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1、商务经济学课程简介课程编号12ECO130课程名称商务经济学课程性质必修学 时48学 分2学时分配授课:48实验:上机:0实践:0实践(周):0考核方式闭卷考试,平时成绩占50% ,期末成绩占50% o开课学院国际教育学院更新时间适用专业财务管理(中澳合作)先修课程大学英语课程内容:商务经济学是财务管理(中澳合作)专业的一门必修课,也是一门专业基础课。本课程旨在向学生介绍基本的经济学概念和原理。在学习完成本课程之后,学生们能够理解和把握对于当前商务经济环境的基本讨论,并在此基础上有效地参与到商务战略的制定中。本课程是初级水平的介绍性质的经济学课程,包括微观经济问题和宏观经济问题。本课程的微观部

2、分旨在向学生介绍经济分析工具、理解价格的形成及其厂商和消费者的行为、掌握基本的市场结构模型及其效率。在宏观部分主要涵盖了一些关键的宏观经济学概念,包括GDP的衡量、经济周期、通货膨胀和失业、财政政策和货币政策等等。Brief IntroductionCodeECO 130TitleBusiness EconomicsCourse natureRequiredSemester Hours 48 Credits 2Semester HourStructureLecture: 44 Experiment: 0 Computer Lab: 0 Practice: 0Practice (Week): 0

3、AssessmentClosed book examination, regular grade accounted for 50%, the final gradeaccounted for 50%Offered byInternational Education CollegeDateforFinancial Management (Sino-Australian cooperation)PrerequisiteCollege EnglishCourse Description:Business Economics is the compulsory subject for the stu

4、dents majored in Financial Management(Sino-Australian cooperation), and it is a basic course for this major. This subject will introducestudents to the key economic concepts and principles. After completing this subject, students willbe able to follow discussions about the current business environme

5、nt and effectively participate inthe formulation of business strategies. The subject is designed as a combination of micro andmacro issues at an introductory level. The first half of the subject introduces students to the toolsof economic analysis, an understanding of price formation, the behavior o

6、f firms and consumersand the basic models of market structure and their efficiency. The second half of the subject coversthe key macroeconomic concepts, such as measuring GDP, business cycles, inflation andunemployment, and fiscal and monetary policy.商务经济学课程教学大纲课程编号12ECO130课程名称商务经济学课程性质必修学 时48学 分2学时

7、分配授课:48实验:上机:0实践:0实践(周):0考核方式闭卷考试,平时成绩占50% ,期末成绩占50% o开课学院国际教育学院更新时间适用专业财务管理(中澳合作)先修课程大学英语一、教学内容Topic 1 What is economics?Topic 2 Demand & supplyTopic 3 Elasticity and applicationsTopic 4 Firms, production and costsTopic 5 Market structure: perfect competion and monopolyTopic 6 Market failure and th

8、e role of governmentTopic 7 Basic macroeconomic conceptsTopic 8 Aggregate demand and supplyTopic 9 Fiscal policyTopic 10 Monetary policyTopic 11 Other macroeconomic issues (unemployment, inflation, exchange rates)二、教学基本要求Topic 1 What is economics?In this topic, the major concepts of the science of e

9、conomics are introduced. All economicquestions and problems arise from the existence of scarcity. This is because wants always exceedresources. This concept has nothing to do with wealth. Money income may be the most limitingfactor among people with low incomes, however wealthy people also face scar

10、city - time may bethe limiting resource in their case. Economics seeks to understand how society solves the fivemajor questions in the face of this scarcity. That is the what, how, when, where and who about thegoods and services that are produced.Topic 2 Demand & supplyIn this topic, the most import

11、ant model of economics is introduced - demand and supply. Thisintroduces the concepts of consumer and producer behaviour that form the basis of analysis insubsequent topics in the course. Buyers and sellers come together to form a market - which cantake many forms depending on the level of competiti

12、on among sellers. It ranges from a highlycompetitive market where there are many sellers - perfect competition - to markets where there isonly one seller - a monopoly. These different market structures are introduced in Topic 5.Topic 3 Elasticity and applicationsIn this topic we will examine three m

13、easures of elasticity, price elasticity of demand, incomeelasticity of demand and cross price elasticity of demand. Elasticity of demand measures theresponsiveness of changes in quantity demanded to changes in price. Elasticity is another word forresponsiveness. In the previous topic on demand and s

14、upply, you learned about the Law ofDemand which states that as the price of a particular good increases, the quantity demanded ofthat good decreases- so we know the direction that quantity demanded will go in response to achange in price. This topic expands on that concept by determining by how much

15、 consumers willrespond to a change in price.Topic 4 Firms, production and costsThis topic introduces the next phase in this subject - the analysis of business structure andoperation. In this topic the firms cost of production are examined. We begin by defining the shortrun and the long run. These are not calendar time periods but refer to the fixity of resources in thefirm. In the short run at least one input is fixed - it is a time period to short to have increases in allinputs. Usually the fixed input is capital or land,


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