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1、2021年长沙市初中学业水平考试试卷IL阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面的材料,从每题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Hotel Workers WantedIsabella Hotel is a top hotel in the center of Queensland. Were looking for experienced waitersand waitresses. You are expected to work from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.Youshould be healthy be wel

2、l-dressed be reliable 得信赖的)If you join us, you will get $ 400 every week all meals for free a separate room one free day every weekIf you are interested in this job, you can write to jobhunt.21. How long should the workers at Isabella Hotel work in a day?C. For eight hours.C. All meals for free.A. F

3、or three hours.B. For seven hours.22. What will Isabella Hotel provide for the workers?A. 400 dollars a month.B. Two free days a week.答案:2122CCWhen we talk about the UK, what will you think of? Big Ben, Downing Street and Tower Bridge are always our hottopics (话题).But there are many other facts abou

4、t the UK. Come and see!The most popular museum is the British Museum in London. Over six millionpeople visit it every year. It is open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. But onFriday, the closing time is 8:30 p.m.The River Severn starts in Wales and flows(流)through western England. Ifswell known for the S

5、evern Bore一a tall wave(波*良)of water that regularly(定期地)flows up the river from the sea.Hungry? Beef and chicken are tasty, fruit and vegetables are healthy, andsandwiches are simple. Short of money? The cheapest food is fish andchips(炸鱼薯条).And its delicious.23. When can we visit the British Museum?A

6、. At 9:00 a. m., Monday. B. At 10:30 a. m., Tuesday. C. At 9:30 p. m., Friday.24. What is the River Severn famous for?A. Its tall wave of water.B. Its beautiful riverbank. C. Its deep river bed.25. The reading material (材料)above is most probably.A. a business plan答案:2325BABB. a travel guideC. a scie

7、nce reportCFrom an early age, we were taught that if we wanted to be successful, we had to study hard and get good resultsat school. In fact, good students may just end up doing jobs they dont like, and some even lead an unhappy life. Whyis it like that?In some parents9 eyes, school grades matter mo

8、st for their kids. In reality, there are many things to considerbesides the school subjects, for example, how to be a happy person, what to do to keep healthy, and how to get alongwell with others. That is to say, school is not just enough if you want to have a great life.Doing well in school is dif

9、ferent from doing well in life. Studies show that people who failed at school may notend up failing in life. You may have already known that some famous people, like Thomas Edison and Steve Jobs,didnt do very well at school or even failed to finish school. In fact, there are a lot more than just the

10、 big shots whoare successful in life without finishing school. They seize (抓住)every chance to learn and finally make it to the top.Life is really a long lesson, so long that you cant define (界定)a persons success by just onesection ( 部分)of it. If you have already finished school, keep learning becaus

11、e what you have learned at school willnever be enough to live a satisfying life. If you are still studying, whether you are good or bad at school, dont takeyour school results too seriously as long as you have put your heart into it. Keep learning to make the most of yourtalents (天赋).Thats how you c

12、an live a happy and successful life.26. Whats the writers main purpose of writing Paragraph (段落)One?A. To introduce a topic.B. To give examples. C. To provide a solution.27. In some parents9 eyes, whafs the most important for their kids based on Paragraph Two?A. Being happy.B. Staying healthy.C. Get

13、ting good grades.28. What does the underlined expression “big shots” in the third paragraph mean?A.好学生B.神枪手C.大人物29. According to the passage, which sentence may agree with the writers idea?A. It takes money to be successful.B. School grades arent everything.C. Successful people never finish school.3

14、0. What can we infer (推断)from the text?A. Old habits die hard.B. Learning is a lifelong journey.C. Good grades always promise a successful life.答案:2630ACCBBDMartin Strel is a swimmer, best known for swimming the worlds big rivers.He was born in 1954. He taught himself to swim when he was six and bec

15、ame aprofessional (职业的)swimmer in 1978. Martin holds Guinness World Records forswimming the Danube River, the Mississippi River, the Yangtze River and theAmazon River.Of all his achievements, the greatest is his Amazon River swim. The AmazonTHERE IS A MAN. A MAN WHO HAS SWUM 22,000/OF THE WORLDS DEADLIEST WATERWAYSA MAN THAT LAUGHS IN TBB VAOB OFDRINKS BOTTLES OF WINE A DAYAMANWH0H1SBIUVED THE YANGTZE AND Will NOW110 dATTLe WITHTHE DANUBE THE MISSISSIPPImtnuGioYAmflzonHIS NAME IS1IARTIX USTBELBUMbut youoan oallVERMAN



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