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1、2020 届高考英语一轮复习SB Units19 -20 精品学案大纲人教版1 / 12 SB Units 19 -201. Shylock, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?(SB U19)夏洛克,假如你不饶恕他人,你又怎么希望自己获取他人的饶恕呢?when 在这里相当于 if,“假如,既然,考虑到”。Why do you want a new job when youve got such a good one already? 既然你已经有了一份这么好的工作,为何还要找新的呢?when 还有以下用法:(1) 并

2、列连词,“就在那时,这时”。We were having a meeting when a man broke in. 我们正在开会这时一个人闯了进来。We were about to set off, when suddenly it began to rain. 我们正准备出发,这时忽然下起雨来了。(2) 固然,只管。指引退步状语从句。They kept trying when they must have known it was hopeless. 他们明显知道那事没希望,但还持续干。How can you expect to learn anything _ ( 既然你从不听讲 )?

3、 We were walking by the river _( 忽然听到有人喊救命)【答案】when you never listen when suddenly we heard someone crying for help 2. He is so young, but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head. (SB U19) 2020 届高考英语一轮复习SB Units19 -20 精品学案大纲人教版2 / 12 他特别年青,但我素来没有想到这样年青竟会有一个这样聪慧的脑袋。句式: so+adj.+a+n. 在一个名词词组中,

4、不定冠词 aan 往常用在形容词的前方,如 a serious mistake 。可是,假如形容词前方有so, too, how 时, a an 就该放在形容词后边,组成so too/how+adj.+ a an+n. 的构造。假如没有不定冠词,就不可以用这个构造。(1) 老师出了一道这样难的题目致使大家都做不出来。_ (2) 他是这样聪慧的男孩以致于 5 岁就学了 2000 个单词。_ The teacher gave us so difficulta problem that we all couldn t work itout. He is so wise a boy that he h

5、ad learned 2000 words by the age of 5. ( ) How did you find this book? Interesting or annoying? It s _ book that I cant understand half of it. A. too difficult aB. so a difficult C. such a difficultD. rather a difficult C too rather 不与后边的that 搭配;选项B 改为 so difficult a 。3. It was four oclock in the af

6、ternoon when he and his grandpa reached the museum 他和他爷爷抵达博物馆的时候是下午4 点。2020 届高考英语一轮复习SB Units19 -20 精品学案大纲人教版3 / 12 这时的 when 指引的时间状语从句,注意比较重申构造: It is/was that It was 4 oclock when she returned. It was at 4 oclock that she returned. ( 还不到 8 点) when he arrived. It was at 8 oclock( 他到的时候 ) 【答案】It was

7、not yet 8 oclockthat he arrived4. Iron came later, in what was called the Iron Age. (SB U20) 以后,也就是在所谓的铁器时代,出现了铁器。what is/was called或 what people call/called是习惯说法,意为“所谓的,人们常说的”,相当于so-called。We now live _( 被称为 )the Information Age. He graduated from _(所谓的) a key high school. A modern city has been se

8、t up in _ was a wasteland ten years ago. A. whatB. which C. thatD. where 【答案】in what is calledwhat was calledA what 指引名词性从句作介词in 的宾语。2020 届高考英语一轮复习SB Units19 -20 精品学案大纲人教版4 / 12 课文原句高考比较课文原句高考比较Ive kept my side ofI bought a dress for only 10 dollars in the bargain and I expect a sale; it was a real

9、_.(2020;2020 him to keep his.东卷 ) 我恪守我方协议 ( 的承诺 ) ,我 A. exchange B. bargain 希望他也这样。C. trade D. business 山分析:选 B。句意:我只花了10 美元就买了一套裙子,真划算。从比较中,我们可知 bargain 的意思为“协议,交易,低价货”等。课文原句高考比较课文原句高考比较Therefore,go down onProgress so far has been very good. your knees and beg the Duke_, we are sure that the projec

10、t will be for pleted on time.(2020;2020浙江卷) 所以,跪下,恳求公爵谅解。A. However B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. Besides 分析:选 C。句意:迄今为止,全部进展顺利,所以,我们确信这一项目将会得以准时达成。2020 届高考英语一轮复习SB Units19 -20 精品学案大纲人教版5 / 12 课文原句高考比较课文原句高考比较Shylock, howcan you hopeShe had just finished her homework for mercy yourselfwhen you _ her

11、mother asked her to practise show none?playing the piano yesterday.(2020;2020 夏洛克,假如你不饶恕他人,卷) 你又怎能希望自己获取他人A. whenB. while 的饶恕呢?C. afterD. since 福建分析:选A。社交用语Well done and congratulations to you. (Thanks very much.) Happy New Year! Merry Christmas to you! (Thank you! The same to you!) I wish you succe

12、ss. Best wishes to you! Happy birthday! (Thank you!) Thanks a million!万分感谢!Thanks a lot! Thank you so much. I don t know how to thank you. 2020 届高考英语一轮复习SB Units19 -20 精品学案大纲人教版6 / 12 真不知该如何感谢你!I m really grateful to you!特别感谢你!That s most kind of you. Youre kind. 在回答他人的感谢时,常说:It s most thoughtful of

13、 you. Youre welcome. Not at all. That s all right. 你想得真周祥。I m delighted to have been able to do that for you. 能为你效力我很快乐。It was the least I could do. It s my pleasure.很愿意!Dont mention it.不用谢了。这是我应当做的。Youd better (not) do You should do You need (not) do Why don t you do? / Why not do ? What/How about+

14、 名词或动名词?Shall we? Let s, shall we? (1) 请给某人或某单位打电话Would/Could/Can you ring? 请你给打电话好吗?2020 届高考英语一轮复习SB Units19 -20 精品学案大纲人教版7 / 12 (2) 电话拨不通时,说:I ll try again later. 过一会儿再打。The line is busy. I can t get through. 电话占线,拨不通。(3) 电话拨通后互相打招呼:Hello, is that speaking? Who is that speaking/calling? 你是谁?Yes, (

15、this is) speaking. (4) 打电话请对方找人或留言:Isin/at home? Can/May/Could I speak to, please? Will/Would you give a message to, please? Hold on/Wait a minute/One moment, please. Can I take a message? Would you mind waiting just a few minutes? May I have your order? May I look at your menu? Here is our menu. Is

16、 there any free seat? Take your time, please. (1) 表示“恳求,赞同”:Can/May/Could I,please? (Of course./With pleasure./Sorry, I (2) 表示“供给”:m afraid you can t.) 2020 届高考英语一轮复习SB Units19 -20 精品学案大纲人教版8 / 12 What can I do for you? Let me help you with Would you like a cup of tea? (Yes, thank you. / No, thank you just the same. Thank you, but I can manage it myself.) (3) 问路和应答Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to the washroom? How far is the post office, please? () 1. Was he sorry for what hed done? _. (



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