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1、2020 届高考英语一轮复习unit1三维设计方案能力训练模块一牛津版必修1 1 / 10 2020;2020 届高考一轮复习三维设计方案能力训练- 牛津英语模块一 Unit1 . 完形填空词数 381难度系数 建议用时15(2020;2020 淮南质量检测 ) Lucky to have him When I met him ,I had a lot of anger inside of me. I never had a father ,though in my neighborhood thats not_1_. I know some kids just like me. You ha

2、ve to _2_ yourself. There are fights and killings all the time. I have friends who ended up in jail or pregnant. I could have ended up that way,too , _3_ Mr Clark and my mom wouldnt let that happen. Mr Clark worked long hours , making sure I did my work. My grades rose. In fact ,I did so well that i

3、n sixth grade ,I entered the _4_ class , and Mr Clark was the teacher. I felt so _5_ to have him for a second year! He took our class to see The Phantom of the Opera. Before the show ,he _6_ us to dinner at a restaurant and taught us not to talk with our mouths full. We didnt want to let him _7_ ,so

4、 we listened to him attentively. _8_ of us were surprised when Mr Clark was selected as Disneys 2000 Teacher of the Year. When he learned hed won ,he said he would _9_ three names out of a hat; he would go to Los Angeles to get the _10_ with those students. But _11_ it came time to draw names , Mr C

5、lark said ,“ Youre all going. ”He got _12_ to fly all 37 of us out to Disneyland in California and put us up at the Hilton. People were _13_ ,but Mr Clark really cared about us. Theres no way I can _14_ most teachers doing that. No way. But he saw something in us that nobody else saw. 2020 届高考英语一轮复习

6、unit1三维设计方案能力训练模块一牛津版必修1 2 / 10 On graduation day,there were a lot of tears. We didnt want his class to _15_. In the new school year,we were all happy when Mr Clark _16_ in our class once again. Hes been a _17_ in our lives. In 2020;2020 , Mr Clark took someof us on a trip to South Africa to _18_ sc

7、hool supplies and visit orphanages. It was the most amazing _19_ of my life. Its now my _20_ to one day start a group of womens clubs,helping people from all backgrounds. 语篇解读:“我”没有父亲,从小生活在充满暴力和杀戮的街区,可是“我”并无像“我”的一些朋友那样进入牢狱,原由正是“我”有克拉克老师。在他的帮助下,我圆满达成了学业,此刻“我”的梦想就是创办妇女俱乐部,帮助各个阶层的人们。1 A.common B normal

8、 C real 分析:从下句D unusual I know some kids just like me 可知:像我这样没有父亲的( 现象) ,在我们街区是很广泛的。 common “一般的”; normal “正常的”; real “真实的”; unusual “不平常的”。答案: D 2 A.encourageBwatch C comfortDtolerate 分析:从下句 There are fights and killings all the time 当心点。 watch yourself“当心,珍重”。可知:你一定要答案: B 3 A.but Btherefore C othe

9、rwiseDor 分析:我有朋友最后进了牢狱或怀胎了。我原来也会是那样的结局,但克拉克先生和我母亲没让那样的事情发生。前后句子之间是转折关系,故用but 。答案: A 4 A.localBgeneral C giftedDsacred 2020 届高考英语一轮复习unit1三维设计方案能力训练模块一牛津版必修1 3 / 10 分析:以前方的I did so well that in sixth grade可推知:因我功课学得好,因此我上了才能班。gifted “有才能的”。答案: C 5 A.suddenBlucky C annoyedDanxious 分析:联系上下文可知:多亏有了克拉克先生

10、,因此说我是好运的。sudden “忽然的”; lucky “好运的”; annoyed “烦忧的”; anxious “焦虑的”。答案: B 6 A.treatedBdirected C showedDswapped 分析:从 at a restaurant可知:他请我们吃饭。treat sb. to dinner“请某人吃饭”。答案: A 7 A.off C up 分析:从Bout Ddown so we listened to him attentively 可知:我们不想让他绝望。let sb. down “使某人绝望”。答案: D 8 A.Some BAny CNoneDMany 分

11、析:当克拉克先生被评为“年度教师”时,没有人感觉惊讶。答案: C 9 A.give C enter 分析:联系下文Bdraw Dregister .it came time to draw names 可知答案。答案: B 10A.reward Bbonus CdiplomaDaward 2020 届高考英语一轮复习unit1三维设计方案能力训练模块一牛津版必修1 4 / 10 分析:他要去洛杉矶领奖。 reward “酬劳”; bonus “盈利,津贴”; diploma “毕业文凭”; award “奖金,奖品”。答案: D 11A.afterBwhen CbeforeDsince 分析:

12、可是当到了抽名字的时候,他却说:“你们都去吧。”when“当时”。答案: B 12A.donations Bsuggestions Crequests Dmessages 分析:他获得了资助,我们全体37 名学生乘飞机到了加州的Disneyland 。donation “资助”; suggestion “建议”; request “要求”; message “信息”。答案: A 13A.excitedBsatisfied CashamedDamazed 分析:从上句可知:看到我们这么多学生,人们都很诧异。 excited “激动的”;satisfied “满意的”; ashamed “惭愧的”

13、; amazed “惊讶的,诧异的”。答案: D 14A.suggestBadvocate CimagineDcomplain 分析:联系上句可知,我能想象出大部分老师不会这样做。而我们的老师能这样做。 suggest “建议”; advocate “倡导”; imagine “想象”; complain “诉苦”。答案: C 15A.endBstart CcontinueDlast 分析:联系文章内容可知,我们对老师流连忘返,不希望他的课程结束。end“结束”。答案: A 16A.picked up Bshowed up 2020 届高考英语一轮复习unit1三维设计方案能力训练模块一牛津版

14、必修1 5 / 10 Crang upDpacked up 分析:新学年开始,当克拉克老师又出此刻我们教室时,我们都特别快乐。 pick up“捡起”; show up “出现”; ring up “打电话”; pack up “打包,整理”。答案: B 17A.colleagueBsponsor CsuccessDconstant 分析:他向来跟从着我们。 colleague “ 同 事 ” ; sponsor “ 赞 助者 ” ;success “成功的人”; constant “不变的事物, 常量”,这里指老师向来跟我们在一同。答案: D 18A.deliverBcollect Cdis

15、playDrecommend 分析:从 orphanages 可知,老师是带我们去南非散发生活用品的。 deliver “散发,递送”; collect “采集”; display “展出”; recommend “介绍”。答案: A 19A.adventureBexperience CvacationDinterview 分析:这是我生命中最存心思的经历。 adventure “冒险”; experience “经历”; vacation “假期”; interview “采访”。答案: B 20A.turnBconclusion CdreamDdemand 分析:此刻我的梦想就是创办妇女俱

16、乐部,帮助各个阶层的人们。 turn “轮次”;conclusion “结论”;dream “梦想”;demand “要求”。答案: C . 阅读理解词数 292难度系数 建议用时6(2020;2020 福州质测 )On the first day of my new high school ,I almost 2020 届高考英语一轮复习unit1三维设计方案能力训练模块一牛津版必修1 6 / 10 had a nervous breakdown.Everything about the school seemedso difficult.When I got home ,my parents said ,“ Youre nervous and thats okay.Everyone is afraid of high school. ”I denied it.I wanted to be strong ,so I refused to let anyone know about my fear ,even my closest friends. On the first day I



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