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1、2020 届高考英语一轮复习精选阅读理解文章六十篇(30) 1 / 2 南非一女性被犀牛攻击A 24- year-old woman was seriously injured by a rhino moments after posin g for a photograph with it, South Africas Beeld newspaper reports. 南非映像报报导,一位 24 岁女士在犀牛旁边摄影后立刻被其攻击,受伤严重。Chantal Beyer posed with her husband Sven Fouche beside the rhinos moments b

2、efore one of them attackedher Chantal Beyer suffered injuries to her should er, lungs and ribs after being gored at the Aloe Ridge Hotel and Game Reserve, some 40km from Johannesburg. 2020 届高考英语一轮复习精选阅读理解文章六十篇(30) 2 / 2 Ms Beyer, a student from West Rand, was with her husband and severa people on a

3、game drive in the reserve. l other She is said to be in a serious but stable condition in hospital. South Africa is home to some th ree-quarters of the wo rlds rhinoceros popul ation ofabout 28,000 animals. But the coun try has seen a sub st antial rise in poaching in the pa st yea amid a report ed growing demand for rhino horn in parts of Asia where it is believed to have medicinal powers. r



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