepted by more driversD) will soon be viewed as a symbol of luxury2. With a navigation computer, a driver will easily find the best

9、route to hisdestination_.A) by inputting the exact addressB) by indicating the location of bis carC) by checking his computer databaseD) by giving vocal orders to the computer3. Despite their varied designs, navigation computers used incars_.A) are more or leas the same priceB) provide directions in

10、 much the same wayC) work on more or less the same principlesD) receive instructions from the same satellites4. The navigation computer functions_.A) by means of a direction finder and a speed detectorB) basically on satellite signals and a map databaseC) mainly through the reception of turn-by-tum

11、directionsD) by using a screen to display satellite signals5. The navigation systems in cars like Lexus. BMW and Audi are mentioned toshow_.A) the immaturity of the new technologyB) the superiority of the global positioning systemC) the cause of price fluctuations in car equipmentD) the different wa

12、ys of providing guidance to the driver1.从文章中我们得知,导航电脑_。A)会大大提高汽车的销售B)可以帮助解决潜在的交通问题C)很可能会被更多的司机所接爱D)很快会被视作奢侈品的象征C依据文章第1段“这是一项正在发展的技术,而且其市场还有很大的潜力”,可推断,它将被越来越多的驾驶员接受。故选C。2.有了导航电脑,司机就能很简单找到去目的地的路途,方法是_。A)输入精确的地址B)显示汽车的位置C)检查电脑的数据库D)对电脑发出口头指令A依据文章第5段“在大多数电脑系统中,驾驶员只需触模屏幕输入要去的地方即可”,由此可推断,输入准确的目的地就是驾驶员要做的事


14、凌志,BMW和奥迪的车用导航系统,是为了显示_。A)新技术的不成熟性B)全球定位系统的优越性C)汽车设备价钱波动的缘由D)为驾驶员指路的不同方式D依据文章第5段提出的观点(见第3题),在以下的几段中,围绕此观点,文章详细举例说明白安装了导航电脑的这几种车型在这两方面究竟有什么不同,也就是说在给驾驶员供应指令方面究竟有什么不同。由此可推断D正确。本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第5页 共5页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页



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